Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1679: Slam

The emergence of Yi Tianyun, so that they are all shocked, a superior Tianzun will be so strong? That is the joint big battle, unless it is the upper god, it is very difficult to deal with.

It was now broken by Yi Tianyun and was also killed by two gods. Although the cultivation is relatively low, it is the lower level of the gods, but it is all gods.

After all, Yi Tianyun's cultivation is only the superior Tianzun, but it is able to kill the gods. It is incredible.

"Yes, is that you?" After Xue Tianshen returned to God, he was still very shocked, and even the gods next to him felt shocked.

Before they patrolled with them, there would be such amazing strength, and saved Xue Tianshen!

"Don't be me, taking advantage of their big line was broken, we quickly put them out!" The voice just fell, Yi Tianyun quickly put on the Wumu God suit, immediately gave them a super healing power .

Under the super-healing power, they recovered at an amazing speed and returned to normal body in a blink of an eye. Although there is still some injury that has not recovered, it is not a big problem.

The two of them did not say much, and immediately followed the piece to kill the past. Because the evil spirits dispersed, it is definitely better to play a little. Especially if you deal with those who are low-level, it will be easier to deal with.

Yi Tianyun is also aiming at those evil spirits who are low-level, first clean up the weakest, so that they will not join hands again and become the evil spirit.

It took him so long to find out its weaknesses and to break the weaknesses of his formation. After he found it, he quickly passed through and could be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Now, after the break-up, the crazy harvest begins. He didn't retain any power, the crazy damage mode came out, and his Tianzun Lingbao suit was even more exhausted!

Facing the lower god, it is simply described as harvesting. Xue Tianshen, on the side, was scared when they noticed the situation.

This can be described as crazy, they are crazy than they are! Such a terrible force, all the way to crazy harvest, recruiting deadly.

Xue Tianshen, they also did not lag behind, followed by a piece of eradication, killing them all.

The evil spirits who kept cracking in the distance in the distance saw that they could not persist. Without hesitation, they stopped to open the crack and then turned to attack.

Continuing this way, the companions on their side are dead, and they are still trying to break through the cracks.

At this time, the evil spirits coming from the cracks quickly decreased. I can come over one by one before. Without the help of this side, I will slowly slow down and the cracks will heal faster.

However, the evil spirits who had been drilled quickly ran away with other evil spirits. They did not dare to stay here. The repair is so low, the face of the Tianzun level will be crushed, so it is still the first to escape.

"I want to escape!" Yi Tianyun's eyes condensed, and when he wanted to chase down those evil spirits, suddenly there appeared a strong force on the side.

Judging from their clothes, they immediately judged the support of Jianfeng. They came to a large number of gods and gods, at least a dozen gods.

Undoubtedly, they all know that when they encounter a crack, how many strong people need to be sent to be able to suppress it.

"It is support!" Xue Tianshen, they have a happy heart, so that they can wipe out the evil spirits.

"Yes, I finally came over to them." The gods waved their weapons and their morale increased.

This time it is their turn to suppress the other side, instead of being in a passive state.


When the evil spirits saw this side coming to support, they chose to evacuate without hesitation. Originally, I wanted to destroy the practitioners of Xue Tianshen, and then continue to open the cracks. Now it seems that it is no good, and I can only withdraw.

"I still want to go, it's not that easy!"

Xue Tianshen, they screamed and chased them up, and the companions who came over to support them all followed the past and wanted to intercept them.

Many evil spirits gathered again to form a huge evil spirit and fled to the front. At the same time, I also took the rest of the new evil spirits and fled to the front, especially the purple evil spirits, which were listed as protection objects.

This purple evil spirit is definitely a crucial position, otherwise it will certainly not be so protected.

However, they want to escape, it is not easy, or else so much support, it is not white.

The support that came forward was surrounded by them, and each of them broke out with the strongest force and blew on them. The evil spirits can only passively defend themselves. The key to them now is to escape, instead of staying behind.

Their purpose has been reached, and it is time to escape.

Yi Tianyun also chased it all the way, killing those who missed the net. So many fat sheep, he certainly will not miss, even if it is not his murder, he must bless the power of healing, so that he can gain experience.

His behavior made the other powerful people in Jianfeng's domain of God feel a bit strange. I don’t know where to come from, and there are such strange powers. The key is that the power is not weaker than them, and it is even more wonderful.

Xue Tianshen, they reminded me in advance that they were not explained too much. Anyway, it’s just that you can do it yourself, and the rest will be finished after the end.

Under the arduous pursuit of the road, the consumption of the evil spirits has gradually increased, but the army that turned into a evil spirit is still a bit unbreakable. Unless it is again targeted by Yi Tianyun, it is really difficult to stay.

But this evil spirit is too fast, and it is too late for him to catch up. So where can the gods of the gods join forces, where can they easily catch up?

"It seems that I can only let go of my hand, and I must leave the purple evil spirit!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, he can see that the purple evil spirits are very important. If you don't stay, it will definitely be a curse!

Immediately, Yi Tianyun thought in his heart: "Give me an upgrade!"

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully broke through the middle of the sky!”

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, successfully broke through the late Tianzun!”

Continuously rise to two levels, the speed of madness has even turned up, the Wulong Gods boots under the feet bloomed dazzling golden awns, like a real foot on a dragon, screaming in front.

Behind it is the power of the dragon and the phoenix, and the speed is improved several levels, surpassing the gods next to it, and chasing this united evil spirit.

The speed can be slower, or barely flat.

"Is this speed too abnormal? If you run away, you can still have this effect?" Yi Tianyun screamed in his heart, and he continued to rise two levels, still unable to catch up.

Nowadays, it can only improve the strength of the blood, and it is not a problem to cultivate for the time being. It is still a lot of experience!

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