Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1676: Blame

Such an amazing barrier is still flawed. However, it is very good to have this effect. It is better to come over easily.

In addition, it is that the people of the heavens have come to lift, that is, to open a mouth slightly, let the evil spirits come in. This is the easiest, and you don't need to break the barrier, you don't have to wait for the crack, you can easily come over.

This crystal barrier is made by the heavenly people, and naturally it is controlled by them.

After touching for a while, Yi Tianyun just wanted to fly to the rest of the area to see how wide the limit of the barrier was, and suddenly two figures appeared near him.

He quickly looked up and appeared near him, actually two median gods! It looks impetuous, everyone wearing a strong armor, wearing a **** of heaven and spirit, looks like a real **** of war.

When they saw Yi Tianyun, they suddenly stunned, and one of them screamed at him: "When you are close to the barrier, let's leave!"

Listening to their words, there is no doubt that they are specifically managing the strongmen in this area. Most of the five-character domain is still obeying their duties, and here they are helping to guard the crystal barriers. The evil spirits come out from here, and the first to suffer is definitely the five-character domain.

If they don't care, the evil spirits will wreak havoc here, and when their disciples go out to practice, they will certainly suffer.

Therefore, regardless of their willingness or reluctance, they must be honestly guarded here.

"Hey, don't be so rushing, little brother, this is not a safe place. We don't know which power you are, but it's not good to shake it here." A median **** next to him reached out and stopped his companion, indicating him. Don't be so serious.

His attitude is undoubtedly much better, and he does not know how much better than the one next to him. The **** next to me is too lazy to pay attention to Yi Tianyun, reminding that there is already, listening to it is another matter.

"The two predecessors, in the next mess, heard that there is a situation here, it is to take a look, then come back here often there are evil spirits infested?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"How about the evil spirits, are you not here?" The next day God shouted dissatisfied and felt that Yi Tianyun was talking nonsense.

"Xue Tianshen, don't be so rushing, calm down, and calm down. Isn't it just a bit of dissatisfaction recently, is it necessary to do this?" The **** next to him persuaded him.

"Hey God, can I go with my heart, I hate to see these scattered repairs, and I have to dig into the crystal barriers, I am not seen so stupid, even the crystal barriers want to dig. Fortunately, I can't dig it. If I can dig it out, it will be serious. I don't know what is in my head. Don't you know that the crystal barrier is broken, what serious consequences will it cause?"

Xue Tianshen was very dissatisfied, and the things he encountered before he vented his brain, so that Yi Tianyun felt unbearable after listening.

Of course, it is not forbearing to Xue Tianshen, but for those who are not able to bear the mess, but also to dig the crystal barrier! Although it is a loose repair, there is still a lot of information to know, especially even the crystal barriers know, don't you know the evil spirits?

This is obviously impossible. I think that the crystal barrier is very valuable, so I want to come and dig it away. Or think that there is a very high energy inside the crystal barrier, and I plan to dig back to cultivate something.

Fortunately, the crystal barrier can not be dug away, or it is really dug. There are not a few self-cultivators like this, and there are still quite a few!

"This predecessor, I will not do this kind of thing underneath, just come over and take a look at it. By the way, I will see what evil spirits are there, and by the way, I will eliminate it." Yi Tianyun laughs and laughs, no wonder Xue Tianshen is so eager for himself. Seeing that you are a mess, can you not rush?

There are no signs on Yi Tianyun. Both of them have corresponding signs on them, depicting a long sword, indicating that they are the gods of Jianfeng.

Jianfeng Shenyu, Yi Tianyun is still very impressive. After all, the sword front domain master, but on the blacklist is famous. In this way, he immediately gave him a good impression on Jianfeng.

Those who can be included in the black list of the evil spirits must be customized to do a lot of things to eliminate the evil spirits, and naturally follow him all the way.

"Xue Tianshen, look at it, I will say that I don't want to be so rushing, not all the scums are like this."

Yi Tianyun, finally there is a clear and effective repair.

"Hey, who is right?" Xue Tianshen's tone was relieved.

"Oh, your temper has always been so embarrassing." 莽天神 laughed at Yi Tianyun: "No matter what the idea, here is still more dangerous. Now the evil spirits appear less, not as crazy as before." However, there will still be evil spirits here, and it is still a strong one. It is quite dangerous to appear here with your cultivation."

"Understood, I just want to take a look at it." Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "If I find it, I can't beat it. I still know how to escape."

"Escape? Do you think you can escape at will? Just come out with a wicked god, you will die!" Xue Tianshen retorted the sentence.

On the surface of Yi Tianyun, only the superior Tianzun was repaired in the early stage, and naturally it is considered to be weak.

"Okay, OK, let's say a few words." The **** of heaven is more peaceful, reaching out to show his companion not to be so impulsive, and laughing at Yi Tianyun: "Little brother, don't mind. So, we just came over Patrol, if you are interested, patrol us?"

"Hey God, do you let him patrol with us?" Xue Tianshen wondered.

"Is there any problem? The younger brothers also want to take responsibility, that is, to protect the responsibility here, is it not allowed?" He said, "Do you forget what the sword-owner said? Unity Only then can we defeat this evil spirit!"

"The main body of Jianfeng domain..." Xue Tianshen was silent, only turned to look at Yi Tianyun and said: "Wait, don't be too slow, we are responsible for a large area. If you encounter a powerful evil spirit, you will Hide aside, understand no!"

Xue Tianshen's mouth is poisonous, but it is still good.

"Understood." Yi Tianyun smiled and didn't mind anything.

Whoever changes will be angry, Xue Tianshen has seen a lot of scattered repairs to dig crystal barriers, can you give up a good face?

The attitude of the gods is good, so he feels quite friendly, and there is still a big difference in attitude between different practitioners.

"Patrol, just a piece of the past, by the way, ask the details of this side." Yi Tianyun originally intended to fly all the way, and now there are two people to accompany, it is a good choice.

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