Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1725: Absolutely invincible!

"The bones of the bones, this is the main weapon of the battle of the previous generation of gods, I did not expect to be obtained by the evil emperor..."

The Scorpio domain owners recognized them, according to the record. The sacred bone blade is actually the exclusive weapon of the evil spirit. Since the defeat was sealed, it has been unknown. I did not expect it to be in the hands of this evil emperor.

At first, this savage bone blade, I do not know how many practitioners' blood, has now become more terrible and more gloomy. Touch it a little, for fear that it will be sucked out right away.

Now that I have not touched any life, I have already absorbed all the energy in the space. If you are stabbed, you can imagine how terrible it will be.

When Yi Tianyun saw this blazing bone blade, his heart was a sinking. He could not think that he relied on his body to resist the attack of this savage blade. What he needs now is to delay the time. As for killing the evil emperor, he is afraid that he can't do it.

In his current state, it is still impossible to do this. Even if it is 256 times, it will not work. Although it is not displayed, but a little comparison, I know that I can't kill the evil emperor.

In particular, it is still taking out the bones of the bones. It is the first time he has taken out his weapons. He used to deal with them empty-handed. It means that there are still a lot of powers left by the evil emperor. If they are released, they will be released to a more horrible level.

The evil emperor disdain to erupt, this is the pride of the superiors, I feel that they all erupted, it is too much to lose face. If you deal with a small cockroach, you have to break out of your strength. Can you lose face?

That's it, it makes Yi Tianyun feel very relaxed. Those who do not bother to break out of the power to fight, often underestimate his existence, and then be spiked.

The evil emperor is now the exception, because the power he possesses really reaches a level that is very against the sky, making him unable to deal with it.

"You can die under the edge of the bones, you are honored to be a member of the bones!"

The evil emperor rolled up a black light, instantly tearing the space and coming to Yi Tianyun. He has no intention of controlling Yi Tianyun, and now he just wants to destroy Yi Tianyun.

The black light flickers, as if the world was swallowed up by this darkness, everything disappeared, including the energy of the surroundings, the space around it, and the light around it, all swallowed by this worm.

As long as it is touched by the bones, it is inhaled. In an instant, it was already in front of Yi Tianyun, and the whole void was fixed, completely swallowed up by this savage blade.

This did not attack, Yi Tianyun immediately felt that his body was sucked up a little, and the energy of the body surface was absorbed by the worm bone blade. Even the surface is beginning to energize and start to dissipate a little!

If you look closely, it is really absorbed at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. There is no pain, and it is quickly turned into energy, which is swallowed up by the bones.


In an instant, Yi Tianyun did not hesitate, and the moment was the strongest invincible move. As long as it is a god-level attack, he will be invincible for five minutes!

The evil emperor is infinitely close to the emperor, but he is still a god, not a god!

At the moment of release, a slamming green cover appeared on the surface of the body. After the shield is formed, the body has no problem at all and will no longer be absorbed.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun is facing this horrible sword. It is not that he does not want to hide, but the evil king is too fast. It was really a moment, and they didn’t see it in an instant.


A heavy sword came over, Yi Tianyun was shot and flew out. He is invincible, but invincible does not mean that he will not be shot, but will not be injured.

The horrible impulse was suppressed, and Yi Tianyun was quickly stopped after being shaken by a distance. There was no trace of scar on the surface of the body. Not to mention that it was cut into two halves, and one hair was injured.

This is the power of invincibility, absolutely invincible under the gods!

"What!?" After the evil emperor went down, he thought that he could definitely reap the life of Yi Tianyun. Even if he couldn't kill Yi Tianyun, he could at least cut off his waist and absorb some energy.

Now I found that there was no effect at all. Yi Tianyun still stood intact, as if nothing had happened.

"The evil emperor, how is your sword power worse than before? I am afraid that this is the so-called savage blade, is it a fake?" Yi Tianyun snorted and began to mock the evil emperor.

The evil emperor's face sank, which is beyond his expectations. It is actually a little bit of effect, it is really incredible. He dares to say that even if the upper **** is in front of himself, he can kill a sword! Even if it is not dead, it is at least half-dead.

He has tried before, and he easily squats on the upper gods, and some of them are not dead. They are absorbed by most of them, and their bodies become half-residual. Now there is no use for Yi Tianyun, beyond his expectations.

The Scorpio domain masters took a sigh of relief, and they could not believe this scene.

"This is your ally, the one who saved us?" In the smashing of the gods who broke the curtain of the heavens, they broke down and watched the situation here. When they saw this situation, they were really scared.

Such a demon king, in the face of Yi Tianyun, did not get a little bit of benefit, but also eaten sputum.

"Haha, it is our lord, it is indeed that he saved you!" The Tianzhu domain master laughed and was very surprised by Yi Tianyun's performance. No wonder Yi Tianyun is so confident that he is rushing to this power and is absolutely invincible. .

"It seems that we have hope to escape!" The more the gods, the more excited they are inside.

Although it seems that they are dominant now, but only for the time being, they do not know how long Yi Tianyun's state can last. If they can't stand it after a few hours, they will be finished.


The evil emperor did not stop the attack. He once again rushed over here, and the sword fell, and Yi Tianyun was constantly defeated. With the constant repelling, Yi Tianyun was continuously shot, but there was no harm.

This makes the evil emperor a little doubtful about life, and his own powerful attack has no effect at all. He knows that some moves can withstand one or two attacks, but I have never seen it to be so thorough, and it has been so long.

"What is this move!" The evil emperor stopped and looked at Yi Tianyun's eyes deep in confusion.

He panicked for the first time. If Yi Tianyun continues this way, how can he play?

Looking at the situation on the side, I saw that the morale of the evil spirits on my side has fallen to the extreme. After all, evil emperors are in their hearts, invincible existence.

Now even the evil spirits can't beat the enemy, how can they win?

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