Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1830: Five-color emperor dragon

Yi Tianyun not only had to deal with the emperor's robbery, but also to deal with the evil spirits sent by the evil spirits, but he did not worry about this kind of calculation. If he could not resist it, he would practice it in the past few years.

"So many times, there will be no undisturbed interference. For me, there is no difference!"

Yi Tianyun waved the dragon **** magic gun, swept it out, and extinguished the evil spirits that had swung over, and then resisted a **** mine. When the horrible **** thunders down, he just gives him a little shock to retreat a bit. The solid Witch God suit is not a joke, and the amazing resilience is enough for him to easily smash this god.

As the gods and thunders were resisted, the face of the evil spirits became more and more ugly, and they did not expect that their interference would have no effect at all. Such a powerful **** robbery can easily resist, just like drinking water.

Yi Tianyun has experienced a hundred wars, but also has a crazy mode and a variety of blood blessings, it is not difficult to resist this god. The expectations of the evil spirits are destined to be impossible.

Soon the evil spirits discovered that no matter how they interfere, it is useless. At the same time, the Emperor of God robbed, Yi Tianyun is more relaxed. It means that Yi Tianyun has been robbed of this god.

With a wave of thunder, the twentieth wave of the thunder will come down. As long as the last wave of thunder is taken, then he can successfully break through and become a god!

"There is still the last wave, and he will succeed in the robbery..."

They all shook their heads. It seems that Kaiyuan World is destined to have a super-powerful emperor, and no one can stop it. Unless the evil spirits can break through the shield and kill it to destroy Yi Tianyun, otherwise Kaiyuan World is destined to have a god.

"Damn, let him break into the emperor!" The evil spirits gnash their teeth. "In the past few years, Bai has been busy for so long, but in the end, Kaiyuan World has successfully appeared in the Emperor!"

One emperor and one world.

This is doomed. When Yi Tianyun came out, it was impossible for the second emperor to appear in the Kaiyuan world. Originally, the evil spirits wanted to create the second emperor, and it was still his own god. It seems impossible now.

Spending so much energy and resources, only to slow down the speed of the Emperor in the Kaiyuan world, or to completely prevent the emergence of the Emperor.


The last **** Lei was easily squatted by Yi Tianyun, but his expression was dignified and he did not relax.

Others thought it was the last **** of mine, but according to the information transmitted by the system, his breakthrough degree was only 50%! The twenty-six-layer **** robbing, only 50%, made him feel very confused.

After passing the 20th floor, can you successfully break through as the emperor?

The facts are not. After the 20th-level gods robbed, the thick gods robbed the clouds and began to gather together, and then turned into a huge five-color dragon! This dragon is a five-color, open mouth is roaring to this side, five amazing energy impacts come to this side, destroying the earth.

Yi Tianyun was shocked and quickly gathered all the forces to resist, otherwise he would definitely be smashed into slag!


The huge impact force, Yi Tianyun gave the earthquake to fly out, rolling in the air for several laps, and finally squatting on the thick crystal barrier! This is not the key. The horrible impact has also affected the crystal barrier. In an instant, the crystal wall barrier has cracked countless ways and almost collapsed.

"Good strength, what is this!"

Yi Tianyun was scared, looked up at the five-color dragon, and his eyes shook, and detailed information was presented.

Five-color Emperor Dragon: With the ultimate five elements, powerful power is equal to a god!

"How can the five-color emperor dragon appear at the end?" Yi Tianyun said with a tongue: "Don't I kill it before I can break into the emperor? How can I play?"

Yi Tianyun was stupid. Others broke through the Emperor, that is, they only need to be robbed by the Emperor, and he needs to kill the five-color Emperor Dragon. Is this gap too big?

Not to mention that Yi Tianyun is dumbfounded, and the rest of the emperors are dumbfounded, according to the records. It has always been the robbing of the gods, and there has never been such a horrible level of the beast.

"What is the situation? How come a dragon comes out? It is reasonable to say that it was not a successful robbery?"

"You ask me, where do I know? There is no record at all, I have never met it!"

"It seems that the power of this dragon is huge. Is it afraid to reach the level of the emperor? If you don't completely break through the emperor, you have to deal with the emperor, and you are going to die."

"If you die, isn't it the wish of the evil spirits? I thought it would be difficult to have a presence that can suppress the evil spirits."

One Emperor shook his head and sighed, feeling that Yi Tianyun was unlikely to pass.

After seeing it, the evil spirits first saw it and immediately laughed: "Ha ha ha, it’s true that God can’t stand you. It seems that the crystal barrier does not require the Emperor to send people to destroy, there is God. Help the Emperor destroy it. Not only will you destroy it, but even the crystal barrier will be broken!"

The impact of the five-color emperor dragon did affect the crystal barrier. If you continue to attack this way, the crystal barrier must be destroyed. The strike of the mighty **** is not so easy to bear.

The same is true for Yi Tianyun. After being attacked by a slap, the body was injured a lot and almost disappeared. Fortunately, his resilience is amazing, otherwise he is really dead.

"A strong strength is worthy of the attack of the Emperor level. It can kill me in minutes..." Yi Tianyun frowned, not to mention the five-color emperor dragon. It would be good to survive.

However, his thoughts turned and his eyes were sharp: "No matter what, just stop me from becoming a god, you must marry!"

Crazy mode is on!

Dragon God blood is open!

The emperor suit opens!


All the powers are turned on, and the strongest level of power is erupted, and the five-color emperor dragon is rushed. However, his strength is still like a moth to the fire. He was photographed by a palm of the five-color emperor, and directly penetrated the crystal barrier, and the crystal barrier was broken into a big hole.

After Yi Tianyun smashed through the crystal barrier, the Tianzhu people on the other side looked at it, and the crystal barrier was actually hit by his own lord.

"You can fix this crystal barrier!" Yi Tianyun immediately ordered them, and quickly recovered his injuries. He also flew to the crystal barrier and did not want to stay here.

But everything is too late, the five-color emperor dragon once again attacked and shot the crystal barrier into powder, not to mention the repair, the long crystal barrier was broken and turned into a pile of transparent powder!

As a result, they saw a huge five-color dragon flying in the void, letting them stay in the woods!

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