Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1695: Moving

Yi Tianyun's transmission is not transmitted back to these areas of the Three Realms, but to the gods outside the heavens. Before he came, he had already got the corresponding coordinates.

The reason why he is not in a hurry to go back, is to look at the situation of the Tianzhu domain owners, need him to help?

He was still trapped, but now he is the most relaxed. Going straight away is definitely not his style. How to determine the Scorpio domain owners can successfully escape, is the real focus.

When he went out, he quickly hid into the void, with the five dragons boots, he had very high confidence. As long as the evil emperor is not close to him, he will not be noticed!

Immediately he quickly swam to the side to see if the Scorpio Lord is still near here. After a circle, they did not find them in this area, but let him breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that I have successfully escaped..."

Yi Tianyun nodded and was about to prepare to leave. Suddenly he felt a wave of volatility coming from the front. When he looked up, he found that it was the Scorpio Lord's Spirit Ship, and he was madly mad at this side.

Behind the spirit ship of the Scorpio Lord, there is a huge evil spirit chasing after him. Another great evil **** has been broken up, and the evil spirits scattered into the zeros are chasing over the edge, but the speed ratio A huge evil spirit is going to slow down a lot.

"Is it still caught up?" Yi Tianyun sank at the bottom of his heart, but he quickly flew over and planned to meet them.

The area where the Scorpio Lord's Spirit Ship flies also happens to be the area that created the Tenjin domain, which makes him confused. Even if you are caught up, don't fly there?

"Is it a return to save yourself?" Yi Tianyun couldn't help guessing it. If it was, it really made him feel moved.

After he didn't think much, he quickly flew over and intercepted the ship.

"The Lord of Heaven is me!"

Yi Tianyun suddenly appeared on the edge of the spirit ship, so that the master of the control of the Tianzhu domain, but he reacted as quickly, directly to Yi Tianyun to inhale the spirit ship.

"Tianyun domain master, you are not trapped inside?" Tianzhu domain owners they looked at Yi Tianyun with shock.

Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the shield hole is a bit big. If the evil emperor wants to come in and grab me, I must open the shield. So I can use the secret method and slip out in one breath. I think I will come back to you, what is the situation..."

He soon noticed the situation here. Among the major domain owners, there was one less person, and that was the dragon dragon domain master! The dragon dragon domain owner is not here, which means that it is very likely to escape.

"The people of the heavens have already taken the dragons in the dragons. When they chase them, we fight with them and then quietly let the dragons run away. Now we will come back to save you, I did not expect you already It’s too unexpected to escape."

They looked at Yi Tianyun's surprise, they had run away directly, and there was still a bit of guilt. However, after the placement, I immediately returned, and Yi Tianyun was really moved.

It seems that they are very reliable allies and will not drop anyone.

"It can only be said that the arrangement of the evil emperor is a little inadequate... Don't say it, hurry and run now, the evil emperor has to catch up. The evil emperor should know that the gods are saved by us, and then the time is certain. Will kill you!" Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng.

"Okay, let's run away now!" The Tianzhu domain owner nodded a little, immediately raised the power of the transparent spirit ship to the maximum, and then quickly ran away.

"Come, I still want to go!"

The roar of the evil emperor enveloped this piece of heaven and earth. I don’t know how many times, the evil emperor has merged with the evil army, and turned into a huge evil god. It is only the face of this evil god, his own face.

Since he is the dominant, the natural appearance will be based on him. Originally the **** of the anti-sky level, it is now merged into a huge and incomparable evil spirit, and the power bursts into a state of extreme peak.

Waving the palm of your hand and grabbing it, the huge pressure made many domain owners sink their faces, even if they were also the masters of the late Tianshen, they felt great pressure.

I have to say that the evil emperor is too strong.

"Jianfeng field!"

"Wearing the clouds!"

The two tyrannical domain lords immediately broke out of their strongest scholasticism, and they were hard-pressed with the evil spirits.


Two tyrannical attacks, which collided with the attack of the evil emperor, caused a terrifying energy explosion.

After a while, the huge hand of the void smashed their attack, pulled it to the side, and pulled it into pieces.

"On this point of power, I dare to swear at my site! Let the heavenly family give me back!" The evil emperor reached out and continued to grab it here. With the power of the evil army, his power improved a lot. .

No wonder he will bring so many evil gods, it is originally prepared to cooperate with their own actions, rather than let them act alone. If it is combined, the power of the evil emperor will rise a lot, and even the two major domains will join forces to attack.

These forces are really shocking.

"The evil emperor is so strong with the evil army, and quickly evacuate!"

They did not stop the attack when they passed through the cloud domain. They broke their own power again. The Tianzhu domain owner constantly spurred the fans of Tianzhu and pushed the next move.

Yi Tianyun can only look at this force in the face of this force. The big array controlled by the evil emperor may be the real united evil spirit!

One pair of two, did not fall in the wind, directly to the palm of the crush. No wonder that they are not willing to face the evil emperor. This power is too abnormal.

The Scorpio domain mastered the spirit ship and quickly avoided the attack of the evil emperor. Thanks to the deduction of the Tianzhu Shenfan, it is still possible to push the next step.

But that's it. The other side is too strong to push too many things. It can only be used to avoid it.

After several consecutive avoidances, the evil emperor is still chasing after him. The interference of the two major domain owners is still quite limited and cannot stop the chase of the evil emperor.

Continuing this way, they can't easily escape, they will only be chased to death. The evil emperors could not let them go, and the heavenly people were taken away, and no matter how they could not let them go.

If it is more than stamina, it is undoubtedly the evil king is even better. So many gods are supporting behind the scenes, and it must be the first place on the side of the Tianzhu domain.

"The Scorpio domain master, is there no way to escape?" The sword-fighting domain owner is constantly resisting, facing the strong pressure of the evil emperor, still complaining.

This will be a terrible thing for them to see the true power of the evil emperor. And it seems that it is not the ultimate power of the evil king.

"No, it is already the speed limit. I am also trying to find a way to escape..." The Tianzhu domain master is more anxious than anyone else. If they are caught up, they will be finished.

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