Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1683: plan

It’s not surprising that the main leader of the Jianfeng domain saw through Yi Tianyun’s intentions. The sword front domain master is so powerful, it can be guessed that it is not unexpected. After all, can you sit on this position, how can it be worse?

"Yes, I am here for the alliance. In fact, I have not thought about it before, but I think that the goals are unified. If I can form an alliance, it is a good thing." Yi Tianyun smiled frankly, the other party It’s so refreshing, then he doesn’t have to hide anything.

It can be, no, no, no, no cover. Concealing, you can not get any benefits, but it is easy to cause resentment.

"Actually, I have this intention. Before I learned that you can kill a bunch of powerful people of the evil emperor and allow the evil emperor to eat, I decided to form an alliance with your three realms. No matter what the Three Realms are, All must be aligned!" The sword-owner's tone is very firm, which means that it will really come to an alliance.

Yi Tianyun stared at him and wondered: "Why? I want to be the leader of the sword, you must not look at my power and have a good power."

"Yes, your strength, the other five product gods can do it. I appreciate it, naturally, your ability to let evil spirits eat." Jianfeng domain owner's eyes are cold: "I swear at the beginning, if anyone can swear When I slammed the evil emperor once, I will make friends with him! But now that it is coming to form an alliance, then there is no saying that it is better to form an alliance."

"It seems that the sword front domain master and the evil emperor are still a bit too festival." Yi Tianyun has already guessed a few points.

"It's a very deep festival..." The wine in the main handle of Jianfeng domain drank a lot, turned to look at the long sword hanging on the wall next to him, recalling: "He killed my woman, you said that this festival is not deep. ?"

Yi Tianyun’s glimpse, although already guessed, is inevitably shocking.

"Deep, very deep. If my beloved woman is killed, I will definitely be crazy. I will kill the evil spirits and kill them. It is no wonder that the sword front domain master, you will appear in the blacklist of the evil spirits. "Yi Tianyun will finally know what is going on."

The sword front domain master can be so crazy, to a large extent, that his beloved woman is killed, can he not be crazy? If you change his words, you will be crazy, and more than the sword front field!

"Blacklist? I don't know this." Jianfeng domain owner smiled slightly, but this smile was a bit cold, it seems that it is not enough.

"It seems that the sword sword method that the Jianfeng domain master is practicing is estimated to be related to your Taoist priest?" Yi Tianyun remembered that set of ordinary swordsmanship, very ordinary things, but the sword front domain master is Go to practice.

Combined with what the Sword Front domain owner said before, he immediately guessed it.

"It’s not the Tianyun domain owner... drinking!" The Jianfeng domain owner did not say anything more. After they were full of wine, they drank a few more cups.

Yi Tianyun did not say anything, just pour the wine together and clink the glasses together. After drinking a lot of cups, I stopped.

"I don't know if this time the Tianyun domain owner came over, there must be other things?" Jianfeng domain owner drank a lot of cups, and there was no drunkenness in his eyes. He was still awake as a mirror.

The same is true for Yi Tianyun. There is nothing at all. This wine can make him drunk, which is impossible.

“The original idea was very simple. I just checked this crystal barrier. I haven’t been here, I just want to come over and check out, and by the way, I’m going to get rid of some evil spirits. Just see Xue Tianshen they patrol, just follow one. As a result, you also I know, that's it." Yi Tianyun answered truthfully, there is nothing to hide.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought you were investigating that thing."

"Investigate that thing, what is it?" Yi Tianyun immediately smelled something that was not simple.

It is certainly not a simple matter to attract the attention of the sword-owner.

"Broken things. Their current strength is constantly increasing. It seems that we have found a way to open the barriers, which makes us a big headache." Jianfeng domain owner shook his head, which was a bit annoying.

The evil spirits that have been increasing have made them feel distressed. This is not what they want to see.

Yi Tianyun stunned and immediately knew what was going on. The magical moon can control the opening of the barriers, and there will be such evil things.

Now that the magical moon has been taken away by him, naturally he can't open it.

"I know a little bit about this." Yi Tianyun lifted the glass and shook it slightly. The eyes of the sword-winged lord immediately looked at him. "The heavens are controlled, they control the creation of the heavens to open, and they are still forced. Come."

"The sky-building family... Sure enough, they control the people of the heavens. But according to reason, the heaven-making family can't control it." Jianfeng domain owner frowned, feeling incredible.

Yi Tianyun shook his glass and said: "There is no way to control the heavens, but let the people of the heavens give birth to their children?"

The main pupil of the Jianfeng domain shrank, and immediately shook his head and said: "Impossible, how can the blood of the evil spirits be combined with the creation of the heavens?"

"That is the truth. This is what I share. The reason why the evil emperor is so crazy about my power is because I caught the children they gave birth." Yi Tianyun said such a shocking thing.

"Ha ha ha, refreshing! I will say why the evil emperor will be so crazy, you have to take their children!" The swordsman's main eyes are full of joy, he can't wait to kill the evil emperor, can someone let the evil emperor eat, surely It’s so cool, “So, they’re afraid of mastering something weird. It’s not a good thing.”

"It is not a good thing, it can even be said to be very serious. Now I am taking one, I don't know if it will appear in the future. After all, there will be two, maybe three!" Yi Tianyun said seriously: "So there is no time to delay, it is best to immediately rescue the people of the heavens and break their methods!"

"This idea is very good, but we don't know where the gods are being held?" Jianfeng domain owner shook his head, had an idea, but did not know where it was, what use.

"But I know!" Yi Tianyun looked at him.

"Hey!" Jianfeng domain master took a table, his eyes filled with killing words: "Good! Tianyun domain master, you are not the most strange domain owner in these years, even this point knows. Then I sword, then Go with you and save the heavens!"

The main leader of the Jianfeng domain is really going to go, such a big thing, can you not go?

"But just two of us? The strength is weak, the evil emperor is not so good to deal with." Yi Tianyun shook his head.

"Of course not, there are other domain owners to go!" Jianfeng domain owner showed a smile.

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