Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1705: debate

Yi Tianyun can easily resist the two tricks, let the other four domain owners look at each other, before they sneered at this incident, it is really not too convinced that repairing the gap is so big, there can be such a powerful force.

It seems that they are completely wrong, and there is such a real existence. Using your own power, how can you not be shocked by the leapfrog against the median god?

Although the third move has not yet been displayed, in their view, it has already been recognized by Yi Tianyun. If he breaks through to the gods level, he can really go to heaven!

"The next third move, as long as you can completely take this move, it is that you win, but the opposite is that I lose!"

The Baiqi domain master once again made a sudden mention of the momentum, and the power was upgraded a lot. This time, I dare not say that all the forces are released, at least 80% to 90%.

The Baiqi domain owner will naturally not try his best, only use most of the power. How to say that Yi Tianyun is defensive, if you try your best, it will be too much.

"Okay, no problem!" Yi Tianyun nodded, holding the five dragons and guns, and was ready to go all out.

In the face of the existence of the domain master level, he has not really played against it, especially the positive impact. He is mainly based on sneak attack, so even if it is a gap, it can be slightly better.

The real life and death duel, sometimes repaired as insufficient, can be filled with skills. In particular, the ability of oneself is very important, and all kinds of martial arts can fill some vacancies.

Of course, if the gap is amazing, these will become jokes. After all, no matter how amazing the martial arts, in the face of absolute power, are clouds.

For example, Yi Tianyun’s instantaneous movement is a sudden sneak attack. Suddenly it appears behind the enemy, but the enemy's cultivation is too strong, even if it is only a moment, it has already made a counterattack.

Following the Baiqi domain master, Yi Tianyun was ready to attack. There is no change in the move, it is still the previous move, so stubborn attitude, but let other domain owners awe.

This is a face problem and a problem of attitude. Originally, it was the test of Yi Tianyun's strength, whether it reached the corresponding level, rather than going to death.

Hao Yi Tian Yun is the main force of the Jian Feng domain, they strongly recommend, how to say a little face.


The same moves, different powers, bombarded again. Although the moves are the same, but the power is different, it seems to re-given a new force, from the high-altitude bombardment, with the rock-solid Yi Tianyun bombardment.

"Five dragons scream!"

Yi Tianyun also did not show weakness, followed by a strong explosion of power. When it was banging, a fierce explosion exploded between the two, forming a horrible energy tornado whizzing around.

The chiefs of the Jianfeng domain have already prepared for it. Everyone has waved their weapons and easily removed this force, so as not to cause damage to the surrounding hall.

How to say it here belongs to the discussion hall, there is a corresponding protection of the gods, but can not easily resist this force. Therefore, it is still necessary to help remove it, otherwise it will definitely collapse.


The fierce explosion caused the entire planet to vibrate. Many practitioners can clearly feel the vibration here. I don't know the situation. I thought it was an earthquake.

After a while, the explosion finally stopped. After the energy to be exploded dissipated, they caught their eyes, and Yi Tianyun stood steadily. The body was a few hundred meters away from the back, and there was a long trace in front.

Yi Tianyun does not have too many problems on the body. It is the damage of some epidermis. Most of the strength is absorbed by the thick dragon scales and the force of the void. It seems that the problem is not big, almost Say no harm.

The nature of Baiqi domain will not have any problems. Yi Tianyun is mainly defensive. Even if it is an attack, it is mainly to protect itself. Therefore, there will be no problems and the body will be intact.

"You won." Baiqi domain owner looked at him and laughed: "The Tianyun domain master is really like the sword front domain owner said, it is really a generation of enchanting genius, we have compared these old guys. No wonder in In a short period of time, I will kill the gods from the outer gods, and let the evil emperor eat it!"

Other domain owners also nodded and saw the power of Yi Tianyun. They all agreed that Yi Tianyun is quite good in strength. Perhaps there is still a gap compared to them, but this gap is afraid that after repairing a breakthrough, it will be greatly closer, or beyond!

They are still more horrified in their hearts, and finally see the power of leapfrog. But they always don't feel like leapfrog, but like hiding strength, the real strength is afraid to reach the level of the gods.

No matter which one, for them, as long as the comprehensive strength is up to standard.

"In the next distance from the predecessors, there is still a long way to go." Yi Tianyun said modestly.

"This point does not have to be modest, and we agree with the strength, enough to convince us." The Baiqi domain owner stepped back and expressed his approval for Yi Tianyun.

However, the Baiqi domain master has just retired, and the cloud domain owner has come out. Although the name is a bit feminine, it is a big man who has come out.

"Your cultivation is strength, we all agree. If you are a lord, you need all aspects of management. Can you do it?" asked the cloud domain owner.

If the strength is qualified, it will naturally start to be in management. If management is not enough, then it is not a trick.

"To tell the truth, my level is normal, but with the help of the sword front domain owners, and my many generals to help, I think this can still be managed very well. The problem is that they are willing to be managed by us. Then, let's talk about it."

Yi Tianyun thought about it, and he smiled and said: "In this case, in fact, there is nothing to say. Find a time, let me have a lot of powerful generals, and compare with you, is it clear?"

Many of his gods will have very good abilities. After a long period of tempering, they are ready!

"Well, this is just useless on the mouth. When we find a time, we simulate two camp attacks. When we look at the powerful generals of the Tianyun domain, can we easily get rid of it." Nodded, no difficulty, Tianyun, also agree with Yi Tianyun's method.

Say no meaning, wait for the real chapter on the battlefield!

After the main retreat of the cloud yarn domain, another domain owner came up. This time it was the turn of the wonderful cloud domain, and it was a big man. In fact, among the ten domain masters, the dragons are the female masters, and the rest are male. No matter how feminine the name is, the real situation is the man.

Yi Tianyun wants to say this, but he has never said anything.

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