Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1690: They are dragging their legs

After Yi Tianyun was ready, he rushed directly to the front of the big facade. The speed of his hand suddenly increased, and he suddenly increased his speed by hundreds of times!

"call out!"

In the blink of an eye, several eyes were broken. This speed is hundreds of times faster than before. It is so fast that the Tianzhu domain owner is stupid. He knows how difficult it is to break this battle. It can be like pulling a radish in front of Yi Tianyun, and it is easy to remove one by one!

"Too, too fast!"

They all looked shocked, even though they didn’t practice the gods in the cloud domain, but they have all seen it? Moreover, the low-grade gods can still be easily mastered.

When the repair is strong enough to cultivate a certain degree, it is still very quick to cultivate other things. As for the grade, it is certainly not too high. The higher the grade, the harder it is to cultivate. This is the inevitable result.

They don't have so much energy to spend, so they can only cultivate to a lower level. For example, the level of three or four products is still very easy. As for the higher level, they can't do anything, unless they put more effort into it.

So their products are not that high, but they all know how difficult it is. Breaking the speed so fast, they made them stunned, never seen before!

"This speed is much faster than before. What is the secret technique that can increase the speed?" The main eyes of the Tianzhu domain flashed, and the interest in Yi Tianyun was even stronger.

Correspondingly, they are also worried about how easy it is to consume, so fast, it must be very expensive to break up?

The answer is yes, but the consumption is nothing but crazy. Yi Tianyun itself has no consumption, but it can get a lot of experience and proficiency.

Soon, in less than a little while, the door was completely destroyed. The time spent is not as good as the previous tenth, it is easy to break.

After the door was broken, it was immediately slapped by Yi Tianyun. Followed by the eyes, is still a door!

Sure enough, it’s a trap. After finishing the layer, there is another layer.

Yi Tianyun did not complain about anything, these are expected. He continued to rush up and continued to break down at a very fast pace.

Soon the door was once again broken, and they saw the Scorpio domain owners stunned. Although I have seen it before, I still don’t feel tired, but I will still be shocked.

This speed is really shocking. In their view, the whole godland is afraid that no one can break the speed, can it be faster than Yi Tianyun?

Unless it is very strong, reach the level of the gods. But it was not broken, but a slap in the face.

The door opened and then another door.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun continued to break down. After successively breaking the two doors, there was no front door. What caught the eye was a cell, in which many of the heavenly people were held. These heavenly families were fixed on the wall one by one and could not move.

However, it seems that the situation is okay, at least not badly abused.

After the door was broken, they turned around and thought that it was the evil emperor who came over and found that it was not the evil spirits who rushed in.

When the Lord of the Scorpio came in, he turned his head and looked around, his face dark. Although they have not been abused, but the situation is not good enough, all kinds of blood is pumped, are stuck at a very reasonable point, so their situation is still good.

This means that they become livestock-like, have been placed here to raise, can not move. If you recover a little, you will be pumped a little blood.

This is similar to the evil spirits that Yi Tianyun encountered before. There is no difference. As long as they are rare and very helpful, they will use this method to control.

So raise them a little bit, and then drain their blood a little bit.

"The seals placed on the cells here are still very difficult. It takes a while to get rid of them..." The Tianzhu domain master also observed that there is a **** seal on the cell here, and the difficulty of breaking it is not low.

It is no wonder that the evil emperor is so relieved that he has broken all the way and does not know how long it will take.

Unfortunately, his reassurance is wrong. Yi Tianyun did not speak, and he rushed to the scene and continued to break out. The seemingly strong seal of God was instantly destroyed.

The Scorpio Lords followed them and began to save the heavenly people inside. It is only to lock the chain of the heavenly family, and it is also suppressed by the gods, and it must be broken.

This is broken by the Scorpio domain masters, or they are forced to use external forces to break. After all, these chains are not so large, like a kind of armor, a little more strength, or can be broken.

It's a lot easier than a thick door. After all, the door can engrave more of the gods and it is more difficult to break.

Yi Tianyun is currently the first to open the door, first to break all the doors, and then rescue people. In particular, this will also allow the cloud domain owners to do something, at least not waiting for them to be stupid.

Inside the prison, there are roughly ten rooms, and each room is held with ten people. In total, there are more than one hundred people in the sky. This number is not too much, and some of them may have been killed, so it will be at least so.

However, there are not many people in the heavens, and the more the race is against the sky, the more rare the number.

Soon, Yi Tianyun was completely destroyed, and then began to rescue the people of the heavens. His hand was so on the iron rope that it was two points in a row. It seemed to be two points. In fact, it has been ordered hundreds of times. The above gods were immediately destroyed.


The iron rope fell, and the heavenly people who were fixed on it softened down and sat on the ground.

"Slightly recover, prepare to escape!" Yi Tianyun left the next sentence and continued to break the other people.

It’s easy to take them out and it’s all right in the living space. It’s not very difficult.

"Thank you..." I don’t know what to say about the people of the heavenly family. I am very grateful to Yi Tianyun. Now I can only say these two words.

Under the break of Yi Tianyun, most of the Tiantian people were quickly rescued. The rest of the small part is worn by the cloud domain masters. They have to say that the speed of Yi Tianyun is really too fast, and the other four people can't stand Yi Tianyun alone!

"All rescued, you can now escape!" Yi Tianyun exhaled a deep breath, have to say that the consumption is quite large, especially in terms of mental strength.

Fortunately, he broke through the spiritual power of the next god, otherwise it really can't last for so long.

"Tianyun domain master, you are so powerful, I don't want to wear anyone, I will serve you!" The cloud domain master is now full of shock, before I thought that Yi Tianyun dragged his legs, now it seems completely theirs After dragging his legs, he didn't help, and he looked at it.

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