Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1715: By the second

After the evil emperor swallowed the awakening crystallization, he madly sucked in the evil army, but it was not a swallow, but a fusion! This is a direct integration into the body, so special moves, they really can't.

The key is that the more condensed, the more horrible the power looks. The energy fluctuations around them began to distort the space, clearly making them feel a terrible atmosphere.

Yi Tianyun’s eyes of exploration are all beating data madly and constantly rushing up! This data jumps quite horror, it is much stronger than before, and the data is constantly jumping up.

"So the fusion moves, if it is completely awakened, I am afraid that it is really infinitely close to the Emperor?" Yi Tianyun felt that a force that can kill everything, passed from the evil emperor, and continue to do so, they I am afraid that I will be abused.

Originally, the evil emperor was terrible. Now it is necessary to absorb so many evil gods into the body to strengthen their own strength. The cultivation of every evil army is not weaker than the level of the gods.

The superficial army of the three teams is superimposed, which means that 30 gods are slamming into him! Originally combined with a team, it is already very horrible, and now with the three teams, what kind of concept would it be?

The concept is actually killing their existence and crushing everything!

"This is a bad thing..." The Tianzhu domain drifted over and his face was dignified.

They can't be like the evil emperor, they can madly integrate the power of the same family, thus greatly enhancing their own strength. Even if they join hands, they can't reach this level, especially if they become extremely strong, they have extremely terrible power and speed.

Their attack, afraid that they can not fall on the other side, but was spiked.

"The evil emperor, the evil emperor!"

"The evil king is..."

Many evil spirits on the side began to shout loudly. They had been suppressed before, and now they have to fight back. The power of the evil king to awaken is absolutely able to suppress these invaders.

The face of the heavenly family is equally ugly, as if to see the previous scene.

"It is this kind of move. After the evil emperor awakens, the power is greatly improved. We are afraid that we can't resist..."

Although the Tiantian people are very powerful, they are of a unique type, and there is no joint attack type. How can a person be able to get together with a group of people?

It is not invincible and omnipotent to build a heavenly family. It is really strong compared to the individual. What you can face is the evil spirits who can fuse power wildly, and that is hard to resist.

It must be said that the evil spirits can overthrow so many powerful forces, and this move will play a big role. It’s really a strong combination. After a brain gathers, the power that erupts is absolutely earth-shattering.

Correspondingly, this move must have strong side effects. However, in a short period of time, it is enough to kill everything, it is a side effect, it does not make sense.

"Almost a little, they came out..." Yi Tianyun's face was dignified. He knew that this time he would not leave easily. After the evil emperor was angry, the power of the explosion was absolutely terrible.

The more the gods, the more they have fled over here, but the evil army has been catching up, and the speed is obviously slower. Therefore, it will not escape so quickly, but it seems that the distance channel is not far away.

"Call... I haven’t felt this for a long time."

The voice of the evil emperor came from the front, and the size of the evil emperor changed at this time, which is no different from normal people. Sometimes the bigger the difference, the more terrible it is. When the huge energy is compressed to a point, it is different.

Now the evil emperor is very different, not a small body, generally more than two meters high, the body does not show any explosive muscles, it looks like a very normal body. The space that can be twisted around, and the power that makes them feel threatened, makes them feel terrible!

"Who do we have to be able to use this kind of similar move?" Yi Tianyun looked at the Tianzhu domain owner.

"This... It seems that there is no such thing. There is a joint array, but it can be played thoroughly. It really isn't..." The power of the main body of the Tianzhu domain has been mobilized and ready for the war.

This kind of move is indeed very against the sky, it is simply a foul. They may jointly attack, but if the camp is disrupted, or if several of them are not well matched, then the joint big battle will easily collapse.

This time Yi Tianyun had encountered a lot before, but also broke a lot, smashed one of them, the big battleship either collapsed, or the power was greatly weakened.

Now the evil emperor is an alternative, completely gathered together, forming a single individual, and it is really a god-killing.

After the thorough integration, the evil emperor reached out and waved, and the passage quickly closed up, which was faster than before!

"Good strength!" Yi Tianyun's eyes condensed, and quickly sealed to continue to suppress the power of the evil emperor, do not want to close the channel, completely shut down, then open it can be troublesome.

"I will help you!" The Tianzhu domain owner immediately came to help, and opened the channel one by one, which barely slowed down the speed, that is, slowed down, instead of stopping.

Unexpectedly, after the integration of evil emperors, even this kind of control can be greatly strengthened, making them feel difficult to suppress.

"Oh, the power is not bad, but it is here..." The evil emperor's eyes condensed, and his eyes looked like a solid line, running through here and hitting their hearts.

Yi Tianyun felt a shock inside, and there was a feeling of being completely stared, or a feeling of death, passed from the front.

At the next moment, the evil emperor rushed to Yi Tianyun's side. The sound of "咚", the void was directly shattered, and it was shocked in the blink of an eye.

On the way to the sword front, they formed the protection, like a dummy. Under a burst of shock, they are just too late to react.

A group of domain owners were directly bombarded by the power of the evil emperor, and each one immediately suffered different injuries! This is not a frontal attack. It is just the force that has been shocked and rolled up. They have already flew them out.

In less than a few breathing hours, I have already killed Yi Tianyun and waved my hand. Without any weapons, it is very simple to use the palm of your hand to become a sword.

Yi Tianyun squatted, and the subconsciously wanted to avoid, but the body did not move, and the palm of the hand had already passed through, and his body was penetrated.

The power of horror swallowed and quickly spread around the body. In the blink of an eye, the body became withered, as if it had been drained!

Spike, one stroke spike, no one can react, Yi Tianyun has been killed by the second!

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