Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1844: Celestial ancestral land

"What, not arrogant?"

Yi Tianyun looked at the well-behaved soul in his hand and sneered at it. It seemed that in the face of death, the other party still surrendered.

"I beg you to let me go, just let me go, I will never pursue a little bit! At the same time, I will also arrange a good position for you, so that you do not have to go to the front line!" The guard hurriedly asked for mercy, hope that Yi Tianyun would not kill Yourself.

Yi Tianyun blinked, and in a few short sentences, he let him know a lot of news. The front line mentioned here is estimated to be a war-like situation. That is to say, after coming from these worlds, I will enter the special battlefield immediately. Select elite soldiers and follow them to become cannon fodder?

"It is very simple to live, as long as you answer me, I will let you go." Yi Tianyun gaze.

"Is this true?" the guard said in a hurry.

"Absolutely true, of course, you have no other choices now, you can choose the letter, you can choose not to believe." Yi Tianyun's strength in the hand is slightly increased, as a threat.

"I believe, I believe!!" The guard screamed, he really didn't want to die, or he was very afraid of death, and some were so shackled.

"Well, I am asking you one thing now. The first one, where is this?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"This, here is the celestial ancestral land..." The guard quickly replied.

"Tianji ancestral land..." Yi Tianyun naturally did not hear it, and continued to ask: "What is the meaning of the transmission array here?"

"You don't know anything about this? The spirit should say everything, at least let you know what's going on here..."

"The spirit is killed by me." Yi Tianyun replied simply and rudely.

"Will, you killed?" The guard stunned: "Impossible, the spirit has a big blessing, even if it is a late star, it is impossible to kill, even the general star division may not be able to Broken... You, how can you kill in the mid-term star of your district!"

"Give me a reply, otherwise it is dead!" Yi Tianyun's hands tightened, and the guards wowed, but they also became honest.

"This is here, from a group of indigenous people, choose the most outstanding star to come out ... and then participate in the battle, help clean up the behemoths, or collect minerals and the like." The guard replied slyly.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun gave all the content out of the guards a little bit, and finally knew the general situation.

The details are very simple and rude, that is, from the major worlds, the strongest stars are selected. In the following, it is called the existence of the Emperor, in fact, it is an astrologer. In simple terms, it is the power to master the power of the planet!

The astrologer is a relatively high level. In terms of the celestial ancestors, it is considered to be a good position. At least compared to some civilians, it is weaker. Only by practicing the power of the powerful planet can it be called a star.

The level of repair here is also distinguished and is extremely strict.

Generally: Stars - Stars - Star Masters - Star Jun! Each level is divided into front, middle and back, and three are repaired. What is the upper, middle and lower levels, here is turned into a simple three levels of front, middle and back, there is not much difference in essence.

In the middle and late stages of the next Emperor, this is almost the same. It's just that there is no such subdivision here, and it is directly turned into a big level. Mainly because the environment here is different, it is difficult to make a difference in this subdivision.

Unlike the world below, if you are strong, you can crush each other. It's not so simple here, the level of environmental energy is different, and naturally it doesn't need to be subdivided.

The strongest here is the star Jun, the master of the celestial ancestral land, is the star king! Arranging these big worlds and screening out the gods, that is, the stars, is the means of this star.

Star Jun is very simple and rude. He grabs the weak people of this world, throws them into a world, and finally screens out the stars. It means that Yi Tianyun was originally a practitioner of this world, but he was trapped in a very weak world!

After coming up, you will be enslaved. In theory, it is not enslaved, but it is similar. Was sent to the battlefield, opened up the territory, killed the monsters in the mysterious unknown area, and then acquired a new territory. Or carry out mining in all aspects as a miner.

These are very low-level jobs, and they have been admired by the people as gods.

Tianji Xingjun is very "good" and set up rewards. Responsible for opening up the territory and killing the behemoths, they can all gain military strength, and even the mining also has military merit.

These military martial arts can be used to exchange various treasures, and they can be exchanged for their own freedom, and they can even exchange their hometowns for their own.

Here, there is really no freedom. After coming up, I will soon be imprisoned and unable to escape from here. If you want to be free, you must have enough military power, otherwise you will have to do these things and get it done.

After freedom, you can do other things and set up more military power. Only then can I redeem my hometown and become my own belongings.

As for the military power needed, it is equal to a horrible value. For tens of thousands of years, it is impossible to get so much military power. Or even your own free body, you may not be able to redeem it, let alone redeem your hometown.

After knowing, Yi Tianyun felt a sense of humiliation. This is the era of the weak meat and strong food, whoever has a big fist has a reason. It seems that they can't even count the chess pieces. The high-ranking Tianji Xingjun will not care for them at all. It’s just these guards who really manage them.

"Do you have these conditions in other ancestral areas?" Yi Tianyun stared coldly at the guard, and there was an unknown fire in his heart.

"This, this is not, the other ancestral homes are also screening out the stars, but there is no such way to screen out the absolute elite..." The guard said, the tone became arrogant and arrogant, and there was a sense of pride. However, it is the survival of the fittest, the selection of excellent ones, in order to make our ancestral ancestral land stronger and stronger! Compared with other ancestral land, what garbage is necessary is really equal to the garbage collection station."

"Oh, then you guys, are you so cruel to screen?" Yi Tianyun stared at him with a burning gaze.

"How is it possible, how can we compare with your garbage indigenous people?" The guards didn't even think about it. They said, "The resources we enjoy are not at the same level as you. You are destined to work hard. Even if you are desperate enough to fight military power, It’s the existence of the bottom... ah!”

The guardian soul was almost pinched, and he was scared to ask for mercy: "Yes, sorry, I, I’m talking about it, I’m talking about it..."

Yi Tianyun's eyes are cold, it seems that this day is extremely ancestral, really more targeted. The life of garbage is completely ignored. It is enough to screen out the elites in the garbage to enslave. If there is a possibility of enslavement to death, they may not be able to exchange for freedom.

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