Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1692: Being trapped!

"No problem, find out the flaws and break open a hole!"

Yi Tianyun swept his eyes and quickly opened the eyes of the sky, following the mainstay of the Tianzhu domain to find flaws. Time is tight, I don’t know when the evil emperor comes over, so the sooner the better, the better.

Under the joint efforts of both of them, they quickly found flaws. At this time, Yi Tianyun was also the first to take the lead and rushed to start to break.

However, the speed of the break is not very good. The main cover is packed with other strengths. A little closer to you, you will be subjected to various attacks, so that he is subjected to various injuries, which affects his speed of breaking.

Fortunately, in the front of the sword, they quickly gathered around, blocked in front of him, and easily attacked all kinds of attacks. If they can't even do this, then they will die early.

Under the protection of many domain owners, Yi Tianyun broke down very smoothly, although the speed is not particularly fast, but at least it is much faster than before.

Of course, it is much faster than the disintegration of the Scorpio domain master.

Since the energy of this shield is fluctuating, the array is also a transformational one, and it is still a bit difficult to find. As soon as you find it, you can get rid of it immediately. If it is similar to the previous fixed type, it is really easy to get rid of it.

"These difficulties are really not low. With the technique of creating a family, the difficulty will rise straight..."

Yi Tianyun finally saw the power of the heavenly people. They are good at "changing". Whether it is attack or defense, they will constantly change, so that they will not be easily broken.

For example, the difficulty of breaking the shield is greatly improved. It is assumed that there is no other domain owner to help with it. Yi Tianyun really has to spend a lot of time before he can get rid of it.


Yi Tianyun's eyes are bright, and a little bit can break a crack, and then they can escape.

Others have a happy heart, as long as they can rush out, they will win, can successfully escape from here, do not need to meet with evil spirits.

Finally, under the method of Yi Tianyun, the shield was finally smashed through a small crack. However, the crack is too small, it looks like it is not the same, it is similar to the crack of the crystal barrier. It has just been broken down and it has been repaired.

"Go, you go out first, I am blocking in the back!" Yi Tianyun indicated that they would rush out first. If he loosened it, he would definitely close it immediately. When it was time to say that he was, even other people could not out.

They didn't talk nonsense, they immediately took the lead and rushed out. They all saw what it is. If you drag it down, it will drag down Yi Tianyun.

Several of them rushed out in groups, and the Tianzhu domain owner shouted: "When we go out, we will help you build a passage outside and protect you out!"

Yi Tianyun nodded and said that he understood.

Soon the Tianzhu domain owners rushed out first, just rushed in, and immediately slammed into various attacks. Because of the weakening, the power is much smaller, and the whole is still very easy to come up.

When they rushed out one by one, it was just that the evil emperor came over from the outside. When they saw that they all came out, their faces suddenly changed.

"What did you do, it came out, how did this happen?" The evil emperor's face was ugly, and he felt confident that he could intercept the intruder. He did not expect it to come out so quickly.

Especially when I saw them coming out, one of them was a familiar face, and it turned out to be one of the blacklists! There are four blacklists that appear soon. Waiting for him to take a closer look, I found that there is another inside the shield, that is Yi Tianyun.

The five blacklists are in front of you, one is not leaking! Especially Yi Tianyun, who hated it before, is still supported in the shield.

"Damn, don't want to escape!" The evil emperor reached out and quickly hand-printed his hand. Soon, the shield that was originally opened was quickly restored and filled up. The shield that was originally opened in the blink of an eye was healed.

Under the interference of external forces, the effect is completely different. This is even more different if the Tiantian family is maintained next to it.

Otherwise, the evil emperor will not be so crazy, and all the heavenly people will be arrested. First, they are all caught, even if they can't control them, forcing them to break the crystal barrier, at least not always being repaired.

Yi Tianyun's face changed. He had just wanted to go out. Now the exit in front of him is blocked, and it is stronger than before.

Look carefully outside and find that the evil emperor appears in the distance, you know why this happened. Unexpectedly, this unexpected situation still occurred.

"The evil king is coming!"

They are ugly, and they are also ready to help Yi Tianyun to open the passage, so that he can pull him up. Don't say that you are pulling it up now, you have to break it again, and it takes more time.

In particular, the evil emperor interfered with it, and continued to reinforce the shield, where it can be easily broken. Basically, Yi Tianyun is locked inside, and it is difficult to come out from below.

"Go, you are going!" Yi Tianyun's voice barely penetrated, indicating that they had to flee and leave him alone.

"Tianyun domain master..." They clenched their teeth and eventually turned and fled here, fleeing in the other direction.

It’s not that they are unrequited, but it doesn’t make sense to stay here. They can’t easily break through here. Instead of staying here, it is better to flee here and let the people of the heavens settle down.

After all, it’s not a single evil emperor coming over, there are two teams of evil gods arriving here, a team of fierce army has fifteen, the two teams have thirty! It means that there are 30 gods and evil spirits, plus the evil emperor personally led, the power is absolutely terrible.

Even the five major domain owners are afraid to harden their hardships and will only exacerbate death. The reason why they dare not send all the power at will, the main side is their battlefield, with all kinds of big blessings, only to die.

If the evil emperor took the powerful to attack their power, although it is equally resistant to the difficulties, at least it will not be at a disadvantage here.

"Damn, this time the cloud domain was mainly caught..."

"No way, let's leave and say, or we can't even walk!"

"Yes, let's go first! Let's transfer the people who made the heavens first, then we will return and kill them, fight with them!"

They are not afraid of the dead. After all, if they are hard-pressed with them, if they all die here, the people of the heavens will be saved, and they will eventually be caught in their hands.

Therefore, how to **** them out, no matter who is trapped underneath, they are all based on the creation of the heavens! After the placement is completed, they will immediately bring people to kill and fight with them!

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