Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1713: conflict

In the order of Yi Tianyun, the more the gods, the more they started to transform themselves, and they all began to transform around and began to transform.

A strand of energy penetrates into this transmission array and is finely modified. This is not a simple matter, it still takes a lot of effort to complete the transformation.

Fortunately, they have a large number of people and can be collectively transformed, so the speed is relatively fast. Under the continuous transformation, in less than a little time, this transmission array will undergo a little change, but only a little change, and in general it can be said that there is no change.

"Okay!" The more the gods breathe out, the transformation is very subtle, but they are very worried that they will fail. If they fail, the transmission will be abolished.

At that time they had to break through the hard walls before they could escape. This will undoubtedly increase the time significantly, not what they are happy to see.

"Well, it is now in my body space!" Yi Tianyun indicated that they should not struggle, waiting for him to inhale the body.

The more the gods, they nod their heads, and they are not afraid of Yi Tianyun’s deception. After being inhaled, after all, if there is any problem, they can often break open. Moreover, it is this time, they have completely believed in Yi Tianyun, and if they really deceive them, it is really enough to do this.

Immediately after Yi Tianyun waved, they were inhaled into the body space. They are not struggling, so they will be easily absorbed.


Yi Tianyun did not drag and pull, he lifted his foot and went to the transmission array, and quickly disappeared into the transmission array. A slight change is to allow him to use the transmission array, but there is no other extra transformation, but it is such a subtle transformation, the effort is not weak.


Yi Tianyun’s heart is a joy, it seems to be successful, as long as you leave this ghost place, then there is no problem.

After blink of an eye, he easily came out of the transmission array. There is no guard outside, because the transmission array can only be controlled by the evil spirits, so it does not matter whether or not to guard.

This can actually make Yi Tianyun leave very smoothly, without any hindrance. However, his surface is purple evil spirits, it is calculated, it can be said that the evil emperor let him out, easily fooled them.

"I hope that the evil emperor has nothing to do with it..." Yi Tianyun now only hopes that the evil emperor will not have any feelings. If there is induction, it will be troublesome here.

Unfortunately, the evil emperor really has the feeling. At the moment of losing control, he sensed it.

"What happened, how could you lose your sense?" The evil emperor had just smashed the passage and was preparing to fight with the Jianfeng domain owner. When they were killed, they immediately felt that they had lost their reaction.

This gave him a bad feeling, just like the current transmission channel, he was justified when he was forced to open. Why he was in a big array, he couldn't distract him and control it, he could only sense the strangeness here.

Who knows that this can't be completely intercepted, and can only choose to give up the big array. Now it’s the turn of the problem, which makes him sink in his heart: “Is it also being sneaked in there? But it’s not right, I haven’t sensed that someone sneaked into it...”

The evil emperor is the **** here, with absolute control and absolute inductive power.

When he was puzzled in his heart, a figure attracted his attention, that is Yi Tianyun! Not only is Yi Tianyun, but also the characters in the blacklists of the Tianzhu domain owners, so that his heart immediately slammed.

"I will say who is so courageous. It turns out that you guys. It seems that you really thought that I can come over here!" The evil emperor was angry, and he ignored the situation there, even though it was a bit strange. But the export is only here, as long as you hold it here, then even if the heavenly family can leave the cage, there is no way to escape.

"The evil emperor came out." Yi Tianyun and the Tianzhu domain owner looked at each other and then gestured to the sword front domain owners to continue their efforts.

However, when they saw the three teams of evil gods, they really felt the pressure doubled. Yi Tianyun once again saw that the evil emperor’s men are really quite a lot. How many powerful people are hidden?

"Scorpio domain master, you are going to support them now, I will continue to open the channel here, and give it to me." Yi Tianyun did not intend to participate in the war, but continued to open the channel here.

He was worried that the passage would be closed, and the more the gods would be, the more they couldn't escape.

"No problem, I will hand it over to you here." The Tianzhu domain chief nodded and immediately called out all kinds of gods and treasures, and released all the treasures, surrounded by piles.

The evil emperor has anger, and the Scorpio domain owner also has anger. His parents are killed in the battle of the gods. In the face of evil spirits, he can't wait to destroy all evil spirits. Now seeing the evil emperor, it is completely igniting his own anger, and wants to fight with the evil emperor!

Not only the Scorpio domain owners, but also the many powerful people of the heavenly family have released their special abilities. Each one masters the power of peculiar laws, and the power of various attributes surrounds them.

The power of the heavenly people is very simple and rude, and it is the ultimate attribute power. For example, the power of flame law is the strongest fire in the world!

Not only the law of fire, but also the power of other laws, each of the attributes of the heavenly family is different. After being superimposed, the power reaches a very strong level.

What Yi Tianyun can do is to release the healing power on the side and give them a powerful healing power. After all, he has to open the channel, except for the burden of healing, the rest can't do it.

"Come on, hurry up..."

Yi Tianyun looked at the domain owners who were constantly resisting the attack of the evil emperor. The heart was constantly shouting, and the purple evil spirits could come up quickly. The longer you drag, the more unfavorable it is.

The evil emperor personally went into battle, and immediately pressed them back and forth, enough to see how evil the emperor was against the sky. A evil emperor can hold more than a dozen domain owners!

On the side of the purple evil spirit, after leaving the passage, he quickly flew up. When you pass through the passage, you can easily come out from the inside.

"See Zi Daren." When the guard saw Yi Tianyun coming out, he did not intercept him. He thought that it was the evil emperor who let him leave.

Yi Tianyun nodded and hurriedly left, and ignored too much. After leaving the tower, I immediately flew out to the passage, hoping to escape to the side as quickly as possible.

But before he flew too far, there was a burst of sound immediately in his ear: "Wait a minute!"

Yi Tianyun turned his head and looked back, shouting his own, was actually a group of evil army!

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