Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1728: endure


The evil emperor went down with a sword, and did not open Yi Tianyun. He just rip the space in front and it was empty and there was nothing. Don't say Yi Tianyun, even the root hairs are not.

This makes the evil emperor's face gloomy, as before, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and I don't know where it disappeared. Or, I don’t know what special treasures to use, so that Yi Tianyun escaped without knowing it, and it was so fast.

"Is this playing me? If there is such a treasure, why can't it be used at first... Can it be said that in this banned state, it can't be used?" The evil emperor recalled the situation before, Yi Tianyun was banned. When you can't escape.

Once escaped from the ban, or the ban disappeared, it disappeared instantly.

After knowing, his face did not improve, which meant that to seize Yi Tianyun, you must have various bans. Once escaped from the ban, it is easy to escape, and do not know how to escape.

He didn't know what treasures he could, so he could escape so easily under his own eyes. In general, the escape that cannot be intercepted is the emptiness of the emptiness level of the savvy level. The evil emperor personally saved the Yunyun god, and the price paid was not small. After all, Jinyun Tianshen belonged to the old god, how to save it.

Yi Tianyun escaped like this, but he didn’t have any sense of induction. It just disappeared completely, just like disappearing out of thin air. This made him more difficult than anger.

"Where is this sacred, this kid will master so many different moves, even if it is a sacred **** domain, it is impossible to be so magical..." The evil emperor clenched his fist, this time the heavenly family was rescued again, he It can be said that the face is lost, especially if you can't beat each other, it is a great shame.

"The evil king, the invaders have run away, do we want to chase?" At this time other evil army troops came over and asked.

"Do not chase, all return to rest!" The evil emperor snorted and turned back.

The rest of the evil spirits face each other, so let them go?

"The evil emperor, have we let them go like this? They not only invaded, but also managed to escape. If they spread out, the reputation of our evil spirits..."


The evil emperor reached out and the evil spirit of the gods directly turned into ashes, scaring other evil spirits to retreat.

"The order of the emperor is not used to refute, but to obey!" After the evil emperor glanced at them coldly, he continued to fly inside.

They can only look at each other, press the fear of the heart, and follow suit honestly. The evil emperor said so, what can they do? Although this evil emperor failed, he is still the evil emperor, the most powerful existence here.

After returning to the evil king, the evil emperor sat on the throne in a gloomy position. He did not sit for a long time. A evil spirited man shuddered out of his body and walked out. After seeing it clearly, he found that the evil spirited person was covered in scars. . It is reasonable to say that the injury should be repaired quickly with this repair, but it is impossible to recover from him.

It looks like an attacking mark, and it always exists on him and cannot be eliminated.

"Why did you stop the emperor, they have already come here to fight here, trampled on the emperor's territory for so long, and managed to escape, the emperor still can't chase?" The evil emperor looked at the evil spirits fiercely.

"The evil emperor, do you forget the situation of the evil gods? It seems that we are dominant. In fact, many powerful practitioners have buried themselves in the major gods. Once you kill, you will cause the battle of the gods. That is when they come out, they may be sealed at that time!" The evil spirits trembled and said: "So the evil emperor, everything must be endured. I know that you still have a lot of power to show up, wait for everything. They are all laid out, that is when they are over."

"As for those **** domain domain masters, they will become your slaves! Moreover, this area is originally a small distribution, used to distract their attention, and it is nothing to be destroyed."

The evil emperor's eyes were cold, and after a long silence, he nodded: "The emperor is indeed mad. At this festival, it is indeed necessary to hold his breath. The people of the heavens have been arrested, and they have indeed lost some support. Fortunately, everything has been paved. Open, it will not change anything..."

The evil emperor smiled coldly, and the figure of Yi Tianyun appeared in the depths of his eyes. The corner of his mouth was a trace of disdainful smile: "The skill is not small. If it is not here to suppress the power of the emperor, this power is really not enough. Look!"

The evil emperor immediately went to prepare for something, and everything was gradually rolled out.


Yi Tianyun took them quickly to the Three Realms and then released them all. When they all came out, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

They also thought that Yi Tianyun would use what method to take them away. They can't escape, they don't know, but they still choose to believe in Yi Tianyun.

However, they never imagined that Yi Tianyun directly took them to the Sanjie Divine. If you escape to the Three Realms, the key is how long this time is. I am afraid that it will be less than a little while, and I have already returned to the Three Realms. Is this speed, or the ability to tear the space, is it so perverted?

Many gods can tear the space, and then cast a special transfer space, which can be stepped over in the past, similar to a special large shift. This can be transmitted very far at a time, but the farther it takes, the longer it takes.

The evil emperor will let Yi Tianyun slowly tear the space, and then move it over? That is impossible, everything is evil!

"What is the situation, are we all back?" They were all shocked by Yi Tianyun.

"I used the treasure to send it back, and the price paid can be quite a lot. Use it once less." Yi Tianyun casually found an excuse.

"So magical treasures?" They shined in front of their eyes, and the world is full of wonders. It is normal to have such special treasures.

"Yes, it is almost impossible to obtain, and it can only be transmitted back here alone. It is a kind of treasure that God gives. Only when it is banned, it can't be used." Yi Tianyun compiled another Excuses, otherwise you can't explain it clearly.

As a lord, it is still necessary to explain it. Although not to mention it, it always makes them uncomfortable. After all, such a good treasure, if it can be made, should be shared, which will greatly reduce casualties.

Now when they say it, they know what is going on. Reminiscent of the shield of the Three Realms, perhaps really God's gift!

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