Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1716: resurrection?

Although Yi Tianyun had long been expected, but did not expect it would be so bad. This speed, this explosive force, is not a level before.

There is a feeling that the evil emperor exerts a crazy injury mode, directly on the original terrible foundation, superimposed on dozens of times of increase! The power of the heavens allowed him to be killed directly.

The chest is penetrated by the palm of your hand, and the horrible power of engulfing extends to the periphery. At the speed visible to the naked eye, it began to decay rapidly and gradually turned into fly ash.

Yi Tianyun can feel the power of life in his body, and he is beginning to be swallowed up, and very fast. Even if someone immediately rescued it, it was already too late, and the body disappeared almost instantly, leaving a small head.

"Dead, cockroach ants!"

The evil emperor waved his hand, and Yi Tianyun's body was turned into a pile of fly ash, which dissipated around. This is the true strength of the evil king, kill everything.

"Tianyun domain master!"

They were shocked. They didn't expect their lord to kill the second. Everything was in an instant. Such a terrible speed makes them feel trembled in their hearts. If they change their words, they will react and resist, fearing that they will still be seriously injured!

This is really like the arrival of the Emperor, even if it does not reach the level of the Emperor, it is infinitely close. A terrible degree, let them know what is called the evil emperor.

"Prepare to be your turn, come one by one, leave your life!" The evil spirits of the evil emperor looked over to the Tianzhu domain owner. The next goal is undoubtedly the Tianzhu domain master. .

The Scorpio domain master is a great scourge. He does not kill the Scorpio domain master. He is also difficult to calm his inner anger. In particular, the passage is now suppressed, and it is necessary to eradicate him.

The heart of the Tianzhu domain was a sigh of relief, and the heart was even more sad. I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to die so much that he felt sad and angry.

If they didn't come, Yi Tianyun would not die. He is very optimistic about Yi Tianyun, and will surely become a generation of peerless powers in the future!

Can still be dead, just died under his nose.

When other people thought that Yi Tianyun died, suddenly the void on the side of the room shook, followed by a group of flames, and a figure was instantly reborn!

In the blink of an eye, Yi Tianyun was so resurrected that everything looked intact and there was no problem at all. He is naturally dead, but he is automatically exposed to the skills of rebirth.

But the feeling of death is still not scattered. This power is terrible. For the first time, he was so close to the scene that the power of the evil king would be so terrible!

"The terrible power is immediately killed by the spike..."

Yi Tianyun thought that he could break through to the superior Tianzun in the later period, and he could have the power to resist. Now it seems to be a little resistance, but in the face of the evil emperor, it is still killed by the spike.


They were shocked after seeing it. I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to be resurrected, or was it killed before, but it was an afterimage? Or something else?

In the case of such a resurrection, they have never seen it.

The evil emperor also showed a surprised expression. He obviously felt that he had killed Yi Tianyun, and he still had a trick to kill. The kind of touch was definitely touching Yi Tianyun. It was definitely not what it was, or it was an illusion. .

But now a living person appears in front of you, certainly not a fake, but a real person!


After the evil emperor was shocked, he immediately launched an attack on Yi Tianyun, and it was still a strong force that broke out in the blink of an eye.

This time, Yi Tianyun was prepared, all the moves, the dragon and the phoenix, the crazy injury mode, and all of them went out.

"Five dragons scream!"

The three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao release the strongest effect and turn into a ray of light. It can face the impact of the evil emperor, just like a banyan tree, it seems so self-reliant.

The instant attack was washed away, and the sharp palm passed through his body again.


The evil emperor roared, and the palm of his hand was quickly opened. Yi Tianyun was turned into several more, and the dust was dissipated into the air.

In just a few breathing hours, Yi Tianyun has just resurrected and was killed again. Even if other domain owners want to come to the rescue, it is too late. Yi Tianyun is too close to the evil emperor, and he is easily killed by the second.

"Look, you are not dead this time!"

The evil spirit looked at the surrounding eyes and sensed the energy around him to see if he could still feel the existence of Yi Tianyun.

After a while, the side was quickly condensed together, no doubt is the body of Yi Tianyun, he is resurrected again!

"Pit, waste me fifteen lives..."

Yi Tianyun felt a pain in the flesh. The resurrection was a resurrection. The rebirth of the fire was still in the air, but it was directly deducting fifteen lives. The conversion was a mad value of several billion. Of course, it is not a lot of conversion to the crazy value of compression.

But no matter how much, it is also a lot of crazy value, he is still very distressed. Not so much in the blink of an eye, can you not feel bad?

Fortunately, this is a resurrection. If it is dead, it is really nothing.

"Resurrected again?"

They all looked at the sword front domain owners. They all suspected that Yi Tianyun was killed. Is it awkward, how can there be a continuous resurrection? They have never seen before.

"Impossible, is it all your mate to kill?" The evil emperor felt incredible. He really had never seen this.

"Yes, do you think I will die? You are killing me as a substitute. I am not dead!" Yi Tianyun knew that the resurrection was too scary, so he obeyed the words of the evil emperor and made them think that they were only Use a substitute.

"Then I would like to see how many substitutes you have!" The evil emperor roared and attacked again.

Yi Tianyun was clever, and he quickly fled the place with an instant move and fled to another area to avoid being spiked again.

The positive conflict is definitely dead, and the gap is too big. It is a ghost to be killed by the spike.

"Escape? You are not saying that you are not dead, have the ability to stand here and let me kill!" After the evil emperor rushed to the air, he quickly turned to look at the area where Yi Tianyun appeared.

"Idiot, even if it is not dead, can you let me kill it? Have the ability to catch up with me and say!" Yi Tianyun quickly cooled the moment of moving, relying on this to delay the time.

The more the gods are getting closer and closer, as long as they escape, he is the winner! It is not a good thing to face the conflict with the evil spirits.

At the same time, it can attract the attention of the evil emperor. If it is transferred to other domain owners, it will be different. Other domain owners, may not be resurrected like him...

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