Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1706: Identity

After the Miaoyun domain came forward, I thought about it a little bit, and said: "Tianyun domain owner, if you want to become a lord, you must first make a contribution. I don’t know what Tianyun domain owner can make people convinced in this regard. Things?"

"Isn't there now? It's not enough to save the people of the heavens and let the evil emperors eat them?" Yi Tianyun retorted very easily.

These two pieces are difficult to achieve, but they succeeded with the help of Yi Tianyun. Perhaps saving the heavens and the family, they have the merits of the sword front domain, but the real credit is Yi Tianyun! That amazingly broke the speed, let them all look at it.

Even if the people of the heavens are not saved by Yi Tianyun, just let the evil emperor eat it, it is enough to make everyone convinced. How many domain owners can you do to this extent?

It can be said that Yi Tianyun is the first one, let the evil emperor eat it. They are blacklisted, but they are only blacklists that can be smashed by the major divisions of the evil spirits.

Therefore, it can only be said that the evil spirits are damaged a little, far from the feeling of letting the evil emperor eat. After all, even the touch did not touch the evil emperor, how did the man die, but also a group of ants, and died when they died, where to eat.

Yi Tianyun is really letting the evil emperor eat, not only stealing the emperor, but also stealing the heavenly family. If the evil king wants to kill the most, it is definitely Yi Tianyun!

The remaining four blacklists add up, not as easy as Yi Tianyun's finger. The so-called hate is the meaning of this. The plan to upset the evil emperor, repairing it is not the kind of special anti-sky, but also let him clench his teeth.

"In terms of safety, who can compare me to the three realms? When it comes to the security center area, when the war is over, you can transfer the injured or important practitioners here, who can touch?" Yi Tianyun listed his advantages.

As a safe area, light is enough to become a bright spot. Of course, if he is not the ally, then the right to speak is even less. Basically, it is forcibly requisitioned.

If you are a ally, you can command which area they are in and let him control.

Several domain owners looked at each other and really couldn't think of anything to refute the words of Yi Tianyun. After all, this advantage is really a big advantage.

Let the evil emperor eat this, and let the forces that are deeply persecuted by the evil spirits have a feeling of dripping. This can indeed make many disciples and elders convinced of Yi Tianyun.

"If this is not enough, I will soon have a new plan, that is, let the evil emperor eat the plan!" Yi Tianyun looked at them with a smile.

"You can also hang a evil emperor, what is the plan?" They stretched their necks and wanted to know what the plan was.

"This has to be kept secret. After all, whether it can be successful or not, it will be another matter. By the time, you will know." Yi Tianyun looked at them and smiled. "Before this, I can help you clean up the internal traitors." Of course, if you have full confidence in yourself and promise no traitors, then I didn't say it."

The Baiqi domain thought about it, and it was the first one to stand up: "I don't know what the plan of the Tianyun domain owner said, but I can still let the evil emperor eat it. I am still very happy to see it. As for whether it can be I have already planned to make the Tianyun domain owner a ally."

"me too."

"me too……"

One domain master station came out to choose to support Yi Tianyun, even if one or two do not support, it is no longer important.

As long as more than six or seven support Yi Tianyun, then the rest unless you opt out, or you must obey the majority.

"As for eradicating the traitor plan, I am very happy to let the Tianyun domain owner view it. I have always felt that I have leaked the wind. Every time I go out, some teams will disappear. It is very likely that they are given by the evil spirits. Grab it, or clean it up."

Of course, I will not let the Tianyun League leader run a sneak peek. After the event is over, I will give a certain amount of compensation to the Tianyun lord. "Baiqi domain master also chose the first attempt, let Yi Tianyun to help identify traitors.

He also directly yelled Yi Tianyun as the ally. Although he did not call all the elders, but their domain owners have made a decision, the elders are still very easy to negotiate.

"I also want to ask the Tianyun domain owner to come to my domain, and the reward is equally good!"

One by one, they stood up and worried that they would not be able to turn themselves. They all know the general situation from the main mouth of the Dragon Field. They don't think that there is even a traitor in their own domain.

The dragon **** domain is strict enough, so it is mixed into a lot of traitors. It should be said that they are controlled and then become their traitors.

They don't think they don't, for peace of mind, they want to ask Yi Tianyun to check it out. Even if it is a treasure, please ask Yi Tianyun to help.

"No problem, this is very simple." Yi Tianyun smiled, there is still no problem with this.

Especially now that it has been settled, the position of the lord is still stable. Of course, this is only verbal, and there is still a lot of work to be done, such as the competition of the gods, these are all need to try.

Otherwise, he is not very good at management. However, he believes that his gods will be able to perform tasks similar to things. For example, the moon, or the strengthened Xiaowu, will not lose to other forces!

Followed by Yi Tianyun, he first went to the Baiqi Shennian. The Baiqi domain owner couldn't wait to pull him to go. As for other things, they could all operate together. It is not a big problem.

Yi Tianyun went to the Baiqi Shenque and began to search for the controlled disciples. He quickly searched for a large number. The number is much larger than that of the dragon **** domain. It can be described as terror.

At first, the Baiqi domain master was also scared, and after the soul search, it was found to be true. By that time, the Baiqi domain master was truly convinced, and Yi Tianyun had such a terrible eyesight that he could see through the existence of the evil spirits.

It is worthy of the man who makes the evil emperor eat, so this is enough to serve as the lord!

Followed by the Baiqi Shenu, and then went to other gods to help clean up. For a time, he was really busy, maybe this is the price of becoming a ally.

However, it is quite worthwhile to help them clear these eyeliners. This will at least allow several forces to have no big problems with each other.

While busy here, there is also a slight change in the purple evil spirits. The female repairing side has already broken most of the time, and if it is a little bit of a **** seal, it can be completely destroyed, and then it will be able to escape directly.

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