Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1703: arrangement

After Yi Tianyun noticed, there was no point to break it out. Instead, he came to the woman’s side and bowed his head. “You are going to break the traces of the chain and I have already seen it.”

The woman repaired her pupils and she did not expect such subtle traces to be detected. They have been broken down very subtly, and unless it is a very high-level **** engraver, it is impossible to detect it.

In front of this group of purple evil spirits is like an idiot, the level of the gods is certainly not high. Looking around, one by one is so low. Although the repair is low, there is still a high-grade **** engraver, but the repair is really not too high, it is really impossible to be a high-grade **** engraver!

This is the case, their plans have been seen. In the eyes of the female repair, there is a bit of despair. If it is discovered, it will be reported to the evil emperor. Then their escape will be hopeless, and all their efforts will be drowned.

"Don't panic, we are our own people. Don't look at me as a purple evil spirit. Actually, I am not a purple evil spirit, but a beggar. You can't see me, I am embarrassed. If I can see that I am embarrassed, I think It must have been recognized by the evil emperor." Yi Tianyun was speaking to her.

In order to prevent the sound from leaking out, it was heard by other purple evil spirits.

The woman repaired a squat, looking up and down Yi Tianyun, but really did not believe what Yi Tianyun said, in her opinion is to set their own words.

"You don't believe that I am normal. Under normal circumstances, I will definitely explain this to the evil emperor. I will definitely not say it, but I will not cover it, but also cover the destruction of the gods here." Yi Tianyun continued Voice: "After breaking, don't clean up me, the rest can be cleaned up, and it will be good to meet you."

The female eye is very complicated, and the depth of the eye is still full of unbelief, but a little believe.

If this is a plan, it is still a rather stupid plan. It’s not enough to deceive them to trust themselves and set out the topic. It’s not enough unless you go out completely, maybe you can believe them.

The purpose of the evil emperor to catch them is already already known, so it seems that there is no need for anything.

"Whether you believe it or not, I will pretend to control you when you wait, and you will respond with a little response." Yi Tianyun began to show his spirits in a pretentious manner, in fact, it was slightly shrouded next to the purple evil inspiration on the side. Just fine.

The female repair is also sensed, and can only be pretending to wiggle the body, revealing a painful expression, pretending to be controlling itself.

She may not believe it, but she thinks she can still try it! Anyway, if you try it, you will lose nothing. It’s better to report it, and that’s the real end.

Yi Tianyun just stared at the situation around him, and at the same time lamented that the timing was really good. It was just a good way for him to find a good entry point.

In this way, it takes a little time for him to come in hard, but it is better to make a big noise outside, perhaps slightly disturbing this side. Then inside the heavenly family, rushing out from the inside, screaming at the evil spirits when the attention is not here, quickly escape!

This is a very good plan at the moment, at least there is a chance. If the evil emperor is not here, it is undoubtedly more perfect.

“It seems that I have arranged a little bit of eyeliner to come in...”

Yi Tianyun, who stayed in the Three Realms, immediately began to create several evil spirits, and the cultivation was upgraded to the level of Tianzun. Do not overdo it, the level of heaven is enough.

In this way, on the side of the evil spirits, the status is not low, leading to no action. At the same time, if you want to come up with a little name, this batch of crickets can come in handy.

Internal confusion, this is a very good point. Anyway, it’s awkward, it’s dead when you die, it doesn’t matter.

For a time, the two-way development plan. It is a pity that he feels very sorry. It is still a purple evil spirit. It is impossible to detect deeper news. Come in to control the people of the heavens.

Although this is indeed a big deal, he thought he could know more secrets. Now it seems that he thinks more. The evil emperor will not let other men know, know more secrets, or be ineligible to participate.

Unless he is a certain elders, he may be eligible to participate with the evil emperor. The preciousness of the purple evil spirit lies in the mastery of spiritual control, and the rest can only be regarded as general. But the light is so, it is already very high.

This is the same as the practice of the practitioners. Whether it is a forge or an alchemist, the status is higher than that of ordinary practitioners.

In any case, it is a very good harvest to be able to know the situation in which the people of the heavens are caught.

If these groups of people are rescued, it will undoubtedly make the people of the heavens die for themselves, and they will not be able to join themselves. Under a good degree of goodwill, you will be able to complete the main line mission!

When the two sides began to work, the progress of Yi Tianyun was also not slow. The Tianzhu domain owners tried their best and did what they said. Immediately, a group of domain owners were called to come here, and the four-character domain and the five-character domain were summoned, and they were all credible domain owners.

As for the rest of the gods, there is no way to call it. Some people like to be independent. If they don't like to make too many other forces, then they are too lazy to ask.

They all came to the Three Realms, and when they first came here, they were still full of curiosity. This is a deified **** in the outside world, with a strange shield, and a magical power.

Just when I came in deep, I found that the overall strength here is a bit weak. After all, all come to the domain master level, the lowest revision has the lower level of the gods, not to mention the ancient gods level, even the gods level is a very strong level.

Being a domain owner can't be bad.

Therefore, they are very casual to explore the whole picture here, seeing their disappointed expression, Yi Tianyun does not feel a little accident.

Perhaps this place is too deified, they think that it is very strong here, who knows that it is really weak, even the general four-character domain is not as good.

Yi Tianyun smiled and watched them walk into the hall one by one. There were not many people. There were six domain owners. If you add them to the dragon domain, it is a total of ten domain owners.

Among them, the five-character domain is four, and the four-character is six. The domain masters of the ten gods have already occupied half of the power of the gods. Although not all, it is already amazing.

If they can form an alliance, it is enough to form a very cohesive force, and they will at least not be so embarrassed to fight against evil kings.

Just seeing the contemptuous eyes in their eyes, Yi Tianyun knows the position of the lord, but it is not so good.

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