Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1847: Star power

"It's amazing, this five-color emperor dragon can actually help me suppress the soul brand..."

Yi Tianyun felt the supreme power from the power released by the five-color emperor dragon, and could not tell what kind of power. In short, it is the power that is above this, branding this soul to disperse and suppress it, and it cannot be fixed.

"Fortunately, I have not been controlled, or it is really difficult to turn over."

If he is suppressed, it is difficult for him to quickly find a solution. According to the process here, you will be free to convert yourself to the world. Among the processes, the military work required is quite amazing. I don’t know how long it will take to get this military merit. When you are afraid of being a dead person, you will be noticed?

If you are lucky, you can't find it, but he can't gamble.

So now he is trying to find a way to move his world away! After moving away, there is no worries. If you want to move away now, you have to break the palace. If it is broken, it will definitely attract attention. It is not so easy to go when you want to go.

He is destroying the rules, the strongest of the ancestral ancestors, certainly not allowed. Without rules, how can the remaining enslaved stars obey? If there is a special case, many of them will definitely rebel.

They just want to hold on to the stars from below, let them spend their lives for life! First, buy a free body and buy your own hometown. After completing these two things, I don’t know how many things to do for the celestial ancestors.

If you can accomplish so many military exercises and survive, the ancestral ancestors will still be happy to return their hometown to them.

Thinking about this, he has already stepped out of this passage, and the glimpse of it is a circle of passages that are exactly the same as what he is now. Only the front doors are not the same, the rest look similar.

When he came out, there were just a few passages in front of him. When he came out of a cultivator, the race was different. Yi Tianyun looked up and the eyes of the investigation quickly moved, and they put their detailed information into the eye.

"Everyone is a predecessor of the astrology, and there is a mid-level of the stars." Yi Tianyun will know what is going on. There are thousands of worlds in this big palace, and then divided into many areas.

Seeing their dejected appearance, Yi Tianyun knew that they were engraved with the slave seal. The high emperor, here is a humble actress, belonging to the bottom of the existence.

When they know this reality, they must have suffered a strong blow.

"Everyone will come over to me, don't drag on!" The guards standing in the center area roared with dissatisfaction, indicating that they came out, and quickly gathered over him.

With a roar, they were all shocked, and these impulses really scared them. Just a snoring, they took a few steps back.

Yi Tianyun looked up and saw that the guards in the central area were repaired higher, and they were later repaired by the stars. However, compared with the average astrologer, that is, the stars from below, the cohesive force must be much stronger.

In the eyes of exploration, they all show the power of stars. If you say that the following stars, the comprehensive star power has a hundred points, then the guards here are more than two hundred points of star power, fully doubled!

This is the difference in strength, which is the difference on the basis. I did not expect to be so strong, perhaps practicing in the environment here, there is a gap in strength.

"You, what have you done on me, even engraved the slave brand on my soul!!" One of the stars rushed up and yelled up, apparently unable to accept this.


The guards smacked at the smugglers of the big scorpion, and they took the star out and flew them out. A deity of the gods, so I was so pumped, no effort to fight back.

"Whoever gives you the courage to speak loudly to me! Make a mark, which means that you are the people of our celestial ancestral land! What do we do for you, do something!" The guards looked at them coldly and said: " If you resist, that is death! Under normal circumstances, we will not use this brand, you will not be forced to control, you can rest assured."

"Next, I will arrange for you to do something, and give me one by one."

When he said that his momentum has risen, there is a starry sky behind him. If you look closely, it is actually a huge golden dragon star. A golden dragon is surrounded by the top, emitting the golden dragon's spirit, and the powerful dragon is coming down. They are all overwhelmed by the pressure.

This will eventually compromise them and walk over to the guard.

Yi Tianyun blinks, this is the powerful star force! There is a star power in every practitioner. By practicing different star powers, you can motivate different stars.

Looking at the top of the void, I can see some of the power of the stars that are not visible. Among them, the guard in front of him, is owned by Jinlongxing, the power of the stars at the second level.

In this world, the most important thing is the power of the stars. The highest level is six! Generally, it is a good talent that can be used to motivate the stars. Some have nothing to do.

There is also the power of the stars, but there is no such power of the stars, and the gap is huge.

The data displayed by the eye of the exploration, constantly beating, is the best proof. Under the display of the Golden Dragon Star, the combat power has risen several levels and is far from crushing them!

No wonder it will become the captain here. If you don’t have the ability, how can you become the captain here?

After they passed, the guard captain took up the power of the Golden Dragon, and the pressure suddenly disappeared.

"Very good, that's right." The guard took out a stack of tokens and distributed them to them. "This is your token, take these tokens and come over with me!"

After they got it, they followed the guard captain and walked forward. After passing through the gate, it was not the outer area, it was still a big palace.

It’s just that this palace is a bit strange, with an altar in the center, and the sky above it is empty, aligned with the empty space at the top. When I look up at the sky, I see the stars. It is the power of the stars that are not clear.

Yi Tianyun saw the power of these stars, and there was an unpredictable feeling, that is, an area that could not be reached by flight.

In addition to them, there are still a group of people who have been testing in front, one by one lined up to the top of the altar, just standing still, feeling the power of the stars above!

There is no doubt that this is testing the level of the stars they have!

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