Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1667: Promotion

Yi Tianyun was too lazy to pay attention to what the evil emperor was doing. He flew back and began to count the spoils.

"These are the spoils I got, all from the evil emperor." Yi Tianyun put out a pile of storage rings, which are all kinds of gods and treasures, as well as various cores.

These big-handed, let the lucky gods feel a speechless. They are definitely the first to see, some people can pull the hair from the evil emperor, and the evil emperor still suffered a big loss, not only died a lot of strong, but also lost a lot of treasures, it is really bleeding.

"Your strength is too strong, is it really the median level?" Doom has not seen the strength of Yi Tianyun, including the lucky gods have not seen.

When I saw it, I was shocked. The power of terror is afraid that even they are unbearable. For this reason, when Yi Tianyun just came back, they repeatedly stared at Yi Tianyun and wanted to see something from him.

However, nothing can be seen, and it is still the median heaven, and there is no change. It is incredible that there is no god-level momentum and no god-level cultivation, but it can kill the median god.

They have never seen the power of Yi Tianyun before. Now that they have seen it, they know that Yi Tianyun has not said anything big. This power will be handed over to him for protection.

"It’s really the middle-class respect, can you not sense it?" Yi Tianyun smiled and smiled.

"I sensed it, but I really don't believe it. I doubt if you are hiding it, so that we can't see it." Lucky God looked up and down, and he couldn't wait to catch him to explore the repairs in his body.

"Really not, my cultivation is like this." Yi Tianyun shrugged helplessly and immediately smiled: "Compared with this, I have so many resources here, do you have any good way to make my forces slightly What about the expansion?"

With so many cores of seven products, he will certainly not let the three worlds absorb, it is too wasteful. If you want to strengthen your own power, you must be arranged and placed inside various planets, so that you will get twice the result with half the effort.

"This two of us are very good at it, let us help you!" Doom the gods, their eyes are bright, finally there is something to do.

So many seven cores are really big, and after they are established, the Three Realms will surely improve a lot!

In addition to this core, there are a lot of gods and treasures, these Yi Tianyun are also very generous to take out, to pick lucky gods. Come here to help him do things, certainly will not treat them badly.

But they don't want it. Although these gods are good, they don't need them. They all have their own gods and treasures, so they don't need other gods.

Moreover, the gods and spirits given by this evil emperor are more common at ordinary times. How can they give good goods? Even the core of the seven products is relatively small, and it can be said to be stingy to the extreme.

If there is no treasure in the evil emperor, it is impossible. The core of the seven products does not know how many, even the eight-level level, it is estimated that there will be! As for the nine-level level, it is hard to say.

Of course, how small is the core of the seven products, and the comprehensive level is not low.

"If you don't want it, then stay with me and use your own treasures." Yi Tianyun's eyes shifted to the gods of the gods, and if they were smashed down, they could restore a lot of power.

Following him without hesitation, he made a mammoth and put a lot of materials on the fan of Tianzhu. This thing is quite good, so it is still worth a trip.

After several tens of thousands of gods and spirits continued to squat, the scorpio **** fan quickly recovered, the skeleton on the surface, and the fan surface were quickly repaired. In a blink of an eye, it will be repaired mostly.

This is all the gods and spirits, the grade is so high, even if it is no matter how bad, it is the gods and spirits. Under a mammoth, it is still possible to repair a 50% effect, and soon rushed to the limit of the lower gods.

If you continue to squat, you will be able to restore most of your power, and even return to the top of the peak of the gods!

It only costs a lot to be paid. It requires a lot of median gods, or a **** of the gods, to be repaired.

It is difficult to repair the original appearance by relying on the lower gods.

"Become a lower **** god spirit treasure..." Yi Tianyun looked at this day, the power of the fan, the power is greatly improved, but the problem is that he can not really use it.

In order to exert the strongest effect, nature needs the power of the gods. He is still the power of heaven, and can only use half of the power.

"It seems almost the same, it is also good to upgrade yourself."

Yi Tianyun thought about it, or let himself break through to the superior Tianzun, or you can't refine the superior Tianling Lingbao! With three pieces of your own Tianzun Lingbao, you can explode stronger power.

He can't stay here all the time, and if he's outside, he can't use the power of faith. Therefore, we need to improve ourselves. If we still have time, we will improve it and refine our superiority!

After the evil king left, it was time for him to kill.

"Give me an upgrade!"

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully broke through the previous stage of the predecessor!”

After deducting a lot of experience, Yi Tianyun broke through to the superior Tian Zun, but he can continue to break through, but he did not. It’s always a good thing to press on.

"I finally broke through to the superior Tianzun, and now I am refining the superior Tianling Lingbao..."

Yi Tianyun immediately began to bring in a pile of materials and began to breed the superior Tianling Lingbao. Not only the material, but even some of the gods and treasures, he rushed into the same, can also be used as refining materials.

Anyway, if you throw it in, you can slowly dissolve it and then turn it into a part of the material. It's just that it will be very wasteful, and some things can't be used.

Yi Tianyun is so rich and rich, most treasures are casual! As long as he can improve, he will not be a little bit embarrassed.

Under a mammoth, Yi Tianyun meditated in situ and began to cultivate.

The evil emperor was still surrounded by the outside, and after several rounds, he found that there was no flaw at all. Don't say that it is looking for flaws, and there is nothing in the eye.

"This is what God gave to you, how did you get it..." The evil emperor’s face was pumping. "It seems that the plan can only slow down. It’s really damn, how can this happen at this festival?" problem!"

The evil emperor angrily slammed on the shield, followed by a bounce back, screaming at himself...

The roar of anger is spreading around, and the evil king is destined to be angry for a long time.

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