Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1718: Chasing

He used the catastrophe caused by the breakthrough to cause damage to the surrounding area. He used it several times. The problem is that it is very dangerous. The more people are nearby, the power will be greatly enhanced.

Therefore, it is equal to a trick that hurts one thousand and loses 800. Unless you have to do so, you will not dare to try it at will. These moves are too embarrassing, and they will die when they are not careful.

Now that he has enough to break through the experience of the gods, so many domain owners are madly killing, and the experience gained is quite terrible. Therefore, he is finally a breakthrough experience, and even more than a piece of experience.

I didn't want to use it, I can only use it now. According to the induction, there is still a distance between the gods and the gods. Even if they escaped from the inside, there is a evil emperor on it. If there is no suppression, it is really impossible to escape.

Moreover, in the current situation, they are not coming up, but they are afraid to lose half of them. This is absolutely not allowed, especially if he is a ally and must be responsible for his own allies.

If he loses most of his domain, it is his failure, and his disqualification as a ally. I have to say that he is really miscalculated. I didn’t expect the evil emperor to be so bad.

After all, according to the previous situation, so many domain owners can really deal with it. Who knows that after awakening, it can fuse such a strong force, leading to such changes.

"Give me a breakthrough!"

"Oh, after deducting the experience, I began to break through to the gods, and the progress was one percent..."

In the next second, the sky began to pop up a variety of robbery clouds, and it was overlaid on Yi Tianyun. Scared everyone is a jump, look over here.

"The lord is breaking through the gods like this, so fast?"

"This is not a question of speed. I chose to break through here. Isn't that going to die?"

"No, he wants to save us. If you want to stop this evil emperor, you will plan to do this!"

"But in this case, the lord's catastrophe will increase the difficulty!"

Other domain owners immediately guessed the intention of Yi Tianyun, no one wants to break through here. Breaking through now, it is obvious that you want to interfere with the evil emperor, so that they can be okay.

In this way, Yi Tianyun’s day-to-day robbery will be greatly improved, far from being an ordinary god.

However, the power of the robbery he had originally needed was not an ordinary catastrophe, but the most devastating catastrophe!


The horrible robbery cloud began to flow around, one layer after another, and it was extremely suitable for the foundation of the ten refining princes, and the ten layers were superimposed!

The foundation of the ten refining princes will always affect the breakthroughs that will be made later. The result is more and more horrible, layer by layer of robbery, the robbery of various colors, like crazy, go around.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun rushed over to the evil emperor, and he was not afraid of the evil emperor.

When Yi Tianyun approached the evil emperor, the robbery immediately bombarded and directly flew out the evil emperor. The evil emperor, who could not be alive before, was so blasted out. There was nothing wrong with the injury, but the evil emperor who was so bad against the sky was so bombarded that it was still very shocking.

"The day of robbery is a day of robbery. Under the days of robbery, they are all ants!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are condensed, and no matter how he breaks through, he still can't surpass the suppression of the robbery. It seems that it does not break through to the higher level of the emperor. It is still under the suppression of the robbery and it is difficult to resist.

"Damn, actually broke through here..."

After the evil emperor was flew out of the bomb, it became gray-faced. The situation was nothing short of enough to see how thick his skin was.

The problem is no, but he can't continue to attack. It is estimated that he has not slammed into the front of Yi Tianyun.

“Silly and unhappy? Come back a few more times!”

Yi Tianyun laughed and continued to chase the evil emperor. It was originally the evil emperor chasing Yi Tianyun. Now it is his turn to chase the evil emperor.

When Yi Tianyun approached, the robbers immediately fell and succumbed to the evil emperor. Not only the evil emperor, but also other evil spirits on the side were affected.

The robbery is so terrible, especially the catastrophe that breaks through the level of the gods, and the power is even more amazing. When someone approaches, there will be a brainstorm, no matter who!

However, correspondingly, the power of Tian Tianyun will become stronger and stronger. This is the reason why the robbery judged that someone helped Yi Tianyun to rob the robbery, which would lead to a stronger and stronger robbery.

As long as you are close to the robbery, you will be judged to help with the robbery, which will naturally increase the difficulty. This means that if someone wants to kill the murderer, then it will be closer to the next, which will enhance the power.

This is a big taboo for most of the looters. Originally, the power of the robbery was horrible. If it was enhanced, wouldn’t it be terrible?

Of course, Yi Tianyun is not afraid of these days of robbery. He has a crazy injury mode and it is acceptable to deal with it.

He only needs to chase after the evil emperor, and he can attack other evil spirits. Why not do it.


Another robbery and robbery took place, and the evil emperor flew out. The evil emperor whispered and rolled a few times in the void, looking a bit embarrassed.

The problem is no, it just looks very embarrassing.

However, the rest of the evil spirits, not so lucky, repaired to a slightly lower, directly smashed into slag. Or directly hit by a serious injury, followed by easy harvesting by other domain owners.

Correspondingly, the power of the robbery of the day is getting more and more horrible, which is beyond the ravages of all the gods. It can be said that it is under the gods, the first day of robbery!

"The evil emperor was chased and run, and the Tianyun domain owner was really embarrassed..."

"But if this continues, can the Tianyun domain owner withstand such a terrible catastrophe? Even if it is me, it will be extremely difficult to cope."

"This is a ten-day catastrophe, which means that the Tianyun domain is the master of the ten refinements! God, this is the legendary level. It is really unbelievable that the Tianyun domain owner is still a ten-decker."

"What do we do now, we can't help, we can only help clean up the evil spirits around us..."

Other domain owners are very worried about Yi Tianyun, they are all right, will not be attacked by the evil emperor, but now it is the turn of Yi Tianyun.

At the same time as they were worried, Yi Tianyun gave them a message: "You help to resist other evil spirits, and the people who will save the heavens will soon escape. When you go, you will run away, leave me alone!"

They are all a glimpse. So, Yi Tianyun is really going out. Now it is possible to resist the evil emperor, assuming that Yi Tianyun has successfully broken through, and when the robbery disappears, it is the death of Yi Tianyun.

Without the protection of the robbery, Yi Tianyun is the next god. Can the lower gods deal with a evil emperor who is infinitely close to the emperor?

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