Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1720: Transfer

"I didn't expect this trick to be forced out by you. You really have the ability! I admit, I have been yelling at you before, but now you are my heart!"

The evil emperor looked at Yi Tianyun coldly: "Not only does I force me to show my awakening, but I also display the curtain of the gods in advance. You are really capable!"

The evil emperor was really tempted to the extreme, and even the curtains of the gods were displayed.

The curtain of the sky, this move Yi Tianyun still knows. After being displayed, it is surrounded by a thick cover and is very strong.

The practitioners who are trapped inside, whether they are power or defense, will be suppressed. On the contrary, the evil spirits can have a lot of improvement.

This is similar to a big battle to strengthen oneself, restrain the enemy, strengthen itself, and become a super-powerful lore. A long time ago, the battle of the Emperor, once exhibited once, the practitioners trapped inside, even if there is no dead light, it is almost the same.

Being trapped inside is constantly besieged, can you not die? Especially when I was trapped here in the base camp, a steady stream of evil gods came out, it was really dead.

The key is that they have not yet supported, so that they are unilaterally crushed. After only one display, it is basically impossible to perform the second time. It takes a long time to be able to perform the second time, and the cost is extremely high.

This is a big array of mobility. If you look closely, you will find that the planets are all around, and the ones that are connected together form a corresponding large array. If it is the whole move, it is a mobile super god.

It's no wonder that after they saw it, the face became very ugly. This means being desperate, leaving them to be completely displayed before they are displayed.

However, in theory, it is a big loss. Although there are so many domain owners, the number is still too small. If it is displayed in the battlefield of countless strong, it is the most cost-effective.

"It seems that I am really honored." Yi Tianyun looked at the curtain of the gods, although the robbery was not blocked, but did not smash the curtain of the gods.

The two do not interfere with each other. The main reason is that the distance between the gods and the gods is far away. The day of the robbery does not touch the curtain of the gods. Naturally, there will be nothing.

"It is indeed your privilege, and it is the privilege of other domain owners! It is enough for you to waste me once in the curtain of the gods." The evil king turned to look at other domain owners, and coldly said: "Give me off them!"

At this time, the passage quickly opened and the evil army began to fly out of the transmission channel. Not only the evil army, but also other elders continue to emerge, it can be said that all are dispatched.

Under such a large array, they can be said to have the advantage. If they do not move, it is a waste of opportunity.

After the evil army came out, they quickly joined forces to form a **** of evil. This evil **** is bigger than usual, which means that the power is really powerful.

The power of other domain owners is slightly suppressed, meaning that there is a double superposition effect. In this case, it is really not optimistic.

"I see you this time, how can I help them?" The evil emperor stared at Yi Tianyun and said: "Even if you can stop me, don't think that my strong family is gone!"

"This is true, but I can stop you. It is enough. If you can't stop you, even if you don't even have the chance to resist." Yi Tianyun still chooses to stop the evil emperor. Now the situation is changed. It’s dangerous, but it doesn’t mean it’s over.

After all, if the evil emperor is not suppressed, and with the curtain of the gods, it is called the real end.

"Then I would like to see if you can intercept it!" The evil emperor did not start this time, but instead flew to the side, so he looked at him.

It seems that it is no longer intended to be shot. Anyway, it will be robbed by the sky, but it is better to wait so eagerly. Relying on other men, enough to eradicate other domain owners, especially under the curtain of the gods, no one can escape, there is no need to worry about not being able to annihilate them.

Yi Tianyun squinted, can this evil emperor always maintain the strongest state? He can't believe this.

"I can't stop it for too long, but at least it will make you wake up. You won't be so strong when you get there." Yi Tianyun smiled.

"Yes, maybe it is not so strong, but under the curtain of the gods, even if there is no state of awakening, you can still crush you!" The evil emperor sneered.

"Yes, that's really a bit of expectation." Yi Tianyun's eyes flickering, waiting for him to break through to the gods, the face of evil spirits can still have a battle!

Under the crazy mode, the combat power is definitely not weaker than the evil emperor. I dare not say that I am stronger than the evil emperor, at least not crushed.

"Tianyun domain master, we are now starting to break the curtain of the gods, it takes a lot of time. Do not think that this heavenly curtain is invincible, we can still be broken!" Tianzhu domain owner at this time, the voice is over, just want to make it easy Tianyun does not despair, in fact, they still have a chance to escape.

"Can you break?" Yi Tianyun's eyes brightened, I thought it was trapped here, and it seems that there is still a chance to escape.

"Yes, the friends of the heavenly family know how to get rid of it. We can escape if we are defensive!" They did not despair, but they were still full of hope.

"Well, the evil emperor handed me the interception, even though you broke it!" Yi Tianyun is enough to guard the evil emperor.

Immediately, he began to seriously resist the day, and after a moment of evil, he began to lift the awakening. After the release, a large number of evil gods flew out immediately, and it looked very wilting.

It seems that this state of convergence consumes a lot of energy. The same evil emperor looks very bad, but immediately began to devour all kinds of immortality to restore his loss.

He also has no move, just waiting here. At the same time, other evil army began to join the battlefield and fight with other domain owners.

Yi Tianyun couldn't intercept them, he could only resist the robbery, and he was keeping a close eye on the evil emperor.


Yi Tianyun resisted the catastrophe again and again, and the body began to be gradually tempered and madly strengthened. He can feel that the power in his body has begun to increase substantially.

At this time, the breakthrough progress has reached more than 80%, continue to do so, and will soon complete the breakthrough.

That being said, the situation on the main side of the Tianzhu domain is also not optimistic. It was originally hit by the evil emperor, and now it is suppressed by the sacred gods. There are so many evil spirits suppressed, and everything is really dangerous.

Many domain owners began to suffer injuries, and Yi Tianyun could not give them additional treatment status. They could only watch them hurt. Continue to do this, and soon there will be death.

"Come on, give me some more!" Yi Tianyun stared at the robbery. After he broke through to the gods, everything turned around!

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