Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1854: Kill here

"Oh, is it quite a bone?"

The guard guarded the long gun in his hand and smashed it. He slammed the Gongyang out, and the body was sunken with a trace, the obvious marks on the gun.

Gongyang sighed and sighed, and he climbed up and looked at him coldly: "I don't have the bones, but you guys, don't know! A group of arrogant guys treat us as garbage! You guys I thought it would be superior. In my opinion, it’s just a group of arrogant guys. Give me some time, I can step you down!"

Gongyang’s face is full of arrogance. He can cultivate to this level, not by luck, but by strength!

Perhaps their foundation is not good to be born here, but they have enough perseverance to fight hard.

"No, the guards you have, in fact, are coming up from below like us. You are treating us like this. Really forgetting your original identity, staying here for a while, even if you are not yourself." I know." Gong Yang shook his head and sneered: "In my opinion, one day, one day, you will also be abandoned! No matter how hard you try, stay in this ghost place, the result will be the same, they will be looked down upon! This garbage force, would rather die, do not want to stay for a while!"

Gong Yang spurted in a row, and he wanted to vent his anger before he died. Anyway, it’s all dead. Why don’t you squirt it so that you can feel better inside?

The front guards had a burst of white, and some of their guards did come up from below and were assigned to perform their duties here. Staying here for a while, you can also get military strength, if you can find a good talent, you will get more military skills.

So staying here is a bad thing. But for a long time, there has been no amazing talent, and the difference has become a bitter. Didn't get any military power, it was to vent the anger to the practitioners who came up from below. At the same time, I still forget that I came up from below. It is really a sad thing.

"Why, what I said is nothing to say? Even if you make a breakthrough in the future, it seems to me that it is just a group of dogs..."


A long shot poked and nailed him to the ground.

"Give you the last chance, say the situation of the companion, or where is the hometown, I will spare you a life!" The guard glared at him with red eyes, he could not wait to kill Gongyang, but he also To perform duties.

Gongyang grinned and immediately spit out the spit and spit on the guard's face: "I said it, I will not say anything about death. Tianyun Daoyou did what I want to do, I hope that one day, he Will kill and kill you all... I believe that he will save all the practitioners here."

All the practitioners here are trapped in one piece and then continue to sell their lives for the celestial ancestors. In fact, there is nothing to sell, the key is that the treatment is really bad, if it is treated fairly, it is nothing to climb from the bottom.

They can be treated as slaves from the beginning, how can they be accepted? If they are not slaves, they must all resist.

"Hey! It’s really a delusion to save the practitioners here!" The guard sneered: "If he dares to come back, he will definitely be destroyed by the Thunder Shadow Lord!"

"Let's ask you once, you still don't say it!" The rifle in the guard's hand went forward, and Gong Yang's body was easily torn apart by a crack. If he continued this way, he would tear it to the part of his head.

"It's stupid, don't think about setting a half sentence from me, don't waste your time!" Gong Yang was still hard at the end, and he refused to say it.

In fact, Gong Yang did not know the details. Yi Tianyun did not say which world he came from, he knew the name, and the rest did not know anything. Therefore, asking him is actually useless.

But he said so, it is hard!

"Then you will die for me!" The guard was angry, and he took a long shot and wanted to divide Gongyang into two halves.

At this moment, a figure passed, and the guard was punched into a **** fog and dissipated in the void.

"I don't have to wait until later, now I dare to come back."

Yi Tianyun appeared in front of many guards, his eyes were cold, and the fierce momentum rolled around.

The guards next to me looked dumbfounded, especially seeing Yi Tianyun dressing up. Isn't this the dress of his companion? When they look closely, they find that the guy is not the Yi Tianyun who has been wanted all the time. When did he get in?

"Tianyun Daoyou!?" Gong Yang was shocked, and he did not expect that at this critical time, Yi Tianyun would rush out to save himself.

Yi Tianyun did not want to shoot, but when he saw Gong Yang, his heart suddenly touched a little more. I have to say that Gongyang is a person worthy of deep friendship, even if he is dead, he is tight-lipped.

In fact, Gong Yang can casually say something, such as know where it is, and then take the guard to find. This can delay the time and live a little longer. But he did not do this, but chose to roar them in front, and would not sell Yi Tianyun.

In this case, Yi Tianyun decided to shoot! And in his mind, there is also a brand new plan.

"Catch, grab him!" The guards immediately reacted and quickly surrounded Yi Yiyun, and some even quickly informed other companions to seize Yi Tianyun.

"I just want to catch me with you?"

Yi Tianyun sneered, and with a long gun in his hand, he attacked the guards in front and instantly shattered them. The power of hegemony, as long as it is not a strong star, later repaired, or the level of the star division, is a shot for him!

In the blink of an eye, they were easily destroyed and turned into a large wave of stars.

"Miyayang brother, come over with me!" Yi Tianyun unplugged the long gun from Gongyang and signaled him to keep up.

Gong Yang quickly recovered the trauma of the body. This is no problem for him. As long as he does not hurt the soul, he will quickly recover his body without any pressure.

Immediately, Yi Tianyun came to the altar and watched him smile. "Your appearance, let me want to fight once, do not need to wait, now I want to level here!"

"Tread, stepping here?" Gong Yang was shocked, followed him and shook his head, persuaded: "Tianyun brothers don't be so impulsive, hurry to escape! Lei Ying Temple is very strong, at least with the master of the star, fundamentally Can't resist!"

Gong Yang naturally does not believe that Yi Tianyun has such strength. The gap between the astrologist and the star teacher is enormous. Where can it be filled?

"No, there is a chance to destroy the Lord of the Thunder Shadow, relying on it!" Yi Tianyun pointed at the altar in front, his eyes burning, "I want to wake up the stars, then destroy it!"

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