Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1665: One hundred and ninety-three times superimposed!

"The vows have been set up, and the rewards I have placed in this storage space. As for the core of the seven products is relatively large, this is not good, I put it in another independent storage space."

These cores are too large and occupy a lot of storage space. It's too small, so it has to be expanded to be able to accommodate it.

This storage space is extremely rare and not owned by anyone. The best way to get the core is to put it in the body of the world.

If the evil spirit does not enter, it will be placed in the storage space. As for bringing in the two elders, this is also not appropriate. The number is really too much, even if it is a god, can not easily accommodate the core, easily lead to confusion. At most one person can carry one, and many of them can’t be carried.

"No problem, then you can come in now." Yi Tianyun waved his hand and motioned that they could come in.

The two elders nodded to each other and slowly walked in here. When you touch the shield, the shield slowly opens, so that the two evil spirits come in.

At this moment, the evil emperor's eyes were cold and quickly turned into a black mangger.

"Boom", the two elders were smashed into the air and flew in. As for him, he was shot and flew out, and the whole person was hit.

"The evil emperor, don't worry so much. The two of them are just slower. Why are they so anxious?" Yi Tianyun looked at the two gods who had been knocked out and flew out. The injury was not heavy, but he was still hurt.

The evil emperor just wants to rush forward when they both open the entrance, which is equivalent to passing them both in.

However, the actual situation is not so simple, the shield directly flew out the evil emperor, not only did not come in, but also stunned himself.

Looking at the evil emperor so embarrassed, Yi Tianyun suddenly smiled, he knew that the evil emperor was not well. Where can't he guess the evil emperor's thoughts, don't forget, this is the shield of God, wherever you can rush in, it is impossible to have so many loopholes!

After the evil emperor was flew out, he eased slightly and his face was even more blue. He did not expect this shield to have such a loophole.

Seeing the expression of Yi Tianyun's playfulness, the heart will be blasted, obviously knowing that this will fail.

"Nothing, the emperor just wants to try, the degree of the shield is strong." The evil emperor pretends to experiment, in order to find a face for himself.

At the same time, I began to voice the two elders: "You are now rushing to find the magical moon, and the kid, and I will catch it! Give me a hurry at all costs!"

The evil emperor is almost smashed out. The super-strong mind, through the shield, can still be conveyed to the elders' heads that are closer.

Both elders made an oath, and they can only honestly grasp the magical moon, and the rest of the practitioners can't touch it.

"Wait a minute, my reward?" Yi Tianyun waved his hand and motioned for them to pay.

The elders of the two evil spirits have no choice but to honestly hand over the things, and the rewards can only be given.

The evil emperor looked at the side, and the heart was even more angry: "I don't believe that this shield will not disappear. It is a greedy human race, but this kind of human race can also deal with it. Sooner or later, let you spit it out!"

The evil emperor felt very wrong, but it was acceptable to use this price in exchange for the magical moon. After all, the Magic Moon is part of his plan. If the Magic Moon is not coming back, the plan will be put on hold. This is not what he wants to see.

After getting paid, Yi Tianyun grinned and watched them smile: "Since the reward is at hand, then you will die for me!"

In the next second, Yi Tianyun broke out with the strongest force without hesitation. The crazy mode was fully opened in an instant, and there was a fan of the sky in the hand. What to say, this is the same as the upper heavenly fan.

Under the fierce fan, the fierce wind blade swung out and tore the void.

Because it was too sudden, one of the evil spirits did not respond, and was cut into two segments by this attack. At the same time of the split, Yi Tianyun swiped out again, giving him several paragraphs and completely killing a median god.

"Hey, succeed in killing the evil spirits (the late middle god) and gain experience..."

The familiar voice rang again, just not as often as before. It can be said to be quite frequent before, and can even be described as crazy.

After all, the smashing out of the gun, most of the evil spirits are dying out, the lowest is the level of heaven. That experience can be said to be explosive and he is very satisfied.

Today is much worse, only one kill.

"You, you are against the oath!" One of the evil spirit elders was furious, and he did not expect Yi Tianyun to attack.

"Breach of vows? Do I have any vows?" Yi Tianyun suddenly smiled. From the beginning he did not make an oath.

They also did not think that letting Yi Tianyun make an oath, the reason is very simple, Yi Tianyun's cultivation is too low, the median Tianzun late level, free to sneak attack, it is impossible to recruit?

However, the fact is so cruel, the incomparable **** is so killed, like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

"Kill him!" The evil emperor yelled outside. "Although there is no vow, but the other party can do it, you can also do it!"

The vows are corresponding. Although the evil elders have not made an oath, saying that the other side is attacking, they can counterattack on their own side, but even if they do not make this vow, they can still fight back.

The oath is not absolute, not so rigid. It is always impossible to say that it is never possible to attack. Suddenly, the other side sneaked in, which is equivalent to tearing up the oath.


The remaining evil spirit elder screamed and swallowed the awakening crystal without hesitation, bursting out the strongest force. He wanted to use the strongest force to completely crush Yi Tianyun.

In an instant, twelve arms burst out, plus four wings, which looked very conspicuous. This is the awakening power of the gods level, but Yi Tianyun is tired of watching.

Of course, this force is still very stressful for him. It’s not easy to deal with the gaps.

However, he did not upgrade immediately, but turned to another way to improve himself!

"The power of faith...breaking!"

Yi Tianyun grinned and looked at the evil elders who had sprinted, just like watching a bird that was thrown up.

"Hey, deduct 50 points of faith, increase 50 times damage, last for a minute!"

The power of this belief can increase the effect of five times to one hundred times, and it can increase the combat power by 50 times by consuming 50 points! It means that in the crazy damage mode, it is a hundred and twenty-eight times superimposed on the effect of fifty times, that is the power of one hundred and seventy-eight times.

With the addition of the title of the evil spirit killer again, that is plus fifteen times. The end result is 193 times the fighting power stack!

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