Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1707: Divert attention

"A little worse, you can destroy this **** seal, and the evil emperor has not come yet, and quickly destroy it." Yi Tianyun passed the voice to the gods, "now the evil emperor seems to be closed, it should not be found here." The situation."

"The evil king retreats? You have not gone out, how do you know?"

"You don't care about this. It's a message from a bunch of eyeliners outside me." Yi Tianyun said: "You just need to hurry and destroy, and I will take you out to kill!"

"But now it seems that it will take some time before it can break out."

"The people you have met have already been found?" asked the more gods.

"In fact, it is my deity, with a group of domain owners to come to the rescue. At about the same time, will come over. Especially when the evil emperor is not here, that is the real opportunity!" Yi Tianyun said seriously: " If the evil emperor is here, it is basically very difficult to succeed. After all, he completely controls the area here, and he is not very easy to escape."

The more the gods nodded, this is still very clear, the evil emperor is the **** here. Being able to control everything here, everything is based on him.

If he is not here, basically most of the formations here will be invalid. The evil emperor is very overbearing. It should be said that evil spirits are like this. They must hold everything in their hands and control only a small part of others.

For example, the transmission array here can only be led by him, and the rest of the elders can't bring it in. Unless you break this transmission array, you will not be able to come in or go out.

The same is true of some of the killings outside, which are controlled by the evil emperor. Without the control of the evil emperor, almost no power can be exerted. This is the impact of the power of the exclusive power, but the evil emperor just wants to do this, and he must monopolize all powers by himself.

But this has a benefit. If the evil emperor leaves here, or is retreat, then it will lose its effect. Therefore, even if they are more degrading, they can't leave here immediately, or they should pretend to be detained.

Be sure to wait for the evil emperor to leave, then choose to escape, so that it will be safer.

When they just finished speaking, they walked into the figure outside, and took a closer look, it was actually a evil emperor that had not been seen for many days. I didn't expect the evil emperor to come over and patrol. This time they breathe a stagnation, worrying about the evil emperor's confession, but also worried about Yi Tianyun's confession!

Although Yi Tianyun's words are a bit credible, it does not mean that it is really credible. When the evil emperor comes, choose the whistle.

This time their hearts are mentioned in the eyes of the blind, Yi Tianyun did not know their thoughts, but also felt very nervous.

If the more gods are discovered, then everything is in vain.

The evil emperor did not notice this, but he was very satisfied with seeing the past and seeing that they were all trying to control the people of the heavens.

"Who can you control?" The evil emperor casually asked such a sentence.

Most of the evil spirits can only shake their heads and answer for the time being. The people of the heavens are not so well controlled. If they can control very well, they will be controlled early, why are there so many left in the cage?

"It's a bunch of waste, it's too slow! Providing so many resources, spending so much resources for you to come over, is listening to your answer?" The evil king said coldly: "Hurry up to give me a little faster, time is running out!" ”

"Yes, evil king!" They can only nod.

Followed by the evil emperor and went inside. In the place where the evil spirits stayed, he was too lazy to go in and read it, but went directly to the empty cage to view it.

This time, the more the gods, their hearts, really mentioned the eyes of the blind, and almost flew out.

The evil emperor is different from other purple evil spirits, but it is quite accomplished in the gods, so there is still a great possibility to see it.

“Well?” When the evil emperor came to one of the cells, he frowned and seemed to see something, and he was about to prepare for an in-depth review.

Yi Tianyun, who is on the side of the gods, shouted: "The evil king, I am ready to control it!"

Yi Tianyun constantly released his mental power and rushed over to the gods. The more the gods were, the more they squatted, and then they struggled and turned their heads to show the painful expression, as if they were really controlled.

“Really?” The evil emperor turned his eyes and quickly came to Yi Tianyun to check the situation of the Yueshen god. After looking up and down, he asked: “How much can be completely controlled?”

It is not him who controls, so he can't fully sense the condition of the gods.

"Fast, it should last for a few years, or ten years will be successful." Yi Tianyun roughly said a time.

"Does this also tell me faster?" The evil emperor slammed his hand and said coldly: "But time can still be accepted, try to give me a little faster! Also, the next time I report time with me, if I don't control it within a month, Don't tell me, don't understand!"

Although it was not long for a few years, the evil emperor was anxious and still felt very long.

"Understood, evil king!" Yi Tianyun shouted and continued to control.

Following the evil emperor and continuing to explore, it is still the same. It seems that it is really necessary to check one by one, and if it is not interfered, it will be replaced or not checked.

The evil emperor is still more careful, to explore all the detailed conditions.

This time, it seems that I am ready to be discovered. Once found, it is really finished.

"Evil King!" Yi Tianyun shouted again.

"What happened?" The evil emperor was very unhappy, and turned to look at it.

"The small judgment is wrong, and it can be controlled with a little difference. It will not exceed three days at most!" Yi Tianyun said a very short time.

"Three days?" The evil emperor hurriedly came over here, and both eyes said: "Is this true?"

"If there is any falsehood, then please let the evil emperor cut off the small head and kick it as a ball!" Yi Tianyun said something.

"Three days..." The evil emperor laughed and said: "Okay, then I will go back and arrange it now, wait for your news! Don't say three days, as long as you finish it in a month, you can make a great contribution. It!"

After hearing the other purple evil spirits, they all showed envious eyes. They all think that Yi Tianyun has chosen a well-controlled family of people. The luck is really good. They have not been able to control it for so long.

It didn't take long for Yi Tianyun to come, and it was already very fast. It was so lucky.

"Thank you for the evil emperor!" Yi Tianyun thanked him.

The evil emperor nodded a little and immediately turned and went back to prepare. It seems that even if he is controlled, he still needs to arrange a lot of things before he can take possession of the heavens.

This time, he finally did not continue to check, let Yi Tianyun relieved.

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