Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1857: a word of life and death

"The vision is definitely a vision... More than six levels, can there be a higher star field?"

"It's incredible. Is it the unique star law recorded in the legend?"

"A long time ago, there were rumors that the unique star law, but now it is... Who is this, who has this star law?"

"Fast, let me find out! No matter what the price, I have to find this person and then pull it over!"

"The unique star law is really embarrassing... It’s a generation of enchanting, dead, and nothing is..."


The ancestors of the great ancestral lands sighed when they saw the stars and the law. Each one chooses to send a strong person out to find this person, and wants to pull it over and take it for himself.

Stars and laws are common, such as the giant comet, it is likely that in a force, there are several people. The appearance of the stars in this time is the unique star law, not to mention that there is no one in the world, but the only one in the whole world!

Unless the practitioner who owns this star law dies, this unique star law cannot be transferred to others.

The stars of the great ancestral land are crazy, and they are looking for Yi Tianyun.

In the palace, the Lord of the Thunder Shadows almost came down, the unique star law! A little understanding, but also know what is going on. If you don't know, you will be shocked by this situation. You don't know the sixth level of the stars and the higher level.

"The unique star law is a unique star law..." The Raytheon Lord is going crazy, and what kind of monsters he faces, especially the indigenous people from the lower bounds, is to break the long-standing idea.

This is the existence of the hegemony! Once it is upgraded, it is really the overlord of the world. No one can compete.

The unique law that exists in history is not without it, and there is still a corresponding one. This unique existence, the number is extremely rare, each is the power of the sky.

The premise is to survive, and eventually live to become stronger, it is considered to be the hegemon of the world.

For example, Yi Tianyun was recruited by a force. The result must have been a sneak attack. Other forces are not allowed to be so dominant, and there are other forces.

Therefore, if you don't protect well, you will die in the cradle when you don't become strong.

After a while, Yi Tianyun finally ended, and the body was on the edge of the chaotic core, with a five-color emperor dragon. This five-color emperor dragon is different, but turned into a stone-like sculpture, surrounded by the core of chaos.

"The original five-color emperor dragon flew out, is he waiting for me to go in that star field..." Yi Tianyun shook his head and felt that it was so ridiculous to choose the six-level star law.

If it is really chosen, what a pity it is. Obviously there is a stronger existence, but it is a choice of six-level stars, isn’t it funny?

"Congratulations, congratulations! Congratulations to this little friend, you can get the unique star law, this is the honor of our thunder temple!" Lei Ying Temple master clap and smiled and walked over, this smile is more pro-intimate and more pro And, like looking at your relatives.

The other guards face each other, and it is really fast enough for the owner to change his face. The last second also said that I want to kill Yi Tianyun's whole family. The next second is like greeting friends and relatives.

"Leo Shadow Lord, I remember correctly, you wanted to kill me before, and I still sent people to arrest me. I said that if I catch me, I will take a lot of money." Yi Tianyun The attitude is not unexpected. He stayed here for a while and figured out the general situation, otherwise he would not be so confident.

At the same time, seeing the Lord of the Thunder Shadow constantly searching for himself, the angry expression is still fresh in memory.

"Cough and cough, those are all swearing, I am not paying for what I have done for myself!" Lei Yingdian, with a palm smile, said: "So, no matter what you want, what do you want to do?" I will compensate you within the limits of my ability."

The owner of Lei Ying has all gone out, just want to have a good relationship with Yi Tianyun. He knows that the strong people in the ancestral homes are definitely looking for them. Then he has to make a good relationship with Yi Tianyun before those elders come.

After leaving the palace, I basically can't see it. When I see you again next time, I am afraid that I have to talk and talk, instead of standing and talking now.

In the nearby Gongyang, they put down their weapons and couldn't help but shake their heads. This is the gift of talent. The stronger the talent, the better the treatment! The last second is the enemy, and the next second becomes a friend.

He finally knows why Yi Tianyun said that he is gambling, but isn’t this different from the idea? Is it necessary to be in harmony with the ancestral ancestral land?

He sighed and faced with such a huge force, it is not a fault to be willing to bow.

"What can compensate me?" Yi Tianyun said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, as long as I can do what I can, I can definitely do it for you." Lei Yingdian said with a smile.

"Then my hometown, can you give it to me now?" Yi Tianyun asked.

"This..." Lei Yingdian said: "This has to be reported, I don't have the ability to approve. After all, the ability to unblock the big battle, my ability is still insufficient. But you can rest assured that this is no problem, as long as It will be fine to report, and approval is definitely no problem!"

What military power is a fart in front of this talent! Military work is definitely important, but with amazing talent, these are just rewards.

"In this way, it is not what you can give to the Lord of the Thunder. With my current talent, just ask the elders, isn't it at your fingertips?" Yi Tianyun sneered.

"This, this..." Lei Ying Temple master wiped the cold sweat, this is indeed true.

After Yi Tianyun is picked up, he will definitely be taken to the sky. What is not a word.

"Like this, then I will change another request." Yi Tianyun looked at him and smiled.

"What requirements?" Lei Ying Temple Lord shines, as long as you can please Yi Tianyun, nothing is a problem.

"It's very simple. I am very disgusted with all the guards here. I don't know if I can kill them all?" Yi Tianyun said calmly.

"What!?" Those guards looked awkward, what happened, they had to be killed!

Lei Yingdian’s face was heavy, and he naturally knew why Yi Tianyun did this. This is the time for revenge.

"Can... can!" Raytheon maintains a smile: "As long as you like it, their life and death will be left to you!"

The Lord Raytheon waved his hand and screamed: "You still don't want to roll me over and kneel in front of this brother!"

The slave imprint can't resist, and those who don't have a slave imprint are also going to kneel down.

The Lord of Lei Ying did not hesitate to discard them. The main thing is to destroy them. It’s just a matter of Yi Tianyun’s words. It’s just ahead of time!

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