Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1856: Seven levels?

Lei Ying Temple Lord is not eager to shoot, but on the side to observe the situation, let the guards do not arbitrarily shot, let Yi Tianyun awaken the stars and the law.

Gong Yang clasped his weapon and stared at the Lord of the Thunder Shadow. If the Lord of the Thunder Shadows took the shot, he would have to fight for his life. How can he keep Yi Tianyun and not let others interfere?

However, with his cultivation, it is really impossible to stop the Lord of the Thunder Shadow. If you don't need a trick, you can kill him in seconds.

When Yi Tianyun awakened the stars, he also gave a glimpse of the mind and observed the situation around him. When I saw the Lord of Thunder Shadow coming so fast, there was still some vigilance in the heart. As long as the Thunder Shadow Lord took the shot, he could only choose to give up and escape.

However, the action of the Lord of the Thunder Shadow is almost the same as his judgment!

When he understands the mechanism here, he knows that the merits of the lord are related to whether he can find more outstanding geniuses. The more amazing the stars, the more benefits the lord gets.

Therefore, he is not only gambling himself to obtain a higher level of the stars, but more gambling is very calm, choose to let him awaken the stars.

Generally speaking, the master level is amazing, and there is no fear of those who awaken the stars. Even if it is the awakening of the five-level star law, you can still slap it to death.

This is a gift that is stronger than a child, and it is impossible to be more powerful than an adult. Even if it can become an invincible powerhouse in the future, it can be weak or weak at the moment, and can be killed by a slap.

The Lord of Lei Ying is these mentalities, and it is meaningless to let the other party wake up. You have absolute control, so don't worry about any situation.

"The four-level star law, a low-lying aboriginal from the lower bound, can actually reach the fourth-level star law, it is incredible..." Lei Ying Temple main eyes flashed, a few minutes, but he did not shoot.

The rules determine that he will not immediately remove it. In his opinion, as long as he is really since, he will be able to come together. If you still resist, then slap a slap.

Everything is not over, and the power of the stars around Yi Tianyun is once again shining with dazzling light, which is deeper than before. It means that he has once again entered a new level - the fifth level!

"Five, five stars and the law..."

Gong Yang, who was in front of him, was shocked. At first he thought that Yi Tianyun had a good three-level star law. When he came out with a fourth level, he felt that it was the limit. Who knows that it can continue to move forward, which is really incredible.

"Five-level stars and the law phase..." Lei Ying Temple master clenched his fists, whether in the eyes or in the heart, they must be swallowed up by the sea of ​​shackles. "Even if they are the gods of the celestial ancestors, they are just like this... ..."

The five-level star law, any of the forces, is a relatively top-level level. It is also the genius in genius, generally called the Son of God! The existence of this level, as long as it does not die in the future, is called the ancestral star, there is no problem.

The guards are also stunned. They have never seen the five-level star law, so they appear in front of themselves!

The shock was shocking, but nothing stopped. Yi Tianyun feels that everything is not his own limit!

"I can continue to go up, but I can enter a stronger star field!" Yi Tianyun's soul is like a sword, a layer that runs through the front of the star level and rushes to the higher apex.

In the end, I sneaked into the star field of the six-level star law, shocking everyone!

"Six or six?"

The owner of Lei Ying was completely shocked. If it was only a little shocked before, it was really dumbfounded. An unpredictable existence, that is, the six-level star law!

It is rumored that the six-level star law can achieve the absolute level of killing ability, even if it is separated by two major levels, it can still crush opponents. Of course, the five-level star method is equally amazing, but the sixth level is a world of difference.

No matter which level, you can crush your opponent. The key is that the sixth level is the peak. No matter which force you go, it will be cultivated, and it is still the one that is extremely heavy. What resources are in it!

"Hey, what do I see, the six-level star law..." Gong Yang screamed, and saw the power of the vast stars, surrounded by Yi Tianyun, it looked like a star god.

The entire palace is shrouded in this light!

But is this over? still have not! When others think that Yi Tianyun wants to choose his own star law, even Yi Tianyun himself feels that when he is ready to choose the star law, in the void, the virtual shadow of the five-color emperor dragon suddenly appears.

The five-color emperor dragon screamed at him, rolling him up into a higher level of the void - the seventh level!

Perhaps it can't be said that it is a seven-level star space. Generally speaking, the six-level star field is the top level, and there is no seven-level statement. But now is the achievement of the seven-level star field, an impossible thing.

In the vast void of the sky, suddenly there is a dazzling star law - five-color emperor dragon!

The huge dragon body flashed in the void, and all the stars below it suddenly became dull, and everything seemed so insignificant under the illumination of the five-color emperor dragon.

Even the six-level star law, in the stars of the five-color emperor dragon, seems so small. The original six-level star method is as dazzling as the sun. Under the law of the five-color emperor dragon, it is as weak as candlelight.

Everyone stays alive.

Yi Tianyun was also shocked. He thought that it was over. After all, after the six-level star field, it was over. He chose the six-level star method, and the basic is equal to the end.

He is still very satisfied with this result. It’s amazing to get the top star law.

But he actually saw a few scorns from the dragons of the five-color emperor dragon, disdain the stars of the six-level star field... and even laughed at him, even want to choose the six-level star law!


Five colors of light shrouded, Yi Tianyun shrouded in it, lingering in his soul, and the body, began to flood into the power of the stars.

"God, what have I seen, the seven-level star law..."

In their thoughts, they have always been the top six, and now it’s a miracle!

Not only was the guard in this palace stunned, but all the forces outside, all seeing the void, above the six-level star field, there is a new star law.

This star law is not only overbearing, but also above all the stars, no matter who it is, it is suppressed!

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