Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1853: Dodge

The guilt of the Lord of the Shadows has caused many apostles to suffer sin, especially those who have not escaped, but they are directly destroyed. At the moment of being killed, they were very remorseful. Why didn’t they run away, but stayed here?

Here is a group of selfish interests, but also extremely arrogant, looking down on their existence. Who trusts them, that is an idiot! Obviously, they are a member of an idiot.

Or, from the moment they are promoted, there is no place to speak. If you want to kill, you will kill, like killing chickens and dogs, without any obstacles.

Gongyang is expected to see this situation, so the first choice to escape. I would rather fight, whether I can run away or not. From the beginning of seeing the practitioners here, he knows that he is not good at all, and he has no position at all. I don’t know what happened when I die here.

Searching for madness, whether it is for Yi Tianyun or other stars, is conducting a large-scale search. Can catch one count, and Yi Tianyun is listed as the key wanted.

However, this is internal, and the outside does not dare to advertise at will. Directly through, isn't it equal to exposure, are they derelict? Therefore, they are all arrested internally, which makes the difficulty double.

As long as they escape a little further, they can't catch it. But this far definition, it is quite distant, it seems that there is only one mountain surrounded, in fact, the entire planet area, are their sites.

It means that as long as you have not escaped this planet, you can't talk about running away! To this end, they mainly shut the outer area, first hold the outside area, and then slowly round up.

This is a very stable and steady process. As long as it is not a major oversight, it can bring people back. But this is to see the time, who is faster, is the winner.

When many guards thought that Yi Tianyun would flee to other areas, in fact, Yi Tianyun used the transmission of the **** stone to return to the palace. He has to be responsible for his hometown, and have to see if they have done something for their hometown.

After all, the guardian’s words were really exciting to him. If you start with your own hometown, that is a very troublesome thing.

In fact, this did not happen. They did not come in to investigate at all, or they did not know at all, which world is Yi Tianyun. Unless you look at the world from which he came from the beginning, you will never know which world he came from.

As for the destruction of his hometown, it is even more nonsense. For the time being, no matter which area, the key is their permission, they can't go in! Unless you forcibly break open, you can't go in and kill.

However, if the inspector is spiritual, it will be exposed. After all, if the communication is not spiritual, then it is suspected that something is happening, and then someone is sent.

Yi Tianyun is not worried about this matter. After all, there is an unexpected accident, and can't you rely on him?

"It seems that they are all crazy, there is still time to take care of this side..." Yi Tianyun hid in the palace, seeing the outside situation clearly, especially he is now equipped with guard clothes, as long as it is not carefully identified I thought he was the guard here.

He killed the guard before and got the appropriate equipment. Wearing it is the appearance of the guard, let him stand in the doorway, as the former guard, guarding here.

From time to time I saw a star who rose up from below, and then let him go inside to report, it looks like no difference with the normal guard.

When looking for Yi Tianyun to go crazy outside, he is hiding here to take refuge. It is really the more dangerous place, it is safer. A long time ago, he left a trail for himself and never acted impulsively.

Even if you act impulsively, you will have an extremely perfect back road and will not bring any disaster to your hometown.

Time passed quickly and soon the stars were arrested. These stars were undoubtedly executed, and Yi Tianyun was cold-eyed on the side. This matter is indeed due to him, but the real essential problem is naturally the problem here.

Treat them as ants, see life as nothing, in order to cover up their mistakes, and thus eliminate other innocents.

When these stars are executed, some are resentful of Yi Tianyun, and more are resentful to everyone here! When they come up, they can all sense what it is. If they can, they really don't want to come to this world, as a slave here!

"The celestial ancestral land is really disgusting. When I have strength, I must destroy it!" Yi Tianyun clenched his fist and saw what they were doing.

He is now waiting for an opportunity, a chance to escape from here. There is a Thunder Master guard here, he can't make more plans. Originally, I wanted to sneak out all the guards, but it is undoubtedly easy to expose myself.

The owner of Lei Ying is very strong, and it is powerful enough to crush him. Perhaps this is the level of the star division, especially the awakening of his own star.

If he can awaken the stars, then there will be different results. Perhaps with the help of this star law, it is not impossible to be with the Lord of the Thunder! After all, continue to do so, he broke through to the late stage of the Stars, there are not many problems.

With the crazy mode, plus the stars and the law, the thunder and shadow of the Lord to step on the explosion, the same is possible!

When he thought about how to escape, a familiar figure appeared in front of him - Gongyang!

I did not expect that Gong Yang was finally caught, and they were still too weak. Underneath can only cover the sky, but it seems so weak here, a random guard can crush them.

Without awakening the stars, it is impossible to release all the power. Therefore, facing the existence of the same level, it can only be blind.

There is a lot of energy in the altar, and it takes energy to awaken the stars. It is not impossible to say that when you look at the empty space and you can wake up the stars, it is impossible. Otherwise, it won't take so much effort to build an altar to awaken the stars.

"Kid, I didn't expect your hidden technique to be quite strong? If you don't look it up carefully, you really can't see it. You are hiding in that corner." The guard next to him gave him to the ground, one Looking at Gongyang with a bad face, "Say! Your other companion, you seem to have a good relationship with that kid, know where he is hiding?"

"Hey!" Gong Yang sputum spit, cold channel: "Even if it is dead, I will not say it! You are not worth knowing about this garbage! Tianyun Taoyou, will definitely escape here, escape to you Never know where!"

Gongyang is very tempered, even if he knows, he will not say it.

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