Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1688: Expected

After killing the guards, headed by the Tianzhu domain master, quickly rushed forward, and the Tianzhu domain owner continued to use the Tianzhu Shen fan to continue to play.

The Scorpio God fan is not always able to be deduced, and the number of deductions will increase, which will increase the damage effect. The Scorpio God fan is so bad that it is so much that it is constantly being deduced, which leads to a very bad failure.

"Hey, successfully took over the special task ‘Save the Heavenly Family’, successfully completed the mission and received a reward of 5,000 points to compress the crazy value, and the goodness of the heavenly family plus 50, while the other owners’ sensibility increased by 50!”

A special task popped up, Yi Tianyun took it without hesitation, a pretty good task, naturally will not miss.

After rushing in all the way, there was nothing to guard inside. It’s just that they are facing a huge door. This is not unexpected. The guards are only really guarding the door. They don’t even have the qualification to enter.

In most cases, it is here to serve as a guardian. When an intruder comes over, he will upload the news.

"It seems that you have to go in, you still have to destroy this door. But once the door is destroyed, the evil emperor will know it immediately." The Tianzhu domain master looked up and down the door: "This door is not a handwriting for the heavens." It’s the evil king’s own handwriting, but the grade is not low, and there is a level of seventy-eight gods...”

The evil emperor still understands this stuff, but it is not surprising. Some strong people have other abilities, not surprising. In particular, it is not particularly surprising that the evil spirits often devour the ability of others to cultivate high-quality gods.

"Scorpio domain master, can you break this door?" asked the chief of the Jianfeng domain.

"The problem is not big, it takes a little effort, it can still be broken. Just after it is broken, the time begins to tighten. After all, the evil emperors rushed over and believe that it will not take much time. By that time, the escape route only has this one. It is very likely that we will be struggling..."

The Scorpio Lord looked at them and wanted to hear their opinions. Once it has been carried out, it is possible to get into a hard fight. As for whether there will be danger to life, then it is said.

They want to call more powerful people, but if they come, their gods are basically not strong. Once there is something, their gods will fall.

It’s meaningless to send too few, too many to send a problem. Especially this place is not simple, fearing that it is easy to go wrong.

The key is to make quick decisions, to avoid fighting with the evil kings, and try to avoid them. Can't you say they can escape soon?

"Everyone has come here. If you don't try it, it's really white. If you can't let us go in, the people in the sky can help, and it's not a problem to kill it." The domain owner thought about it and said it.

"That's right, if the people of the heavenly family can do something, they can really help!"

The heavenly family is being held in it. Can the evil emperor not always abuse them? How to say, these are very precious, it is impossible to chaos.

Followed by them, they turned their attention to Yi Tianyun. Yi Tianyun has been silently beside him, and he does not know what he is thinking.

"Tianyun domain master, I wonder if you have any thoughts?" The dragon dragon domain owner turned and asked.

"There is no idea. I can only say that in any case, I must desperately save the people of the heavens! After all, if the people of heaven are used by them, once the crystal barrier is completely controlled, we are afraid of it." Yi Tianyun Shen Channel: "So you can only spell no other choice."

"There is no other choice..."

Perhaps the danger is there, but if you don't save the heavenly family, it is not dangerous, but it is destroyed.

Follow the Tianzhu domain master and start to look at it to see how this door is broken. After looking at a lap, I quickly locked the upper eye and began to break.

When this was just broken, the door began to emit dazzling light and spread out to the surrounding.

"Damn, if the door is broken a little, it will start to be notified immediately. We can only speed up the battle!" The Tianzhu domain screamed and the speed of the hand began to speed up.

He thought that after the break, the evil emperor would know, and it seems to be known soon. At the moment of the break, the information is passed away.

You can see the evil emperor, has raised the situation here to the highest level, and once there is something, he will be notified immediately.

"Unfortunately, we don't understand the content of God's seal, and the grade is too low..." They all want to help, but they don't understand it.

The main body of the Jianfeng domain is the sword, the rest do not want to, the rest are similar. Either alchemy, or focus on cultivation, can be less extensive.

"I am coming, I know a little bit about this." Yi Tianyun said, he stood up. He did not expect that he would come out to help. He thought that the Tianzhu domain owner would be enough. Now he still needs his help.

"Tianyun domain master, do you still have research in this area? If the grade is too low, then there is no way to break it. This is the need for seven or eight spirits to be able to break the squad..." So soon he would close his mouth and replace it with a shocked look at this side.

Yi Tianyun and the Tianzhu domain owner are like who is faster in the game, crazy to break the above eyes. A little bit better, they found that Yi Tianyun's speed of destruction is even faster than the Tianzhu domain master!

After seeing the Scorpio domain owner, the first heart was shocked, but it was not very unexpected. In his opinion, it is quite normal to be able to produce the amazingly embarrassing Yi Tianyun, who can have the level of a high-grade **** engraver.

Under the rapid break of them, the door was quickly broken and the time spent was very short. Mainly thanks to the help of Yi Tianyun, it will be so fast.

At the same time as the demolition, the evil emperor just received the information. The evil emperor, who was originally in the retreat room, suddenly opened his eyes and revealed a bit of coldness: "Is it finally discovered, but just right, I want to see what fat sheep are, dare to sneak at me. Site..."

He sneered at the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up, anxious. He didn't yell at anything. After turning around, he was facing the guard outside. "Give the Emperor a team of evil gods!"

"Yes, the evil emperor!" The guards immediately went on to summon the evil army. The evil army was actually a group of powerful evil spirits before, and it was a well-trained evil army.

After the guards went on, the evil emperor still went out without slowness, as if everything was in his expectation.

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