Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1691: Layer protection

I have to say that this is a very embarrassing situation. Yi Tianyun is the one who has the most output. On the other hand, they are standing next to each other while they are wearing the cloud domain. Only now is it a little help.

However, it is only a little bit busy. Most of them are still broken by Yi Tianyun and Tianzhu domain owners. Only a small part can be solved.

"Thank you, thank you..." The people of the heavens are shaking all over the body, and their eyes are full of hope and excitement.

If they can escape from here, they are really thankful, and they are even more grateful to these people. However, they are more grateful to Yi Tianyun, who are all saved by Yi Tianyun.

"These words go out and say, now they are hiding in this living space, and one escapes!" Yi Tianyun indicated that they first hid in the space of the Tianzhu domain.

The repair of the Tianzhu domain master is not the highest, but the comprehensive ability is definitely the strongest. His speed of breaking is amazing, but if he talks about combat effectiveness, he really can't be ranked. Anyone who is a domain owner here is better than him! Even the Scorpio domain owner is also the same, it seems that repair is not very high.

But who can know what strange treasures he will throw? In other words, you can kill people with treasures!

The Tiantian people did not think too much. As long as they were not evil spirits, they all thought it was a good person. In particular, they feel the familiar atmosphere from the Tianzhu domain master, and there is no doubt that they are the atmosphere of their own people.

They immediately followed the special space of the Tianzhu domain master, but when they first entered a part, one of them reminded: "The evil emperor is arranged here a lot, and also uses our ability to strengthen a lot here. Wait for you to escape. When you go, there will be more solid protection, you have to be careful!"

"We have already guessed this point, no problem." Yi Tianyun said.

"Then please, you can't help me now. I can only say that after I escape, I will thank you!"

They nodded and rushed into the special space of the Scorpio Lord. After all went in, they immediately fled outside. There is no such thing as a heavenly family, and the rest is an empty cell.

As for the treasures, it is even more impossible here. However, if you want to say treasures, the people of the heavens are indeed treasures. Every generation of heaven and earth is very precious.

Sure enough, they just went back, and the door immediately began to block, and a large door fell high and quickly intercepted them. There are seven doors that fall in total! The seals on each door are different, and it takes time to break.

However, Yi Tianyun took the lead and rushed straight up and began to break quickly. The speed was astonishing as ever, and soon a door was broken.

This can't stop him at all. He is also an eight-character engraver. Unless he encounters the nine-printed gods, he can all be destroyed at an alarming rate!

"Tianyun domain master, can you still hold on? Don't force yourself too much!" Tianzhu domain owners began to worry about it. Yi Tianyun continued for so long, and he said that it was already exhausted, but it is still hard. .

"I can still insist, no problem!" Yi Tianyun continued to break down. Even if he couldn't persist, he would have to stay hard. He didn't want to be trapped here, and he didn't want to encounter the evil emperor with a bunch of strong people. .

Even if they attack hard, they will suffer a lot.

Since Yi Tianyun said so, they would not say much about it, and they could only wait by the side. In the heart of prayer, Yi Tianyun can really persist. As long as he can escape, everything is over.

Yi Tianyun was crazy and fierce all the time. Soon a fan door was broken. Even if it was reinforced, but at his super-128 speed, it was broken at a very amazing speed. .

Less than a musk time, all seven doors were broken! When you broke the last door, push it away quickly. The hearts of the Tianzhu domain are stuck in their throats. When they see the light of the outside world, they are all happy. They look at this speed and fear that they can escape!

"Come out, go!"

After Yi Tianyun went out, there was no such thing as a joy. For him, as long as he did not completely escape from here, it would not end.

They flew outside, but it didn't fly far, and Yi Tianyun stopped immediately. Outside him was wrapped a thick layer of shield with lightning flashing and a layer of rock wrapped around.

It seems that when they came out, they also stimulated a thick layer of shield and rock to prevent the intruders from escaping when they gave up the invasion.

"This is the way of building a heavenly family. It combines the power of lightning and rock to form a super-strong protective cover. If you rush out, you will consume a lot of energy and will hurt us. If it is broken, it will take a long time... ...the evil emperor is the evil emperor. I have already calculated all the problems in it, basically it is not a little bit..."

When the Scorpio Lord saw the shield, his face changed and he immediately knew what was going on. Although I have already expected it, I have to say that the preparation of the evil emperor is too full. I really want to let the invaders come back and forth. Even if the invasion succeeds, there will be a pile of protection, which is simply to protect the hell. .

Correspondingly, there are quite a lot of resources consumed here. There are many resources needed to lay out these things, and the general forces will not play like this.

But the evil emperor likes to play like this. There is a feeling of catching the shackles and slowly playing with the invaders.

"Nothing, continue to break, just as long as it is still a **** seal, there is no way to break it, it takes a little time!"

Yi Tianyun swept his eyes and immediately searched for flaws. Although it is made by the heavenly family, it is also a fusion of God.

As long as you find the right direction, there is no way to break it.

"The words are like this, but after the skills of the heavens are combined, the difficulty of finding out is greatly improved..." The main eye of the Tianzhu domain swept away: "But I will assist you, I will not be able to break the speed, but I can still help to find out the flaws. To get rid of this kind of shield, you don't need to break it all. You just need to break a small part."

"With our strength, a little break through a small crack, you can storm out. At that time, even if it is slightly affected, but it can easily be broken out." Tianzhu domain owner proposed.

Their cultivation is not a display, but now they are forced to rush out. It only hurts them a lot and the risks are high, especially at a slower speed.

This is not as good as breaking a small hole first, and then rushing out of the brain, although there are still many shields, but at least a few easy.

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