Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1726: The power of the evil king

The horrible continuous attack made Yi Tianyun feel a little bit of pressure, but fortunately, it has an invincible effect. Accurately speaking, it is an absolute defense and can defend against any moves.

As time goes by, five minutes will soon arrive. Once it was five minutes, he couldn't show his invincible moves. As for the cooling of that hour, it looks very short, and it can be recovered with a little cooling of the stone.

In fact, it is impossible to use, cooling these things, it has no effect on this invincible magic! Either it is not used, or the cooling stone level is too low to recover this cooling time.

This is the same as before, a lot of things can't be used, or it's a poor effect. Unless you upgrade, the effect is minimal and doesn't have much effect.

"It seems that I have to fight with him, and I will fight with him!"

Yi Tianyun did not act as a sandbag and always attacked the evil emperor. Immediately, he immediately broke out the crazy damage mode, and the power of 256 times was instantly superimposed on the body.


Full of the power of the ultimate explosion, bursting in the body. He felt his body full of terrible power, and the void around him shook up, which is similar to the evil emperor. However, it broke out, but it was still worse than the evil emperor.

It seems that the damage of 256 times in the lower level of the gods is terrible. In fact, compared with the extreme of the upper god, the two hundred and fifty-six times still have a distance, and it is still a short distance.

After the outbreak, holding the five dragons and guns, directly to the evil emperor side to kill. This time it was not that he had been passively beaten, but that he took the initiative.

"Five dragons scream!"

Yi Tianyun broke out the strongest force without hesitation, and the three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao released the strongest strength. Under such a terrible force blessing, the three pieces of Tianzun Lingbao all made a "squeaky" sound. It seems to be unable to withstand such terrible explosive power.

The power that he is erupting now naturally exceeds most of the gods, so it is quite normal for Tianzun Lingbao to reach the limit.


The five dragons of terror came out and shrouded the area. Although it is not comparable to the curtain of the gods, but compared to the attack of the evil spirits, there is a direct chase!

"how come!"

The evil emperor's eyes were condensed. He did not expect that there would be such a strong force. He quickly reached out and pulled the bones and immediately rolled up the black energy. It is still too slow. He overestimates the power of Yi Tianyun, resulting in no chance of even the power, and can only release the resistance in a short period of time.

Because of the sudden, the released power is very weak. When the dark energy passes over the five dragons that have been thrown over, the energy of the five dragons begins to be swallowed and melted.

Can be quickly countered by the power of the Five Dragons, the attack of the evil emperor.


The evil emperor was blown out by the cockroach, and the stalking bones in his hand almost could not hold, and the whole body was blown up without a small half, and the dark blood continued to flow out. When these dark blood drops in the void, they quickly condense into a sinister army.

It is not that the blood of the evil emperor is the evil army, but the evil **** is transformed into blood into the evil spirit. It was now blasted out and naturally restored to the body.

The evil army that responded to the ontology seemed to be weak, apparently being blown up by Yi Tianyun’s attack. The situation looks very bad and looks very weak, and ordinary gods can kill them.

Under this bombing, a lot of evil armyers were really blown out, and the power of the corresponding evil emperor was greatly weakened. I didn't expect Yi Tianyun's move to cause such a big damage to the evil emperor.

This situation made the Tianzhu domain owners screaming in shock and felt very unbelievable about the situation here. I thought that Yi Tianyun was invincible and did not expect the attack to be more terrible!

"The attack of the lord is so powerful? This is incredible!"

"I didn't expect it. I thought that the defense is very powerful. Who knows that the attack is also so bad! If you verify the words, Tianzun will be very strong. Not to mention God that day, you can directly fight the evil king!"

When they were wearing the cloud domain, they yelled and rushed to attack, and they couldn’t breathe the evil spirits next to them. After all, most of the evil army was pulled, they were constantly being cured, and their fighting power was always high.

When I saw Yi Tianyun so fierce, they all played harder than usual, and they took a group of evil spirits out of breath.

The evil emperor quickly recovered his injury, and the area that was originally missing was started to be repaired. Just did not wait for the evil emperor to recover, Yi Tianyun continued to attack from the madness, and he was sick to kill him!

Yi Tianyun will not slow down, immediately swaying the Wulong guns and attacking again, under the arrogance, a violent attack by one move and another, whistling to the evil emperor.

"The ants in the district are stunned!"

The evil emperor roared, and the bone spur on the upper edge of the sacred bone blade began to prolong, and the bone blade quickly became larger. Soon the huge cockroaches emerged from the bones, and it was not a cockroach, but several hoes. Every **** is like opening a stage of energy. As more gimmicks are opened, the energy level is climbing!

The next moment, the evil emperor slammed a slam, and the five dragons that rushed over were swallowed up quickly. The two began to cancel each other. After a while, the Wulong screams were completely swallowed up, and then they swallowed up to Yi Tianyun.

But the remaining power has become quite weak. Yi Tianyun quickly slammed the gun and smashed it.

"Sure enough, it is a evil emperor, the power can be stronger..." Yi Tianyun did not expect that he had not motivated the power of all the evil spirits of the evil spirits. Now, a little burst, he can give his attack. Drowning.

This is the same as previously estimated. The evil emperor only uses half of the power. If it is just full strength, it is really not a evil emperor.

He did not stop the attack, but he continued to fight hard with the evil emperor. He can't kill it now, but it still has no problem with the evil emperor.


With a burst of explosion, Yi Tianyun was slightly bounced off, the body surface was swallowed, and the body began to dissipate as energy. But it was quickly cured, but it is no longer invincible.

The invincible state lasts only five minutes and it is impossible to remain invincible.

"Oh, you were not very strong, didn't you say that my attack didn't work? How was it hurt now?" When the evil emperor saw Yi Tianyun injured, he sneered. He really thought that Yi Tianyun was invincible. The defense seems to be hurt now.

"I see you playing too frustrated, a little irritating you." Yi Tianyun sneered, it seems to have worked hard.

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