Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1714: Wrath of the evil king

Yi Tianyun did not expect that there would be a group of evil army troops appearing, seemingly ready to go to support, but now it is here, shouting him.

"I don't know what's going on?" Yi Tianyun showed his proud expression. If you look at the race, the purple evil spirits are one level higher than the evil spirits, so there is no need to whisper.

"The evil emperor ordered us to hold here, as long as there is anyone, from the inside, we must intercept it. You are not staying below, how come up?" The head of the evil army flew over here, with a strong expression I simply ignore the status of the purple evil spirit.

Yi Tianyun’s heart sinks. It seems that the evil emperor still gave orders to the evil army. He surrounded the group here. If there was any movement, he would attack immediately.

If you don’t see yourself, the evil army is afraid that it has already been rushed to a storm.

"The evil emperor ordered me to come out to do things, I don't know what the problem is?" Yi Tianyun remained calm and did not panic.

"No, no matter who you are, you can't leave from here. Please go back now, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!" The evil gods showed fierce murderousness. It seems that they only obey the orders of the evil emperor, and the rest It’s the elders’ level, and there’s no way to order them.

"I have something to report to the evil emperor. The following situation has arisen. You still have to go in and have a look!" Yi Tianyun ignored him, turned and flew out to the exit, and compared the distance between the evil gods. When you are far away, hurry to leave.

"If you go, don't blame us for being rude!" The evil army began to scream at Yi Tianyun, still so rigid, and there was no point in understanding the words of Yi Tianyun.

As long as the evil emperor said that they should stay on top of it, then if it is leveled, it will not go down. The evil army is so rigid, ignores any changes, and does not respond, it will only obey orders.

"It's a bunch of dead goods!" Yi Tianyun quickly gave them a voice to the gods, indicating that they were ready to fight, and the evil army had already attacked.

After hearing the gods, the ones are all ready to fight, but more are still planning to run away. Fighting on other people's sites, even if you win this game, there will be more powerful players, and there is no point in fighting.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun raised the speed to the fastest speed and flew to the passage, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Don't go!" The evil army led by the army quickly caught up. The rest of the evil army did not come, and only one evil army was caught up.

It’s just this evil army, it’s enough to intercept Yi Tianyun. After all, there are all levels of the gods, and there are so many levels. It’s impossible to catch a purple spirit of a **** level.

In the blink of an eye, the evil army intercepted in front of Yi Tianyun, and his expression was cold and cold: "If you come again, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

He didn't start immediately. In the end, he still belonged to his companion. If he was a chaotic race, he had already won it in one fell swoop.

The voice just fell, and suddenly a flash of light came out from the body of the purple evil spirits, and a direct bombardment came up. The evil army did not react, and it was already blasted out, not dead or cruel!

"Go!" The more the gods emerged from the body, they fled outside with a purple evil spirit.

"The situation has changed, chasing! Hurry and report to the evil emperor, there are changes in this situation!"

The evil gods sank in the heart and quickly chased them over here. This kind of change really scared them. No one knows how to build a family, how to hide in their own people.

Soon the information here is passed to the evil king outside. After the evil emperor knew it, he slammed and slammed the squadrons who had been besieged. His eyes were cold and cold: "Well, it’s no wonder that the mess has been on the sidelines, and it’s still waiting for the passage!"

The evil emperor directly turned his eyes to Yi Tianyun and kept the passage open, in order to let the heavenly family escape. He used to think that Yi Tianyun was doing something, and he clearly escaped. He also opened the passage. Isn't it enough to support it?

Who knows that it is the right thing to do, and if you want to save the people from the heavens, you will choose to do so.

This made him even more annoyed, no wonder to invade, it turned out to save people! Originally, the people who made the heavens were extremely important to him. Now, even if they save a group, they will save the rest and make him more angry.

Immediately, the evil emperor reached out and strengthened his strength to bring the passage together. Followed by Yi Tianyun immediately felt that a tightening force was uploaded from the side of the channel, so that the strength he maintained was greatly increased.

"It seems that this situation already knows the situation..." Yi Tianyun did not expect it. Before he guessed that the evil emperor could definitely sense it immediately, although he was lucky, he was still sensed.

"There is a little bit of skill, then take the knife first!" The evil emperor slammed the black energy in his hand and turned it into a black sky to sweep over it, as if it could swallow all the sky, so it was suppressed from the void.

"Give me a break!"

The main body of the Jianfeng domain, the collectively erupted the strongest force, slammed into the black sky, accompanied by an explosion, broke the black sky.

"Want to call, first ask if we are willing or not!" If the sword front domain owners can't protect even Yi Tianyun, then they are really alive.

So many domain owners are here, even if the individual domain owners can't deal with the evil emperor, but the collective attack can still break some attacks.

The evil emperor's eyes are cold: "If you let me succeed this time, my evil emperor's face is gone!"

Immediately he reached out and made a huge black crystal. Seeing this situation, everyone suddenly changed their face, no doubt this is the awakening crystal!

The evil king has been against the sky. What kind of concept would it be if he awakened again?

Yi Tianyun’s heart is a sinking. It seems that this evil emperor really wants to move the real thing. It’s really going to break out now, and it’s still very strong.

Immediately, the evil emperor swallowed the awakening crystal, and an instant burst out of his body. The original huge body suddenly began to weaken. Not only that, the evil army on the side spread out and gathered here.

Each one has penetrated into the body of the evil emperor, and the body is getting smaller and smaller, and the strength is getting more and more solid. A force that is compressed to the extreme, constantly slaps the void around it and twists it.

The space of the original five-character domain is extremely stable, it is difficult to twist and tear, but now it is distorted!

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