Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1664: negotiation

Yi Tianyun suddenly appeared in front of the evil emperor, but also grinned, and did not worry that the evil emperor would shoot himself. After all, in front of him is a thick shield, there is no need to worry about the evil emperor attacking himself.

"You are the domain master here?" The evil emperor looked up and down Yi Tianyun, his eyes staring at him.

"Yes, I am the domain master here. I don't know if the evil emperor came to my domain, what is it?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

The evil emperor naturally does not know himself, and the Yunyun **** is not here. Naturally, he will not know who he is. As for the top five of the blacklist, the evil emperor is also not very clear.

In the end, it is a sentence. He does not pay attention to these trivial things. The things he needs to do are very simple. That is how to break this barrier, and how to break through to the emperor is so simple.

The rest of the matter does not require him to worry about it. Therefore, he not only does not know the blacklist, but also does not know that there are so strange gods.

"Is my family hiding in your gods? I don't know what compensation he gives you. Just let me in and catch them. I will give you ten times the reward!" The evil emperor could not come in, only Use the lure way to get yourself in.

These low-level methods, there are really many gods will be willing to eat. Yi Tianyun is not a fool. For the time being, regardless of the amount of remuneration, this evil emperor comes in and does not level off his power.

"Let your evil spirits come in, my power is afraid that they will be swallowed up by you?" Yi Tianyun said to him with a smile.

"How is this possible? I will never hurt your people. As long as you hand over the people, you can do it." The evil spirits passed through a deep killing, and Yi Tianyun killed so many people. If he does not avenge his face, what is the face?

"Yes, I don't believe this, unless you swear." Yi Tianyun pointed at him.

"Swearing..." The evil emperor’s face sank. If he made a vow, it would be a violation, and even he would suffer.

Perhaps he will not die if he violates the oath, but it is not very good if he is seriously injured. In particular, they haven’t swept the past, and they have to be vowed to fight back. Even the attack can’t be done.

"How, not willing?" Yi Tianyun looked at him and said.

"The Emperor of the Emperor, how can you arbitrarily make an oath!"

"Then you can let other people make vows, is there any difference?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "It is not good to let them bring in resources. When I let you catch people, how?"

Yi Tianyun gave a compromise. The evil emperor was not willing to make a vow, so let the other hands form an oath without any problems.

The evil emperor's face is ugly, and he is certainly not willing to make an oath. If you make an oath, you can't deal with Yi Tianyun, so you are very reluctant to make an oath.

Now Yi Tianyun said such a method, so that he did not know how to choose is good.

After thinking about it, he finally nodded: "Yes, but hiding in you, repairing is not weak, I have to send at least two, how?"

"Of course, no problem, but the reward is to double, that is 20 times!" Yi Tianyun extended **** and smiled: "This point is all you said, to double the reward."

"The greedy Terran!" The evil emperor secretly said in his heart that Yi Tianyun was too greedy.

There was no disgusting expression on his expression, and he still kept his expression indifferently: "Then you say, what are the conditions they gave, I will give twenty times the reward!"

"The rewards they give are very simple, a core of seven products, and a **** spirit treasure, plus a pile of materials. I am not asking for more, the first two will turn me twenty times." Yi Tianyun laughs Said.

"What!?" The evil emperor's eyes wide open, a core of seven products, and a **** of heaven and spirit, two of which are relatively expensive things.

If you want to turn it up 20 times, it is the core of twenty seven products, and there are twenty pieces of gods, which is a huge pit!

"Why, can't the evil emperor get it?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "Of course, whatever the core of the seven products, as long as it is the core of the seven products."

In the heart of the evil emperor, there was immediately a desire to kill him. At the beginning, the lion opened his mouth, but it was not wrong. If there is such a price on the side of the magical moon, there is no problem.

Only the multiples he opened were too high, and it was terrible to convert them.

"There are too many quantities, and I can't get it at one time. Especially the core of the seven products, do you think it is Chinese cabbage, can you just take it?"

"Nothing, I can wait, wait until you come out." Yi Tianyun waved his hand, a wine table appeared in front of him, followed by sitting down to drink wine.

He has plenty of time and he is not in a hurry.

The evil emperor's face is getting more and more ugly, obviously it is not taking treasure, it can't go in.

"Let's do it, I will give you half of the reward. As for the core of the seven products, there is really not much. I can only get out five, and there are more than a dozen pieces of the gods and spirits, so I will take this number first, and wait for people. After that, the rest of the time is given again, how?" The evil emperor blinked, and he could only bite his teeth and give it away.

After Yi Tianyun drank a glass of wine, he smiled and said: "No problem, I am not dragging, I will give this part of the reward first. Then you can call someone to make a vow, I am waiting here."

"Good!" The evil emperor nodded and immediately began to contact the elders of the gods. In the blink of an eye, there were several people coming over, and with a little explanation, the elders immediately knew what was going on.

"I want to send them in, these two." The evil emperor immediately chose two superior gods to come out.

"The repair is too high, can you send a lower one? If you cultivate it so high, I am a little scared." Yi Tianyun grinned.

The evil emperor pressed his anger and gritted his teeth: "Okay, then lower, just two."

Immediately, he sent two middle-level gods to the later level, and said: "The repair can not be lower, or people can't catch it."

The illusion of the moon is not low, and it is necessary to cultivate it to be relatively high.

"Cheng, then let's vow now." Yi Tianyun waved his hand and motioned them to make a vow.

The evil emperor nodded to them, indicating that they could make a vow. The two elders nodded as well, and began to make a vow: "I am Somit (I am flying), vowed to ensure that I will not hurt any life in the Three Realms, only to go in and catch the evil spirits and the magic moon. The rest will not touch, if there is a violation, you will be punished!"


The sky immediately flashed with lightning, and they were also subject to this oath, with no exceptions.

Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, he knew that the other side was playing the abacus, and he also played the abacus here!

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