Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1689: Eight Pins of God

Yi Tianyun After they broke the door, they rushed in, and the one that caught their eyes was a thicker door. I didn't expect to see another door after entering.

"Continue to break!"

The main brain of the Tianzhu domain rushed up, and Yi Tianyun also rushed up with it, and continued to break. The speed is also soaring up, all the way crazy smashed up.

Soon, the door was broken again, rumbling and slowly opening inside. However, the Tianzhu domain owner slammed the past impatiently, and the door was slammed by a palm.

Immediately in front of the eyes, it is a disgusting door, not much different from the outside door, but the position of the eye is naturally different.

"and also!?"

The swordsman domain owners are all stunned, how to set up so many doors in a row? Generally speaking, there are a lot of two doors, and this time there are three gates. This is undoubtedly too much.

However, this time, the Tianzhu domain owner and Yi Tianyun did not immediately break, but stopped.

"Why don't you continue to break, do you feel a little tired?" The cloud domain owner came over and wondered.

Yi Tianyun and the Tianzhu domain master looked at each other, and immediately the Tianzhu domain owner looked at him and said: "It is still the idea of ​​the Tianyun domain owner."

"I suspect there is a trap inside. Maybe the evil emperor has already thought that someone will break in. So it is very likely that there are so many gates deliberately designed. Let us break it all the way, when we wait for them to come, we will be trapped. Here is here." Yi Tianyun looked at them and explained.

"So, is it true that there is no such thing as a heavenly family?" The main body of the cloud domain frowned. If it had been broken, but it was not a heavenly family, wouldn’t it be a pit?

"No, the Tiantian family must be inside. I believe that the Tianzhu domain masters have already sensed the creation of a heavenly family. The evil emperor is deliberately doing this, which allows us to feel the creation of a heavenly family. Then we will forcibly break through all the way and think that we can Before they can come, they can break everything and save the heavens."

"I don't know, but this is in the trap of the evil emperor, let us break all the way, and finally break to the back, the heaven-making family did not find it, but they were trapped here. I think the evil emperor should want to catch more. More people, or catch some invaders like us."

Yi Tianyun gave a list and guessed the thoughts of the evil emperor.

Their faces have changed, so it is really possible to say this. Estimated to leak a little breath, let them perceive. This is like a house, the naked eye can see the money in the window, who knows that when a door breaks in, it is found that there are various iron cages locked in it, but can not be seen immediately. .

This is tantamount to tempting them in the past, so that they fall into the trap of their own design. Either leave, or know the trap, you must break in.

"Yes, what I want to say is what the Tianyun domain wants to say. According to the design of our **** engraver, there will definitely not be so many doors. This is not only an increase in consumption, but also a waste of resources. Arrange a few guards. There is only one possibility for this design, that is, deliberately intercepting and delaying the time. It can even be said that when we break to the back, the front area may be able to re-enter the door and intercept our retreat!"

The main character of the Tianzhu domain turned to look at the wall behind it. It is not visible from now on. If it is seen, it is not a trap. Just by guessing, it is very likely that a trap like this.

With the sinister idea of ​​evil spirits, there will be similar traps.

"It seems that we are really in a dilemma. If you leave, then it will come. If you don't leave, the heavenly family will be trapped here, but you can't save it..." Jianfeng domain has a bitter smile, this is the next It’s really a very tricky thing.

"So, are we leaving now, or continue?" They looked at each other and God knew that the door was broken, and there was no door behind it.

This will give the intruder a kind of mentality. Can you tell me that the next time, you will be able to get rid of it and find a heavenly family?

"Of course it continues." Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold: "The evil emperor thought that he had the confidence to intercept the intruders, and we naturally could not let him do it. Especially now, it is estimated that there are also traps outside, I think The evil emperor will certainly not be so simple, let the invaders leave."

"Yes! It is to continue to break down, all this step, and can only continue to break down. This is better than trying to see if we are breaking fast, or they are coming faster!" The Lord is really upset. After knowing such a trap, it will continue to be broken.

This is his reluctance, but he does not want to let the evil emperor succeed.

"What are you waiting for? We broke it!" Yi Tianyun laughed loudly: "But I have to prepare a little, I will let the evil emperor know that some schemes have no meaning in the face of absolute power!"

Followed him and closed his eyes, not knowing what to do.

The Tianzhu domain owners looked at each other and did not know what Yi Tianyun wanted to do, but listening to Yi Tianyun’s tone seemed to have any special plans.

However, they chose to believe in Yi Tianyun and waited by the side. The cloud domain master did not know what Yi Tianyun wanted to do, but after thinking about it, he finally stayed on the side and wanted to see what Yi Tianyun could make.

"Give me an upgrade!"

“Hey, successfully upgraded the gods to be eight!”

After deducting a large amount of crazy value, the success of the gods instructor to upgrade to eight levels, only one step away from the nine products! Once upgraded to nine products, it is full level, and in that time is the first **** in this world. As for whether there are other nine product levels, there may be, at least, they are tied together in one level.

After the upgrade, his soul strength has improved a lot, but he has stepped into the lower level of the gods! This qualitative leap is expected.

There have been similar changes in the previous upgrades of the gods, and it is not surprising that this change can be made this time.

"Okay, let's break it now." Yi Tianyun stood up and walked toward the front of the big facade. "The celestial domain master, I just used a little secret technique to speed up the mystery of breaking. Because of consumption comparison More, so it is estimated that it will not last long, but it is still solved by me, it will be faster."

"Cheng, it is decided by the Tianyun domain master." The Tianzhu domain owner has no nonsense, he also wants to see what Yi Tianyun has to do, can quickly break the special situation here.

In fact, Yi Tianyun just installed it just now, so that they thought that they were preparing something. In fact, they didn't need such trouble at all. It was just a brain rushing up.

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