Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1831: One person got it!

The madness of the five-color emperor dragon makes the evil spirit emperor very happy, and does not need him to do it. The Kaiyuan world is completely messed up. The crystal barrier was broken, and as long as Yi Tianyun was destroyed, it would be easy to break through.

"It’s really God who helped the Emperor, and when this kid is dead and launches a general attack, he can easily occupy this Kaiyuan world."

The evil spirit is very happy, he has not been so happy for a long time. Everything is really ups and downs. First, Yi Tianyun has successfully robbed him. He wants to be a god, and let him all pay for it.

Suddenly, when the situation turns, it turns out that Yi Tianyun is going to be destroyed. How can he be upset?

"This kid still wants to resist the power of God. It is really self-reliant..."

The evil spirit emperor looked at Yi Tianyun, who was constantly resisting. Yi Tianyun also tried to kill the five-color emperor dragon, which is ridiculous to him. This is to hit the stone with the egg, continue to do so, Yi Tianyun will die.

"Come back!"

Yi Tianyun did not give up, if he did not succeed in the robbery, then everything will be finished. Especially now that even the crystal barrier is gone, if he is dead, it is really finished.

It’s just that the five-color emperor dragon in front of you is really too strong. It doesn’t have any use with all the moves. It is extremely difficult to kill, and it is hard to hit the five-color emperor dragon, but it hurts the epidermis, and the effect is minimal.

This makes him almost vomiting blood, spending so much energy, but it hurts a skin!

When he thought that he could not defeat the five-color emperor dragon, he suddenly discovered that as time passed, the five-color emperor dragon became weaker and weaker, and the system progressed higher and higher.

"Don't you say that I didn't plan to kill the five-color emperor dragon in the first place, just resisting it?"

Yi Tianyun was depressed and wanted to vomit blood. At first he thought that he would kill the five-color emperor dragon. Now it seems that he is too naive, and he does not need to do this. Just need to resist enough time, even if he wins.

If you think about it, even if it is awful, it will leave you with a chance. Sending a **** emperor, it is definitely impossible to fight, if it can fight, but also use the breakthrough to the emperor to repair?

Therefore, Yi Tianyun is very simple, and immediately replace the Great Witch God suit, and continue to resist. As he resisted, the five-color emperor dragon became weaker and weaker. It was not really strong all the time, but it slowly became weak.

When the final is weak to a certain extent, Yi Tianyun holds the dragon **** magic gun, and shoots through the five-color emperor dragon, killing this dragon on the spot! In the end, it ended in killing.

“Hey, congratulations to the player ‘Yi Tianyun’, the successful breakthrough for the next Emperor’s pre-repair!”

Finally succeeded in breaking through to the level of the emperor, but even if it is the Emperor, it will be divided into the upper, middle and lower levels, no different from the previous cultivation. Among them, the cultivation of the evil spirits has a level of the middle emperor, far stronger than the ordinary god.

Of course, this is no different for Yi Tianyun. As long as he breaks into becoming a god, with a crazy mode, everything is rubbish!

Along with the coming of the gods, not only is Yi Tianyun shrouded in the light of the gods, but when he began to strengthen his body, he and the world of Kaiyuan were all covered with this light.

When this scene fell in the eyes of other gods, it was a bit shocked. The five-color emperor dragon was so killed? Before the momentum was huge, it seemed to be enough to break through the entire Kaiyuan world. Who knows that when it persists, the five-color emperor dragon becomes weaker and weaker. In the end, it is only half-stepped by the Emperor, and it is killed by Yi Tianyun.

"It seems that this dragon, not always maintained by the Emperor, will slowly weaken."

"I thought he was dead. It seems that if he persists, he will be able to fight back. It is not easy to persist for such a long time. In exchange for the fact that I did not have the gods before, it is estimated that there are few measures." ”

"This is a good look, and the face of the evil spirit is dark."

The gods had a little gloating, and they all looked at the ugly evil spirits, and they were a big ups and downs. I thought that Yi Tianyun was killed. Now it seems that he is innocent. It is really ups and downs. He has not been happy for too long, but he has fallen.

It seems that everything is expected in vain. After all, nothing has changed.

Yi Tianyun did not care about the situation outside the world, and his whole person was immersed in the breakthrough. All the cores in the body are madly condensed and turned into a core.

In fact, this is not the focus, the real focus is on the inside of the Kaiyuan world!

In an instant, the blood of all Terran practitioners began to madly impact, one by one to make rapid progress, and some broke through several major realms, a little bit worse, all broke through a big realm, it is terrible.

This is only the treatment of the Terran practitioners, and the rest of the race has not changed.

Especially the poetry snow cloud, as well as Yi Sixue, that is, has a deep relationship with Yi Tianyun. The cultivation is the most horrible breakthrough, especially Yi Sixue, and it hits the stage of the upper **** in one breath.

To know that it was only the level of the gods, it is now directly rushing to the stage of the upper gods, jumping continuously in a big realm. The key is that it is so difficult to break through in the later stage, but it is so much jumping.

The weaker the repair, the stronger the realm of jumping. Not only does it have a large jump, but the strength of the blood is greatly enhanced. They all feel that they are breaking through and have amazing changes.

For a time they were all shocked, and they didn’t know what was going on. How could this happen suddenly?

However, when I noticed the situation of Yi Tianyun, I knew everything happened. Yi Tianyun's breakthrough, the entire Kaiyuan world, no matter where it is, can see Yi Tianyun shrouded in light.

As if to declare to the entire Kaiyuan world, he wants to become a god, to become the master here!

"This may be that one person has to go to the sky..."

One person breaks through and brings about the whole change. As long as it is the blood of the human race, it is motivated to have the strongest potential. For a time, the blood power of the human race directly impacts all races and is among the strongest.

In fact, the evil spirits are almost the same meaning, why they are so powerful, because they have evil spirits. The emergence of evil spirits will greatly increase their blood, and naturally they will not be weaker than those who make the heavens.

Yi Tianyun is a bit counterintuitive, not only has 20 layers of gods, but also faces the five-color emperor dragon! The effect brought by the time is full evolution.

Not only is Yi Tianyun fully evolved, but even the entire human race in the Kaiyuan world has brought about a comprehensive evolution, which has hit the strongest blood. The original people at the bottom of the game directly killed the strongest and shocking.

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