Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1848: accurate

There are a large number of apostles here, and there are a handful of astrologers below, but here they appear in batches. It is normal to think about this point. So many worlds in this area can almost say that a small number of stars will appear in each time period. The number is not much, but after arriving here, there are a lot of them.

It can be said that every week, even every day, there are stars who have successfully promoted.

"You are waiting here, and when it is your turn, give me up." The guard captain signaled them to stay on the side, then turned and went back. His mission was temporarily reached. It was actually a guide. of.

In addition to the guard captain, there is a powerful deacon obsessive on the side, constantly recording the test results of the astrologists, with a serious face and no smile. No matter what the results of these stars are, it makes no sense to him.

"This friend, which world are you from?" There was a star on the side who was idle and began to ask the stars who came next to him.

Who knows that the other side is not reasonable, half a sentence is too lazy to say, a look of arrogance, as if to feel that the other side, is not a level.

The astrologist wanted to make a statement, but he was ignored. However, he did not have any temper, and he continued to ask the stars next to him, and did not feel anything like it.

All the way to ask the past, no one answered a piece of the stars. Either arrogant, too lazy to answer, or immersed in the trough, have not come out.

After so many things, from the high above them, all of a sudden fell to the bottom, it is extremely tragic. Where is the mood, to respond to other people's questions, and still not familiar.

In the end, when the star asked Tian Yiyun, Yi Tianyun smiled and said: "This Taoist friend, you are quite interested? Now I am immersed in the big ups and downs, where is the mood to chat?"

"This is also the case, the ups and downs, from the original high altar, fell to the bottom, it is a bit unbearable." The star shook his head and said: "But this is the case, you need to talk, unzip. I am this Personality, don't do it, it's really hard to unpack... Under the understanding, in the lower palace Yang Shendi... No, it should be called Gongyang Xingshi, or call me a Gongyang."

Yi Tianyun looked at him up and down. He had to say that this palace Yang Xiu was not bad. The mid-term cultivation of the stars was able to cultivate to this level, which is very good. It’s a pity that I’m still being branded as a slave, and I have to work for this great ancestor for many years.

"In the next Yi Tianyun, I am very happy to know the friends of Gongyang." Yi Tianyun is so enthusiastic about it, but it is a bit good, can talk a little, still quite good.

At least you can know the other party's situation, anyway, there is no problem, and no secrets will be revealed.

"It turned out to be a friend of Tianyun." Gong Yang smiled: "Look at the power of this star, it seems that we will definitely want to motivate the power of the stars, to see what level of stars can be obtained. Or, if we can get attention, it will be this time."

When Gong Yang was just coming, he immediately saw the situation in front of him. This is actually a conspicuous one. You can guess what it is at a glance.

"Yes, no matter where it is, it is a talented person who can get better treatment..." Yi Tianyun looked at the test situation there and deeply agreed.

I don't know those medicine gods, or the Emperor Dengfeng, have you come here? Or when the choice of the Emperor, has fallen?

"Quiet!" The treasurer's deacon recorded on the side looks like this, as the real cold light almost penetrates their hearts. "If there is another test, I will not test you, send you directly." Mine! The rest, I will also break into the mine, I will not test you! A group of garbage indigenous, really think I am willing to test you? How to test, you are a group of garbage! Can lead the first-class stars There are only a handful of them, it’s a waste of time!"

The rest of the stars glared at Yi Tianyun, and if they really didn't have to test it, they didn't even have a chance to turn over. Although they were junk, they could only suffer, and people had to bow their heads under the roof.

Gongyang’s face was flushed and he clenched his fists. They just talked a little. They could say that there was no sound, and they could quarrel with other people. To put it bluntly, this deacon is to look at what is not good, especially to see them feel uncomfortable.

Whether it is this deacon, or the guards, staying here is like jail. This job is very unpleasant for them, especially when it comes to garbage in a group of garbage.

If there are excellent astrologists, they can get rewards. They can come and go as a group of low-level ones. Even the first-level stars can't be motivated. How can they make them happy?

Yi Tianyun reached out and patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he should not be angry. He also feels uncomfortable, but here is their place. Even if he wants to resist, he wants to slap this guy to death.

Unless you can escape in one breath, you really can't be so impulsive.

Gongyang nodded and cast a grateful look. He could only shut up.

After this episode, the entire palace was quiet, only the voice of the treasurer's deacon.

"The stars can't be ignited, rubbish! You will roll me to the mine!" Baodi deacon waved and let the star go to the mine.

The star stood on the altar and provoked it for a long time. There was no sign on it. This was shaped as **** and could not ignite the power of any star.

“No rush, rubbish, go to the mine!”

"I still haven’t motivated, one garbage, and I’m going to mine!”

Then the appearance of Lian San did not provoke the stars of any star power, so that Bao Biao deacon was very impatient, and even a little angry.

In the midst of disappointment, finally a star screamed, and in the empty sky above, a looming star flashed, accompanied by a glimpse of a giant glint, followed by a deep, branded in the star.

"Giant comet, the power of the first-level stars... Although it is still quite rubbish, but at least better than not. You go to the war and join the army!" The expression of Bao's deacon has finally eased, the grade is very low, better than no grade. of.

Immediately, other stars continued to move forward, some succeeded, and some still did not have a little movement, which made them feel very incomparable.

If you join the army, you can get more military power by killing the behemoth. As for mining, it goes without saying, and digs to death, fearing that there is not much military work at all.

One is to open up the soil, and the other is to mine. The gap can be imagined.

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