Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1678: That is a mess!

Xue Tianshen, they stared at the crack, and Yi Tianyun also stared at the crack on the side. Tension is very nervous, but it does not dare to move.

Xue Tianshen, they can't wait to slash in the back, so they can destroy their formation. If you can do this, you will definitely find it. Then they have not waited for support, and they have already been wiped out.

The fifteen gods deal with the two gods, and they don’t have to think about it, they know what it will be.

At the same time, these fifteen evil spirits are not low, even if the lower god, compared to the general evil spirits, must be a level.

From their bodies, Yi Tianyun felt a strange energy, just like the power of being attached to the evil spirits, which greatly enhanced them.

Therefore, the normal lower god, in the face of them, is basically lost. Unless there is any treasure blessing, you may still win this game.

If there is no advantage, it will definitely be hung by the other party! Xue Tianshen, they dare not come in chaos. There is a reason for this. It must have been the power of these evil spirits, and they dare not come.

With the help of these evil spirits, the cracks are slightly opened, and the cracks are slightly open to a little bit. Compared with the previous ones, the hair can be used to describe the width. It is too subtle, judging from the normal naked eye, the appearance is basically not changed.

But that is to open such a small mouth, a black gas from the inside, so faster than before. Soon after a wave of black gas came in, it quickly re-aggregated to form a complete evil spirit!

The evil spirits that appear are not the same. They should be said to be similar to the special evil spirits in front of them. They are slightly different from the ordinary evil spirits. This is like the difference between an ordinary mortal and a practitioner. Each temperament is different, and the concentration of blood is different.

It means that some of the evil spirits are full of blood. However, it is not high to repair, but only the hierarchical level of the landlord, perhaps too high level, can not enter through this crack, the difficulty is too high.

"Come on, come on soon..." Xue Tianshen, they are in a hurry. They don't want to watch the evil spirits run away, which means that many more evil spirits have come.

But as the evil spirits came in, their support still did not arrive. When a evil spirit has just come in, the body is not black, but a purple body.

When Yi Tianyun saw the evil spirits of this purple body, he suddenly felt a glimpse of the purple evil spirits and had a strong spiritual power!

Sure enough, when the purple evil spirits just appeared, they turned to look over here and stared at Xue Tianshen’s position.

Followed by reaching for a finger, Shen Sheng said: "There are enemies hidden there!"

This purple evil spirit is not high, only the level of the heavenly king, slightly higher than the previous one. But only the level of Tianjun is repaired, but it is able to hide the level of the gods, and easily find out!

These abilities have made Yi Tianyun very surprised. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to do it. However, this purple evil spirit can achieve this level and easily find out.

After pointing out, the evil spirits turned their heads and looked at them. Almost without hesitation, eight of the evil spirits quickly separated, and the remaining seven had continued to maintain the spear, but the power was much smaller, but it still seemed to be sustainable.

The actions of the eight evil spirits were exactly the same, and they all rushed to Xue Tianshen. Xue Tianshen's is exposed, Yi Tianyun's is not exposed, and the direction they are avoiding is completely different.

"Damn, what is that thing, can actually see our hiding point!" Xue Tianshen, they roared, turned and fled back, they did not intend to play this eight evil spirits.

When they fled, their hidden figure suddenly exposed, and the two quickly flew to their gods, so they should be able to meet their teammates very quickly. When you join hands with your opponent, you can kill these evil spirits!

But reality is always cruel. These eight evil spirits are like twins. The energy that quickly joins hands makes them become a huge evil spirit, struggling to step on the void and bring them closer at an alarming rate. The distance between them.

It’s only a moment, Xue Tianshen, they are caught up in a big gap, and a little distance will be caught up.

"It's too abnormal. These people are really abnormal. It's no wonder that facing them, you can't fight! This will be finished, we can only fight hard!"

"Yes, you can only fight hard!"

It will be the turn of the myth that the myth has become very rare, neither of them have a desperate look, there is a raging war! Anyway, it’s all a death, so why not kill it, maybe you can pull down a few cushions.

Immediately, the two of them quickly turned back and immediately summoned their own treasures, but they only had one lower god, and the rest were Tianzun Lingbao.

After the call out, with a loud bang, he rushed to the evil spirit and prepared to fight.


The two men dealt with eight people. The huge evil spirits waved their fists and slammed their fists. They both flew out and smashed them, and they were wounded and judged!

The strength of joining hands is too strong, and it is better than those of the United States. Perhaps this is the real joint array, like a true one.

"Good!" The two coughed a few times, and the blood coughed out, but they quickly adjusted their status and prepared to fight again.

"The troublemaker, die!" The evil spirits who turned into evil spirits screamed with the dry voice.

In the blink of an eye, come back to them again, slam a few times and make another move with them.


This will make the evil spirits fly out a little, but Xue Tianshen and the **** of heaven are exaggerated. Both of them are bombarded with half of the body, but they soon healed, just want to restore the complete state, and it takes a little time.

There is not so much time to prepare for them, the next moment is turned into a evil spirit of the evil spirits sprinting, the first to aim at Xue Tianshen a fist down, as long as it is smashed, it will be smashed into blood.

"It's over..." Xue Tianshen smiled bitterly. He couldn't even hold the weapon now. He could resist it, let alone escape.

At this moment, an afterimage from the back of the evil spirits, accompanied by the flash of silver, this huge evil spirit body, was smashed into several segments, the evil spirits in the joint have been bounced, which has two evil spirits directly Being killed!

So combined with the big array, it was instantly broken!

"Xue Tianshen, say good about me to drink, you can't talk without counting."

A familiar voice rang in the ear of Xue Tianshen. When he looked up, he did not dare to look at the scene in front of him. The shot was actually Yi Tianyun, who was scattered!

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