Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1719: Black Tenshin

The evil emperor has been chased by Yi Tianyun and looks very funny. The evil emperor who had been arrogant before, now is very embarrassed, has been ravaged by the sky, and flew out the evil emperor.

Correspondingly, Yi Tianyun also began to suffer a series of robbers. It is also very uncomfortable for him to resist. Even if he fights against the past and feels guilty, he feels very uncomfortable.

But now he can only take advantage of this opportunity, continue to chase the evil emperor, can intercept it for a moment.

"Damn, your humble race, dare to use this day to suppress me!"

The evil emperor gritted his teeth, and Yi Tianyun kept on the edge of the passage. He could not do it even if he wanted to defeat the Tianzhu domain master. As long as Yi Tianyun stayed there, he couldn’t pass, and he could only watch it on the side.

A little closer, Yi Tianyun immediately leaned over and made a rush to him. In this way, even the overbearing evil emperor can't get close.

The power of the robbery is completely revealed here. Even if it is as strong as a evil emperor, there is no way to resist it.

"How can you suppress me with the catastrophe? I have the ability to kill me!" Yi Tianyun laughed and felt extremely disdainful.

Although Yi Tianyun is using the robbing of heaven, he can suppress the evil emperor, but now who will talk about fairness, it is the right way to defeat the evil emperor.

"Hey, I hope you can bear this day! If you have passed it, then you will die!" The evil emperor has a red eyes and wants to pinch Yi Tianyun to death, but he can't do it.

The closer you are to Yi Tianyun, the greater the power of the robbery. Therefore, he couldn't kill Yi Tianyun. Just like he was outside the shield, he wanted to kill Yi Tianyun, but he couldn't do it.

This feeling of grievance, even on the site of Yi Tianyun, is now on his site, still suppressed, I feel very unhappy.

It’s uncomfortable to be unhappy, the evil emperor can only consume it, and I hope that Yi Tianyun will be robbed and killed by the sky.

However, the constant looting of the sky, Yi Tianyun can resist, it seems quite easy. Power is certainly better, but overall it is still accepted.

As time went by, the more the gods, they had quickly approached here, and with a sprint, they finally rushed out of the passage. After all rushed out, Yi Tianyun immediately voiced to the Tianzhu domain owner: "All out, don't have to hold it!"

"Okay!" The main blast of the Tianzhu domain was to release the seal.

At the moment when the knot is released, the channel is quickly closed. Originally it was forcibly closed, but it was forcibly opened. If it was not opened, it would be closed in an instant.

In this way, the channel was closed, so that the evil army could not catch up. The evil emperor forcibly closed the passage, but helped them escape.

"It is the more gods and gods!" When other heavenly people saw the gods, they were happy.

They did not really believe at first, and they were able to do what they wanted. They didn't know how Yi Tianyun did this step. Now it seems that it is really done. The companions who were originally taken away are now escaping.

After the escape of the gods, they immediately saw the chaotic situation outside, and even saw their own people. One heart is happy, as it is Yi Tianyun said, come to one.

Although I already knew it before, when I saw it, my heart was still more moved. I didn't expect Yi Tianyun to really do this step, and I was very grateful to him.

Just now is not grateful, first run away, and then thank Yi Tianyun. Moreover, they are even the owners of the purple evil spirits, they are not clear.

"Now take people, escape!" Yi Tianyun immediately issued orders to many domain owners.

The Scorpio domain chiefs nodded, did not hesitate, and immediately fled with people.

"I want to escape!" The evil emperor was angry and immediately chased him over there.

How can Yi Tianyun make the evil emperor succeed, but intercept it immediately. The area covered by the robbery is very large, even if Yi Tianyun can't compare the speed of the evil emperor, but under the corresponding coverage, the evil emperor will still enter the coverage, and then has been robbed by the sky.

In this case, just like an invisible wall, the evil emperor is resisted and cannot be approached.

The rest of the evil spirits can catch up, but the repair is much worse than the evil emperor, so it can still resist. The evil emperor is a bit more horrible. If they intercept the evil emperor, they will win.

"I am here, don't think about it!" Yi Tianyun reached out and punched a smashing thunder, and his arm was a little numb, but he could accept it.

If the power of today's robbery is getting more and more terrible, Yi Tianyun has already opened the crazy damage mode, otherwise it is really impossible to resist such terrible power.

In particular, it has been superimposed so much power, so that he can start the crazy damage mode early, so as to resist these days.

"You give me away!" The evil emperor roared. If this day, so many people would run away, he would have no face.

He broke out with all his strength, so he was released. What is his face?

Immediately, the evil emperor rushed straight over, trying to intercept those who made the heavens and completely ignore those catastrophe. As the road thundered down, the evil emperor was stagnant again and again and could not continue to move forward.

It's like walking into a swamp, and you can't walk quickly, but it gets deeper and deeper.

Yi Tianyun quickly approached him, followed by a terrible robbery, and squatted down.


The evil emperor was slammed into the air and the surface of the body was black, but it was not serious. The skin is thick and can't cause too much damage, but the fly is still not a problem.

"I said, don't want to go from my side!" Yi Tianyun laughed, this is what he wants.

I didn't expect the effect of this day to be so good. I thought I could intercept it a bit. Who knows that it will be so good, and it is easy to intercept the evil emperor and be trapped by him.

Although he is also very uncomfortable, at least it will not be crushed.

"The beast!" The evil emperor roared, and immediately reached out and grabbed the empty space. Suddenly, the void around him instantly burst into black light, followed by the black sky, and enveloped a large area.

The domain owner who had originally escaped outside, immediately hit the wall and bounced back, and was intercepted by this thick sky.

"what is this?"

They are all shocked, how can there be such an arrangement?

After seeing the gods, the face suddenly changed, including the Tianzhu domain master, and his face was low.

"This is the curtain of the gods, the forbidden sect of the battle of the gods, I did not expect the evil emperor to use it out..." Tianzhu domain owners, their faces are ugly, obviously the most difficult move.

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