Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1704: Not satisfied

Ten domain owners, except the five who met with Yi Tianyun, have not seen the rest. As for the fifth place, that is to repair the Tianyu master, no doubt is to choose to support Yi Tianyun, this point is not said.

Yi Tianyun’s status in Xiu Tian Shen’s domain is obvious to all, and it is still a disciple of the vast gods, which is enough for the repairing Tianyu master to unconditionally support him.

This is five or five points, supporting half of Yi Tianyun, and half of Yi Tianyun’s wait and see.

"This is the Tianyun domain master you recommended as the ally?" One of the wonderful cloud owners looked up and down Yi Tianyun, frowning: "The repair is a bit too low, as the lord, the repair is too low. No."

"I think so too. If you are too low, you can't convince the public. For the time being, you don't mention prestige. Just repair it, let alone our domain owners. Even the elders under the seat are estimated to be opposing."

"Sword front domain master, what you said before, this is not the case. You said that the Tianyun domain master is very powerful, and now I can't see anything."

The five domain owners have always maintained a questioning attitude. If you cultivate this item, you will not be able to obey the public. This is human nature, and as a measure, it can reduce a lot of trouble.

This is like a master. If the master's cultivation and skills are not as good as himself, what else is the master?

Faced with this kind of questioning, Shi Xueyun is discussing on the side, how to solve this matter and let them choose to be convinced.

"I know that you are very controversial about the issue of becoming a ally under the squad, especially in repairing it. But even if it is up to the standard, there must be various controversies. This is just one of them." Yi Tianyun looked at their expressions. Seriously, when he talks about serious things, he will still be very strict.

The five-bit domain nodded and repaired as just one of the criteria. If the ally is simply to be high, then there is no need to continue to vote for anything. Just pick the strongest one and just go out.

The so-called ally, you need to be the backbone of cohesion, prestige can not be low, ability can not be weak. All aspects of the superposition and integration can only become the ally, otherwise no one can convince the public.

"In fact, I am not very willing to become a ally. I just wear the cloud domain and they strongly recommend me. I can only choose to be the leader of this ally." Yi Tianyun shrugged helplessly, but immediately turned: "Since they are willing to trust me, I will naturally live up to their expectations! As long as your questions, I will answer them one by one."

"First of all, from the perspective of cultivation, the gods are not my opponents except the upper gods. Unless they are very powerful ancient gods, they are not my opponents!"

Yi Tianyun raised a finger to indicate that the first problem was solved.

"Blow it! You are just the superior Tianzun, so many levels to deal with the median god, this is too exaggerated? If it is, you break through to the gods level, not to heaven?" One of the domain owners stood up to express Out of your own unbelief.

The other four domain owners did not believe, and the favor of Yi Tianyun fell sharply. Only the five domain owners smiled and did not stand up to help say something. Some things were seen as honest, but it meant nothing.

"Yes, when I break through to the gods, I will definitely be able to go to heaven, and now I can go to heaven." Yi Tianyun pointed at him with a smile: "If you don't believe it, the domain master is your repair, just the median god. I don't know if I can fight a battle? Only know more than one game."

"Good!" The domain main station came out, Shen Sheng said: "That is better than one, if I lose, I apologize for the behavior just now. Choosing the lord is not a play, even if there are other domain owners recommended, but I still need to personally Justify it!"

Follow the domain master and come out, call out the gods and spirits, ready to fight with Yi Tianyun.

Soon it was immediately divided into a site, so that they can fight.

"The visitor is a guest. Since it is a guest, it is not too hot. We have cultivated so many differences, I will let you attack three tricks. If I can't accept it, it will mean that I lose, how?" Yi Tianyun Put forward a condition.

They are not enemies, there is no need to be so desperate, so you only need to learn a little.

"Yes, it's so big to be a difference. To be honest, it's like a test. My old face can't be hanged." The test is the Baiqi domain master. It is a highly respected domain owner. Everything is cautious.

Although the sword front domain owners strongly recommend them, they use their own personality as a guarantee, but he is responsible for his own domain, so even if you leave your old face, you must test it yourself.

"coming soon!"

The Baiqi domain master is not too polite. After all, when the enemy is on the battlefield, the leader leads the wrong, and it brings countless deaths! This is not something that can be afforded casually.

Yi Tianyun also mobilized the Tianzun Lingbao to come out, and the three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao came out together and immediately mobilized their own strength.


Compared with the power that was not powerful before, it was released from his body. It’s just that he is not attacking now, but guarding, so the main attack is defense.

In contrast to the defensive power, it is necessary to open the dragon and the phoenix, and the effect is almost open to the maximum, just like turning into an indestructible meteorite.

The attack of the Baiqi domain master just arrived, turning into a sword and running through it, trying to pass Yi Tianyun.


Along with a crisp sound, Yi Tianyun did not move, but the main enemy of the Baiqi domain was flew out, and after a few laps in the air, it settled down.

"Yes, I have shown 30% of the power, but it is so easy. It seems that I am too small for you." The Baiqi domain owner laughed loudly: "The second move!"

The second move, Baiqi domain, exhibited 60% of the power, and the power increased dramatically. It is still the same move, and there is no change.

It seems that the Baiqi domain master is still very straight, without other tricks, as long as Yi Tianyun can resist his moves, then he will admit defeat, the rest will not be embarrassed.

The second move was again bombarded, Yi Tianyun was steady and local, and the five dragons in his hand were in a hurry with the Baiqi domain master.

"Boom", Yi Tianyun was slightly shaken back a few steps, and the Baiqi domain owner was also shot and flew out. Both of them were shocked at the same time, which meant that they had a tie!

However, the loser is still the owner of the Baiqi domain. After all, Yi Tianyun only needs to hold it, instead of winning the Baiqi domain master.


The eyes of Baiqi domain are full of war: "It seems that I began to believe in the words of the sword front domain. Your level is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It is these two defenses, and the overall level is in the lower gods. The level is late, it is not easy!"

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