Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1682: Sword leader

Yi Tianyun carefully looked at the sword-defender in the distance. The whole person was like a sword. It seems that no matter which part of the body, you can find a terrible sword!

The master of the Jianfeng domain is very strong, reaching the late level of the upper god, no wonder it will be listed as a blacklist. It’s just that this overbearing strength is enough for the evil spirits to drink a pot.

In his swordsmanship, he did not know how many evil spirits were there, and he was given several paragraphs.

"Then I will go and talk to the domain master." When they want to go down with the sword front domain owner, Yi Tianyun stretches his hand and gently stops.

"No, wait until the Jianfeng domain master practice is finished, and disturb the main practice of the Jianfeng domain. It is too rude. I am waiting here." Yi Tianyun did not rush, but planned to stay here. Jianfeng domain master cultivation.

He did not want to disturb the cultivation of the Jianfeng domain master. Although it was only a simple plan, it was also a kind of cultivation. It was said that it was not allowed to be in this plan, but there was still a little sentiment.

Yi Tianyun’s statement made them awe-inspiring, but they did not expect to be there. Some domain owners have little patience at all, and they want to come over and talk about things, instead of waiting for the end.

"That troubles Tianyun domain master." They also do not want to bother the sword front domain owner, although there is nothing to go on, but after the sword is over, it is best to go on.

The main body of the Jianfeng domain is really a combination of human swords. I don’t know anyone outside, I have been practicing swords. Every move is so harmonious, so perfect.

It can be said that the sword is played to the extreme effect! This makes Yi Tianyun look pleasing to the eye, and has to say that the Jianfeng domain master in the swordsmanship is already at its peak.

This is not a powerful sword, but it is a very ordinary sword, but it is in his hands, but it is so perfect. No one knows why he is practicing this kind of sword, but it seems to be perfect.

"Why does the Jianfeng domain master cultivate such an ordinary sword method?" Yi Tianyun asked next to him.

"We don't know. For a long time, the Jianfeng domain master will practice once every time." He said, God God explained.

“Every time I practice, I will practice once?” Yi Tianyun looked at the chief of the Jianfeng domain. It is estimated that this set of swordsmanship has implications for him.

"Yes, we asked, but the chief of the Jianfeng domain replied that it was to commemorate." The **** of gaze stared at the sword-defender who continued to practice the sword. He respectfully said: "We dare not continue to ask more, do not know the memorial. What is it."

There are some things that they don't dare to ask. There is no need to ask more questions about the privacy of the Jianfeng domain owner.

"It turned out to be like this..." Yi Tianyun watched him waving his sword in his eyes, his eyes sparkling with strange eyes.

He seems to read something in this sword, but only to see a little bit.

Jianfeng domain mastered this set of swordsmanship, and did not spend a lot of time, just a little meeting, just stopped. After stopping, the Jianfeng domain owner only saw Yi Tianyun and others standing outside, and then turned to look at it.

It seems that they have discovered their existence now, mainly because they are not within the scope of the attack, so the Jianfeng domain master will not find out. Once inside his perception, he will know their existence.

"Hey, it seems that there are guests coming over." Jianfeng domain owner smiled and walked over and said: "It seems that you are the domain owner of the Three Realms, and I did not expect it to be so young. It looks like young, introverted, vague There seems to be a special power in the sky, which may be your potential!"

It is not surprising that the Jianfeng domain owner knows his identity. When Yi Tianyun came over, he had already sent a message and informed the situation of the Jianfeng domain owner.

Even if Yi Tianyun is not visiting, this matter must be uploaded by Ma. The first one knows, it must be the sword front domain master, and the mood is very good.

"My potential?" Yi Tianyun looked at his back, he could not see anything.

Either the Jianfeng domain is the main thing to make a ghost, or really see what is coming. However, he still believes that the latter, the sword front domain master should not be fooling people, some strong people can indeed see some different things, even if the eyes of exploration, not necessarily can see anything.

For example, the soul of the other party, he can't see it. There are still a lot of things, the eyes of the exploration can not be seen, perhaps upgrade, it has some effect.

"Yes, it's your potential. Everyone's potential is different. For example, the power of the gods is the god. Your potential is somewhat vague and not very clear. To be honest, you are my second look. Not coming out." Jianfeng domain owner shook his head.

"The second one, who is the first one?" Yi Tianyun wondered.

"It is the evil emperor." The sword front domain master is like the eyes of Jianfeng, revealing the coldness.

"It turned out to be a evil emperor..." Yi Tianyun was trying to say that he would not see it. It turned out to be the evil emperor who was against the sky.

What the Lord of the Jianfeng domain sees is nothing more than the ability of the life attribute. How can Yi Tianyun mix so many blood, how can you see it? The evil emperor does not know how many powerful people's blood is swallowed, plus his ability to have the ability to go against the sky. It is normal to see it.

"Don't say this, I really welcome Tianyun domain owners to come to me as guests. I wanted to see you before. I haven't had any time. I have too many busy things. Come here, I have been standing very well, drink a cup. Tea said again." Jianfeng domain master reached out and gestured to his home, and the rest of the gods did not follow up, they chose to retreat.

Yi Tianyun followed the piece and went to the residence of the Jianfeng domain owner. It was really shocked. It is not how luxurious this place is, but the walls are full of long swords. Each sword has different grades, from very low levels.

But each one is full of blood, and I don't know how much blood I have contaminated.

"Do these swords are the mains of the sword front?" Yi Tianyun looked at these sabre, the grade from low to high, the highest is Tianzun Lingbao.

"Yes, it’s all the weapons that I used to cultivate from the beginning, and I have accumulated it. Now these old guys can’t get on the battlefield, they can only retreat here.” Jianfeng domain master looked at these long swords and showed them in their eyes. Gentle gaze.

It seems that these swords are not their own weapons, but their own loved ones.

Immediately, the sword front field master took out the wine glass and gave Yi Tianyun a drink. He also had a cup of his own, and there was no shelf. The repair is much higher than Yi Tianyun, but there is no shelf.

"Sword front domain owner, this time I came along the way, in fact, there is something to ask for." Yi Tianyun took a sip of wine, only slowly said.

"Is it an alliance?" The sword-wing domain owner gently put down the wine glass and broke the meaning of Yi Tianyun.

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