Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1696: Abandon ship

They are very anxious to continue to resist this, and it is definitely more and more dangerous. Even if it can be delayed for a while, it is always no way, unless it escapes to a place where it can resist the evil emperor.

But now there is not much preparation, and it is not necessary to pull a evil emperor to rush to his own power. This is how many gods merge, even if they are scattered, they can suppress a lot of forces. Moreover, at the moment, I am afraid that I have not reached my own power, and I am going to die.

"I have a way, this is a spiritual ship, I am afraid that I have to give up." Yi Tianyun Shen Sheng.

"A ship in a district, nothing. At that time, there is no problem in directly detonating, as long as you can escape from here!" Tianzhu domain master is domineering, in fact, even if it is relatively poor, as long as you can escape, you can pay this price.

After all, life is gone, what is the use of this ship?

"That Cheng, wearing the cloud domain master and the sword front domain master, are hiding in my space." Yi Tianyun indicated that they were hiding inside their living ring.

They didn't think much about it, they just hid in. For Yi Tianyun, they will not have any doubts. Especially when wearing the cloud domain master, I still don't trust Yi Tianyun before. Now I treat Yi Tianyun as my brother. When fighting, I can give the back to the existence.

Followed by Yi Tianyun, he said to the Tianzhu domain owner: "Now it's your turn, come in a little further."

"No problem, then all the power will erupt!" The Tianzhu domain chief smiled and manipulated the most powerful power of the spirit ship. The entire spirit ship surface burst into dazzling white light, and the speed suddenly turned several times.

In this case, it is undoubtedly the state of consumption. As it continues, the loss of the ship will be very serious, until it will eventually become a transparent ship.

"I still want to escape!" When the evil emperor saw the most powerful speed of the ship, he thought they were dying and struggling to catch up.

However, the speed of the main control of the Tianzhu domain is undoubtedly faster, a little further away. The Tianzhu domain owner immediately plunged into the living space of Yi Tianyun, and Yi Tianyun also immediately used the transmission **** stone to disappear in place.

At this time, the spirit ship continued to fly rapidly to the front, and after a long period of continuous flight, the speed quickly slowed down. Followed by the beginning of the red light, the moment the evil king approached, suddenly detonated and turned into a fierce bomb.


The violent explosion directly affected, and the evil emperor was shaken back a distance, and almost the entire joint array was scattered.

"Self-explosive?" The evil emperor stunned, even if he can't escape, there is no need to do this? Directly choose self-explosion, the domain owner inside is not hurt yourself?

After the explosion spread, don't say anything about the body, even a shadow is gone. The front is empty, nothing.

"What about people?" The evil emperor rushed over and looked around, not to mention the figure, and there was no breath.

He stares at this side, and if someone escapes, he will know. But he didn't feel a little breath, and there was no trace of breath, which made him completely dumbfounded.

So many domain owners, disappeared and disappeared, and Yi Tianyun disappeared in front of their own eyes.

"Do they have any magical secrets that they have escaped?" The evil emperor's face was ugly, and a domain owner did not leave. The people of the heavens were saved. These things made him want to die.

Before the illusion of the moon was taken away, now it is the turn of the creation of the heavens are gone, how can this play?

"The five blacklists... really are the five blacklists!" The evil emperor clenched his fists and his eyes were cold and cold: "I didn't want to be so quick, is it forcing me to move out now?"

The reason why they are not in a hurry is to arrange slowly and do a good job. In particular, a bunch of old people do not die, do not know where to hide, this is their most taboo.

If light is superficial, they have already killed it. In order to find the evil spirit first, after the resurrection of the evil spirit, kill it again.

They don't want to repeat the same mistakes, and the taste of failure can be uncomfortable. Therefore, it seems that they are very powerful forces. They still have no choice but to do so.

After the evil emperor stood in the same place for a while, he finally shook his head: "Fortunately, it is not particularly necessary for them. Although it is a bit disturbing the plan, but still accepting the scope, let you live more time, then it will be Let you know that no matter where you are hiding, it makes no sense..."

The evil emperor finally left with his men, and returned without success.

On the other side of the area, Yi Tianyun took them to other areas and released them. Originally, they were able to take them back to the Dragon Gods. I thought about it or look around nearby. Can't you tell them where the dragons are hiding?

"I have successfully escaped." Yi Tianyun said.

"It's really, it's easy to escape. This area looks like a long distance. I don't know what this magical mystery is. Should it be consumed? Even if it is a general suffix, it is impossible to escape easily..." The domain owner is very interested in this, and I don’t know what treasures Yi Tianyun uses.

Yi Tianyun said with a smile: "It is indeed a relatively large consumption. It is a secret technique that is quite expensive. It is a secret technique used for life. Although it consumes a lot of money, it can still be accepted in order to escape."

"That is really thanks to the Tianyun domain owner, we can easily escape." They are relieved to wear the cloud domain master, but fortunately there are Yi Tianyun, otherwise they are really going to die.

"Yeah, it really means that the Tianyun domain owner is easy to create a miracle. It seems that it is really right now!" Jianfeng domain master laughed, he has been very interested in Yi Tianyun, and now it seems really interesting. And it's amazing!

With special secrets, they can easily escape. Although I don't know what secret technique to use, it seems to them to consume a lot.

"Generally, what is the dragon dragon domain owner? She is going back, or where is she hiding?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"She is hiding, we are looking for her now."

Sure enough, as Yi Tianyun thought, the dragon dragon domain owner still hid, not directly ran back to the dragon **** domain. In fact, if you run away, it is safest to hide. If you run around, you will find it easy.

The premise is naturally to find a good area to hide, if it is too obvious, nature is equal to self-seeking dead end.

Followed by the Tianzhu domain owner, they took them with them and quickly found the dragon domain master. When the dragon dragon domain owner saw Yi Tianyun, his face was a hi, and he thought that he was wearing the cloud domain to save him. He asked carefully, but also because of Yi Tianyun, he could escape!

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