Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1727: Break open

The evil emperor was immediately laughed at by Yi Tianyun’s words, and it was still hard at this time!

"Don't be hard, it seems that your previous moves, but it can be maintained for a short time. At least prove that you are not really harmless, but also can kill you!" The evil emperor laughed, the rest of the evil When the spirits saw this situation, they all got up.

When I saw that the evil emperor could not hurt Yi Tianyun, I felt a little desperate. Even the evil kings can't hurt, let alone them. Now the evil emperor has hurt Yi Tianyun, which proves that Yi Tianyun is not truly invincible.

"Yes, then try it?"

The area where Yi Tianyun was injured was quickly recovered. The super healing ability allows him to recover at an extremely fast speed. Even this injury is not enough.

There is damage, but under such a terrible healing power, it is basically equal to being ignored.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun once again fought hard with the evil emperor. The evil emperor has time constraints and energy restrictions. Although Yi Tianyun also has restrictions, as long as other companions help him kill the enemy, then everything is not a problem.

The mad value that comes from the constant source is equal to constantly adding energy to him, and everything is perfect.

However, correspondingly, Yi Tianyun has no invincible status, and every impact will be hurt. Of course, the evil emperor is also not so good here. Under the impact, the evil emperor also suffered a little damage, perhaps not as exaggerated as Yi Tianyun, at least still injured.

"Can this kid still hold on for so long?" After the evil emperor struggled with Yi Tianyun many times in a row, Yi Tianyun was injured again and again, but it quickly recovered, and there was no pressure at all.

He has seen a lot of practitioners who have quickly recovered their injuries, but after several times of recovery, or after many times, they will become wilted. After all, there is a recovery of body speed, but it consumes too much energy. Therefore, after several consecutive injuries, it is possible that the recovery speed is slow or it becomes a little bad.

Yi Tianyun is obviously not in this rank. It seems that there is nothing at all, and it is still so strong. As long as Yi Tianyun is not destroyed, the evil emperor is the loser.

The main side of the Scorpio domain continued to break the curtain of the gods, everything was in order, and it was quite smooth.

"It has already been broken by more than half, and only a little and a half can be solved. Fortunately, I have studied the curtain of the gods before, otherwise it is really not so fast." The Tianzhu domain is very eye-catching, he has studied it a long time ago. However, it has been simulated many times.

Everything is prepared for the next battle of the Emperor. At this time, the curtain of the gods made them suffer a lot, so it is very likely that they will appear again. The Scorpio domain master will definitely increase the intensity of research, but fortunately, a little achievement, when applied here, will immediately show the best results.

They are also learning very fast, and they will master the method of breaking them immediately, otherwise they will not be able to break that fast. It is really impossible to achieve such speed by relying on the Tianzhu domain owner.

"A little worse, the lord insisted!" They all voiced to Yi Tianyun, and also voiced to other domain owners.

Finally, after a period of time, the curtain of the sky was quickly torn open to a big hole, perhaps not all of them were torn open, at least it had been torn open a big hole.


The Scorpio domain owner signaled that they rushed to escape, and immediately a large number of strong people fled outside the curtain of the gods.

"How come!" When the evil emperor noticed the situation here, it was really shocked. In his opinion, even if the curtain of the gods was broken, it would not be possible to break it in such a short period of time.

In less than a day, the curtain of the sky was broken, and the speed was too fast. There is only one possibility, that is, they have mastered the method of breaking, and they are still perfect.

Yi Tianyun also noticed the situation here, and suddenly it seemed to be able to escape. He has been playing with the evil emperor, and it is really hard.

The evil emperor is quite strong. No matter how he attacks, he can hold it down and can fight back. In fact, this is expected, but the evil emperor has persisted for too long, and the second awakening can last for so long? Especially under the long attack, the power is still so fierce.

If you can successfully hurt the evil emperor, it will be the first attack. The latter attack will not cause any harm to the evil emperor. It is impossible for the evil emperor to prepare for the success of Yi Tianyun.

In the hands of the worm-bone blade, the power is getting more and more fierce, and the vitality of Yi Tianyun is constantly being pulled out to supplement his consumption. Perhaps it is because of this that it can last for so long.

Now the protection has finally been broken, and this time I can finally escape!


Yi Tianyun did not drag, immediately turned to escape to the exit, the speed directly soared to the extreme, there is no sense of a half-hearted love.

"I don't want to escape!"

The evil emperor was so angry that Yi Tianyun could consume it with him, and it has greatly exceeded his expectations. It is even more shocking to break the curtain of the gods.

If they are all run away, then his reputation this time is completely gone.

It is a pity that the evil emperor shouted for no meaning, and Yi Tianyun will only escape faster and faster. However, the speed of the evil emperor is not blowing, and it catches up quickly. In the blink of an eye, it is necessary to catch up with Yi Tianyun.


Yi Tianyun smashed out the five dragons and screamed, and the five dragons quickly rolled over, and the evil emperor was shaken back a distance. This damage is not weak, even if it can't cause too much damage to the evil emperor, how to say that it can withstand a little bit of force.

At the same time, Yi Tianyun kept telling them: "You quickly gather together, and then enter the space of the Lord of the Scorpio, fast!"


They didn't hesitate, and they immediately plunged into the inner space of the Scorpio Lord. Through this battle, Yi Tianyun's words have already played the role of absolute command. Everyone is convinced of his strength. Nothing is more convincing than strong strength.

In a blink of an eye, they all rushed into the main body of the Tianzhu domain, including those who made the heavens. The life of the heavenly family is saved by Yi Tianyun, and he must have listened to his words.

"call out!"

Yi Tianyun flashed for a moment, and immediately opened a distance to the vicinity of the Tianzhu domain. At this time, he has escaped from the curtain of the gods, and then let the Tianzhu domain owner enter his body space, and the transmission stone in his hand is ready and immediately motivated.

With a burst of light disappearing, he disappeared completely into this space. It just disappeared, the evil emperor came to this side, the violent savage bones cut through the void, but the emptiness of the void, but nothing, everything is empty...

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