Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1721: adhere to!

Yi Tianyun wants to break through to the gods. Not only is the basic value greatly improved, but there is another point, that is, the ability to upgrade various skills, plus the purchase of powerful suits!

After breaking through to the Tenjin level, there are many skills that can be upgraded, including crazy mode. The current crazy mode is one hundred and twenty-eight times higher. Once it is upgraded to the next level, it will reach 256 times!

The 256-fold outbreak is absolutely terrible to the extreme. The original one hundred and twenty-eight times of the outbreak was already scary enough. Now that it is two hundred and fifty-six times, the meaning is completely different.

Not only crazy mode, but also a suit can be purchased. It means that after breaking through to the gods, he will usher in a new change!

"When I break through to the gods, everything can change!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes are firm. In his view, as long as it breaks through to the gods, the current predicament may have a big change. It should not be a problem to escape.

But only he thinks so, other domain owners, or evil spirits, have not thought about what Yi Tianyun can change after breaking through. In the eyes of the evil spirits, after Yi Tianyun broke through, it was his death.

Now, screaming at the robbers, once the robbery dissipates, it is only the lower god. What can the lower gods do here? Just grab one, it’s all under the gods, a little more advanced, but the middle **** is catching a lot.

In this case, what is the significance of breaking through to the lower god? Even if it can suppress other evil spirits, in the face of the power of evil spirits, Yi Tianyun has absolutely no resistance.

Fortunately, they are not desperate in the Tianzhu domain. They are still constantly breaking the protection of the curtain of the gods. They do not know how much time it takes to successfully break the protection of this heavenly curtain.

"This is a bit difficult to break the curtain of the gods. It takes a long time before it can be broken..." The more the gods, the more they gave them the difficulty, and felt that the difficulty was a bit high.

"So far, we can only fight hard, isn't it?" Tianzhu domain masters also know the difficulty, but no matter how difficult, they can only break the scalp, or they will destroy the evil spirits.

Can they destroy the evil spirits in their current state?

Now the sword front domain owners are madly resisting the evil spirits' offense, especially the power of the evil army, which is the most amazing.

Almost there is a repressive force, and they are overwhelmed by pressure. There are several domain owners who are almost killed by a punch. But even if he didn't die, he was seriously injured and could only retreat to the side to rest.

"Don't we all die here... Say good, get it right now? Now we are all trapped here, and if we die here, it would be too bad."

"Yeah, I still don't want to die... I am so dead here, too unwilling! The mistakes made by the lord!"

"Yes, the decision of the lord is wrong, and the mistake is very serious..."

Many domain owners began to be pessimistic and felt that Yi Tianyun’s plan was a big mistake. Now they are in deep crisis. If they can't get rid of them in time, they will all die here.

So many domain owners are here, and many of them are headless. There must be a period of chaos that will take some time to deal with, especially if the morale will drop drastically. This is not a good thing.

"Enough! Although a little flawed, but all plans are no problem, very safe. The problem is that the evil emperor left a hand, no one thought. The lord can use the day to rob the evil emperor, has been able to prove a lot of things!" The front of the front field snorted on the side.

If the morale of the domain masters on their side is low, they will die faster.

"Some things can only be recognized. Don't blame the lord, say the problem of the lord, it is better to say that we all have problems! Who can think of there will be a curtain of heaven, and if there is no such thing, we will have already ran. And it is still the lord. Help us to resist, let us run away." The cloud domain master is also helping Yi Tianyun to speak.

Yi Tianyun’s decision is definitely correct. Although it is a bit unexpected, it is still within the scope of acceptance. As for the moves of the heavenly curtains, they really did not expect.

No one can think of it, then you can't blame Yi Tianyun, but they didn't even think about it, everyone has responsibility.

"It's all our faults, if you are not coming to save us..." The more arrogant gods, they feel very guilty in their hearts. In order to save them, so many powerful people are now degraded here, they are really unwilling to go.

"Oh, don't say such frustration, don't you see that the lord is still robbing, don't see his eyes full of hope! We are so pessimistic about what to do, fight down, there is a chance, there is a turn!" The domain owner is not desperate, and his eyes are equally full of hope.

The hand broke the seal of the curtain of the gods, and did not stop, as long as the last moment, he will not despair!

"Yes, the lord is not desperate, I feel that there is still a chance, what are we still depressed? Death will die, even if it is dead, we must pull a group of backs!"

"Haha, that's right! Even if you die, you have to kill a large group of them! In this way, we can get more time for our own forces."

They all got up with morale. Just seeing Yi Tianyun’s eyes full of hope will make him a little motivated.

This is the importance of the ally. The leader of the team is desperate and gives up the struggle. Their morale must have fallen rapidly. By that time, the battle must have been defeated.

Under the explosive morale here, when the evil emperor saw the situation here, he smiled and said: "A group of idiots, waiting for you to really break the curtain of the gods, everything is over!"

The evil emperor thought that they might be able to break the curtain of the gods, but the time required was very long. Looking at their situation now, can you stick to that time?


Yi Tianyun constantly resisted the robbery of the thunder, the gods of the gods level, the change in mode is not much, there is no particularly strange move. It’s just that the power has improved and it’s not particularly exaggerated.

So everything is within his control, even if it is very uncomfortable to resist, but overall, it is still at a level that can resist. With the constant resistance, he is getting stronger and stronger, and his progress is constantly improving. He will soon reach more than 90% of the progress.

"It’s almost a bit, you can succeed..."

Yi Tianyun is under a lot of pressure, and he hopes to turn it over! He doesn't want to fail here, and he doesn't want to trust his companion to die here.

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