Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1675: Crystal barrier

After I arranged everything, Yi Tianyun did not choose to stay in the Three Realms. He believes that they will certainly be able to do well, and will definitely exceed the effect he needs!

He has always been reassured that they do things, so there is no need to check, and there is no need to stay here to supervise workers. Moreover, there is Shi Xueyun here, she knows her own heart and naturally knows what she needs.

What he needs to do now is to repair it as a crazy breakthrough, how fast it can be. Before the battle of the Emperor, repair the stage of breaking through to the gods!

Not only must we break through to the Tenjin stage, but we also need a large number of resources to provide the consumption of the Three Realms. Now that the large-scale deployment of time is large, the resources needed are definitely an astronomical value.

Therefore, if he stays in the Three Realms, all the resources will be consumed. To this end, he must come out to find more resources. The resource is definitely not dig by himself. I don’t know how long it will take to dig up resources.

In particular, resources are not just one type, there are many materials and what are needed.

What is the way to get the fastest resources, it is natural to grab! Nothing is coming faster than snatching. He naturally does not go to the gods to snatch, but to eradicate the evil spirits.

It is undoubtedly the best way to **** it from the hands of the evil spirits. Not only can you eliminate the evil spirits, but you can also get resources. It is just a double-edged sword!

The area that Yi Tianyun is now visiting is not a hidden point of the evil spirits, but a barrier to the area! He wants to go to see the situation of the barrier, and in the vicinity of the barrier, there are actually many evil spirits.

He can start from here now, and can also get a coordinate near the barrier, and can come over at any time in the future.

The position of the barrier is naturally at the edge of the five-character. Before coming to the five-character domain, most practitioners thought that the world was boundless.

The actual situation is bounded, whether it is a domain or a **** domain, there are edges. It is only the extreme distance of the domain that is far away, and it is difficult for someone to fly to the barrier area.

After all, the maintenance of the domain level is relatively low, there will be few flights, and generally will not fly there. It doesn't make sense to fly to the barrier.

There are many strong people in the domain of the gods, and they often fly to the area of ​​the barrier. The evil spirits came from this barrier. As for the barriers of the domain, there are no evil spirits.

As for what is there, no one knows. But they only need to know a little bit, and guard against the barriers of the five-character!

After Yi Tianyun came to the five-character domain, there are also many destroyed gods. The aftermath of the battle of the gods is also in the five-character domain.

He followed the map given by the Magic Moon, passing through the damaged gods, and occasionally saw the strong passing by. However, they only looked at each other a little, and they left, and did not intercept him.

If someone intercepts him and robs him, he will rob the other party very rudely. Although it is not an evil spirit, he will not be polite to those who are ruthless.

How can he be polite when he has a fat sheep?

However, they did not intercept him. Everyone seemed to have his own mission, flying around, like looking for something.

Yi Tianyun swept away, their cultivation is not low, one by one at the level of the gods, the weakest has the upper level of heaven.

In today's chaotic areas, there is no strong cultivation, and I dare not arbitrarily come out.

As the information of the five-character domain, it will naturally be much more than the four-character domain. So I knew the situation of the evil spirits early, but it is not clear what will happen.

However, there is a bit of irony, that is, the possession of the evil spirits orbs are all four gods, and the Tianzhu domain is counted as the five-character domain. The other two major gods are all four-character gods. Compared with the five-character domain, the protection will naturally be weak.

This is not a deliberate choice of a weaker domain to protect, but the Tiantian domain is not weak, but belongs to the five-character domain, but gradually fades over time, and eventually fell to the level of the four-character.

Because the dragon **** domain is relatively hidden, the choice of the four-character domain is also relatively low-key. However, the dragon **** domain is very strong, very close to the five-character domain, this is no problem.

"What is the five-character domain?"

Yi Tianyun did not visit. At this festival, it is not very good to visit anyone. Who knows, will there be any traitors in these five-character gods?

Moreover, he has no interest. He is now robbing resources, and it is so simple to improve.

As he passed through many gods, he soon came near the barrier area.

The vicinity of the barrier area is very empty, nothing is there, let alone a planet, even if it is a small piece of rock. It seems quite empty here, so he doubts whether he is going the wrong way.

But as he moved on, he quickly realized that he had not taken the wrong path. After flying a short section of the road, I immediately saw a huge crystal wall, stacked in one piece to form a thick wall. The height is very limited, at most a few hundred feet high, but the width is not marginal.

This is the barrier, the barrier that isolates the evil spirits from the outside. It is not so much a barrier, it seems to him to be a huge patch, and this entrance and exit is filled with patches! If you describe it like this, it will undoubtedly be more relevant.

Looking around on both sides, I did not see any evil spirits, nor did I see the evil spirits from drilling out.

Immediately, he quickly flew to the front of the barrier, reached out and gently climbed on it, immediately felt a force that was compressed to the extreme, and passed from the fingers.

This gives him an indestructible feeling, even if it is the peak level of the gods level, there is no way to break the points.

Crystal Barrier: It can resist the attack of the strong, even if it is the level of the peak of the gods, it can not be easily destroyed. However, after a long period of damage, it will still be broken, but it is very difficult and takes a long time.

The eye of the investigation simply lists the corresponding information, so that Yi Tianyun knows that this is not absolutely invincible, or can be destroyed.

The principle of this crystal barrier is very simple, it is very hard, and no one is fragile. Even if you attack a little, the rest of the energy will be quickly filled in and repair the damaged area.

Therefore, it is okay to destroy this barrier, but only if the entire barrier is destroyed, can it come in from there.

Of course, there is no absolute thing, absolutely so absolute, there will be no evil spirits coming over from there. The crystal barrier is a crack, and it has been destroyed for a long time. There will be a small crack from time to time.

It is not a very high evil spirit, you can drill through this small crack, and it will not work if it is too high.

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