Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1846: Slave imprint

After the system evolves, it not only becomes a star energy value, but also the previous sin values, crazy values, experience values, and the like, all converted into star energy values. They didn't come up and failed, but they made a certain proportion of conversions. After all the conversions, he found that there were only forty-three points!

Forty-three points plus ten clicks to kill the star energy value, a total of fifty-three points. This means that he can now upgrade and upgrade directly to the mid-level of the stars.

It’s just that he didn’t do it. After all, if it was used, it would be empty soon. If you use the crazy mode, you really can’t get anything.

"Fifty o'clock, I will be able to upgrade to the mid-term of the astrologer. This is really a bit different..."

Yi Tianyun shook his head, and the stars seemed very low-level, and they were as domineering as the Emperor. But this is just the name of the world below. Here is an ordinary astrologist, that is, the beginning of the beginning.

Of course, just getting started is a lot better than the original inhabitants of this world, otherwise it will not be selected.

Immediately, he began to search for the treasure house of the guards. There are piles of elixir in it. Any one thrown in the Kaiyuan world will cause a storm. These medicinal herbs are the level of the eighty-nine grades, which are rare in the following.

What is a panacea, it is extremely rare below. It can only be listed as general here!

Yi Tianyun did not rush to go out, but first explored here. When he came over these transmission arrays, he could feel the following situation.

Just like the chaos he is in, there are many big worlds in it, but the attributes are different. However, they are similar and similar.

With the management of the spirit, they also fight each other, kill each other, and finally choose the strongest **** to advance.

However, he could not be transferred in, but was restricted. It means that he can only send it out, but can't transfer it. After all, the authority is not good. He can't completely control the authority here.

The authority here is not the transmission matrix, but the entire palace. To maintain these transmissions is the condensed array in this palace. If he wants to go back, or enter other worlds, he must have control of the palace.

After the improvement of the eye of exploration, look at this large array that was difficult to understand, and understand a little.

Star pattern level of energy gathering!

"Star pattern..." Yi Tianyun blinked, although he still didn't understand what it was, but at least he knew what level of existence.

It is called the star pattern level here. If you look closely, it is really a bit of the planet's energy flowing inside, forming a state of extreme integration. Such a grade is not something he can touch unless he upgrades his ability.

However, the system has not evolved and is a semi-finished product. Regarding the upgrade in this respect, it is still impossible to carry out, and the grade maintains its original state, so even if it can be used here, it is also the level of the nine seals of the gods.

Among some ordinary forces, it may be able to show their talents, but it is impossible to break the big star pattern.

Therefore, he is unlikely to enter other worlds, including his own world, and he cannot enter. Even if the instrument is dead, there is no way to go in. It is no wonder that the guards can only explore the following situations and cannot go directly to view them.

"I don't know how to send the **** stone, can I use it here."

Skills can't be used, but things are definitely there. How to say, these are all things of their own, not systematic things. For example, equipped with those, the same applies here.

Immediately, he took out the transmission stone and wanted to use it to see if he could transfer back.

Unfortunately, there is no reaction after using it. Sending the **** stone, I can't bring him back to the chaos world, and there is no effect at all.

"I don't know if I can use it here?"

Yi Tianyun set the coordinates here, and then used it again, and found that it can still be used! It means that it is only impossible to pass through the layers to ban the past, not forever invalid, which is very surprising for him.

At least after I’m going out, I can sneak in without knowing it. If I can’t use it, it’s really a big loss.

"Go out and see what happens outside."

Yi Tianyun went out and stepped out of the door. He saw a gallery outside and there was an exit at the end. In addition, there is no channel exit, even the extra guards are not.

I don't know if this day's ancestral land is too confident about yourself, or how, even there are no redundant guards here.

He lifted his foot and went outside. As he passed through the long walkway, suddenly there was a ray of light shining around him and began to cover him. Yi Tianyun was quickly shrouded, followed by a branding to his soul, and wanted to reveal a soul mark in his soul!

"It is a slave seal!"

Yi Tianyun was shocked. Although he had not seen this mark, this feeling must be a slave seal. As long as it is branded, it is equal to the slaves of the ancestral ancestors, and there is no way to resist those who are superior.

What is the stipulation of the ancestral ancestral land, and that is what is prescribed.

When he wants to resist, he finds that he can't resist at all. This kind of power is too strong, far from being able to resist at his current level.

"I can't be branded as a slave imprint, absolutely not!" He didn't want to be a slave here. He hated the celestial ancestors. If he could move away from the chaos, he would leave the place immediately.

But he can't do this for the time being, and he doesn't want to be a slave here. When he wants to do something, he can't do it. For example, if you want to leave the celestial ancestral land, you can't do it.

Under his struggle, the slave imprint was a bit stagnant, but that was all. The powerful slave brand is still suppressed, and his soul consciousness is swallowed up!

How to set up here is how easy it is to resist. The celestial ancestral land is expected to be very proud and will not obey the stars from below. Or it is superficially obedient, but the heart is not obedient.

Soul branding is especially important. Directly tied people to prison, do not accept conviction?

"It seems that I can't resist it in the end..."

Yi Tianyun feels that there is some weakness, is it controlled like this?

He was full of unwillingness in his heart, staring at his soul and being engraved with the soul. But in the next moment, suddenly the five-color emperor dragon in the central area of ​​the body began to growl, and an impact force emerged from the body, giving a mark on his soul, giving it away, dissipating without a trace... ...

Yi Tianyun also returned to God and found that his soul was not engraved with the imprint!

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