Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1845: System change

Under the understanding of Yi Tianyun, I finally knew the cruelty of the ancestral ancestral land. In this world, it is not limited to the ancestral ancestral land, but has many ancestral lands. The ancestral land mentioned here is actually a force, but it is named as the ancestral land.

The rest of the ancestral land situation is not so cruel. Perhaps they also put a bunch of mortals together, forming a world, but at least they will not let killing, but will unify management.

After a detailed understanding, Yi Tianyun found that this is not a bad thing. In every ancestral place, there are many trillions of lives, and there are not many talents.

Therefore, they have all moved to a world of reduced effects, let them stay in the cultivation, until they are cultivated one day, they are promoted. If you are born in your ancestral land, you will lose their self-confidence. The gap is too big to stay in those underlying worlds.

After all, everything in these worlds is artificially created. However, the planet inside is a natural existence, not something that a star can create. To put it simply, Xing Jun took the asteroid outside the ancestral land and took it directly into the world.

After knowing the details, Yi Tianyun’s affection for the ancestral land of this day immediately became disgusting. I was very disgusted, and now I am more disgusted!

After all, other ancestral homes are not so cruel. Instead, they choose a more suitable area and give them a good cultivation. When there are excellent disciples coming up, they will be reused.

Here is the enslavement, the need for military power to exchange their freedom.

This happens, mainly because the practitioners are divided into three or six, etc., the vast ancestral land, there are also many mortals. Even if the environment is more comfortable, there are still many areas, and there is no strong spiritual power to cover it. The progress of cultivation is naturally poor.

For the ancestral ancestral land, this is the indigenous, inferior! In fact, it is not only the ancestral ancestral land, but also many ancestral places. This is also the same idea. It is not surprising that such an idea is present. Even in the Kaiyuan world, there is such an idea.

At the beginning of the field, it was also impossible to be discriminated against. It even extends to discriminate against the human race. This point Yi Tianyun will not be surprised, the king is defeated, he has no strength to resist, can only be like this.

Different now, he does not want his own destiny, in the hands of others!

"Tianji Xingjun..." Yi Tianyun's eyes sank, this is really a pressure multiplier, just came up, facing the so big.

The gap is enormous, and it is ten million times stronger than the gods. If you know that there is a rebellious person in a small world, it is sure to send a strong man to come and annihilate. When the Kaiyuan world is bound to fall into crisis.

Tianji Xingjun is absolutely not allowed, and anyone who defies himself. It can even be said that no lord would want his own men to resist themselves.

"I have said that, I have already finished, let me go... rest assured, I will never say it, absolutely confidential for you!" The guard hurriedly added a sentence.

"Well, I have asked the question, you can go." Yi Tianyun just thrown out the soul in his hand.

The guards rushed to fly outside, and at the same time thought in the haze: "When Laozi escapes, he dares to destroy my body, and then clean up all of you, and kill them all!"

When he just came up with this idea, a palm of his hand grabbed it and pinched him again.

"You, what do you do, don't you say that you must let me go!" The guards panicked.

"Yeah, I have let you go, but you have been caught by me now." Yi Tianyun grinned: "Now, you can die."

"You, you are shameless..."

When the guards did not finish, they were pinched by Yi Tianyun and completely disappeared into the world.

Yi Tianyun couldn't let go of this guard. How could he believe their fart? This second was let go, and the next second was completely blocked at the door, and he couldn't escape.

"Hey, successfully kill the guard, get ten points of star value, guard the simple suit."

"Oh, the system has evolved and it has officially started..."

"Open the eyes of exploration..."

"Can open crazy mode..."

At this time, the system was really upgraded and all aspects were officially launched. The data that can be seen at the moment is added a lot now, but there are many things that are also cut.

For example, the crazy mode, which was originally able to increase by one hundred and twenty-eight times, was compressed to 12.8 times in one breath! It means that one breath is weakened to 10%.

"Is this effect too cut?" Yi Tianyun saw the system after the upgrade, and suddenly felt a bit speechless.

"But this star can be worth, what is it?"

Yi Tianyun checked and found that all the data were listed as one: star value!

The star energy value can be used as an experience, or as a crazy value, and can be exchanged for almost anything. To put it bluntly, all the data is listed as one item, all shared, not as detailed as before, but a simplification.

However, the upgraded system is empty and has nothing. There were a lot of suits in the original sin mall, and now there is nothing. What kind of magic, what kind of lottery system, fusion system, and so on, are gone.

“Hey, the system is in a semi-upgrade state and needs to complete the mainline task before it can be completely upgraded to adapt to this world...”

When Yi Tianyun saw the line of words described, he suddenly understood what was going on. He has always had a main line task, that is to complete the unified "chaos world"!

The chaotic world is the world in which he is located. As for why it is called the chaos world, he is not very clear. The reward that is completed is the evolution of the system in all directions! It seems that at that time, the system was considered complete.

Now one or two can be used, what malls to buy experience cards and the like, all are gone.

"It seems that we must wait for the unification of the chaotic world, and the rest can be officially launched..." Yi Tianyun shook his head, and he could know that there was such a thing.

It seems that the difference in the realm is that the system can't work, and it needs evolution to adapt to it. Fortunately, it is quite humanized, and it can be used with two kinds of magic skills, especially the crazy mode. This is very important.

Even if it is weakened into 10%, at least it can be used!

"Star value, now it can only be used as an upgrade and crazy mode consumables..."

Yi Tianyun checked his own experience and needs to be upgraded to a 50-point star value. As for using crazy mode, it becomes a little bit of time!

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