Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1869: send

Yi Tianyun did not choose to leave, he could not gamble to check the situation. After all, in so many worlds, only his world has no spirit.

If everything is ok, he may not have to stay here. But if there is, he has already destroyed the spirit. If you don’t kill the spirit, the rules will be the same as before. This is what he does not want to see.

In his dictionary, there is no regrets, and it is done, even if it is wrong, it must be wrong!

Moreover, he did not make a mistake, he is not willing to be a slave to others, and there is nothing wrong with doing so. Especially after being a slave, it is still a must. This kind of slave is to ruin your kind, and it takes many thousands of years to exchange for freedom.

A little bit of contribution, let you go to the danger zone, isn't that finished? If you really survive, you can only say that life is hard!

Follow Yi Tianyun to let those stars leave here, don't stay here, the more you stay here, the more dangerous you will be. After all, when the strong comes, you can ignore other life.

They have always been regarded as dogs, killing at will, and naturally will not take care of these low-level stars.

After the stars knew the truth, they all left, and anger was anger, but there was no other way.

"I don't know what strong person will be sent?"

Yi Tianyun did not hide in the palace, but hid outside the palace, the same as before. Everything must be observed. Anyway, you can rely on the transmission of the **** stone. If the chaos is viewed, it is dangerous.

He will immediately use the transmission of the stone to kill the past, how much can be killed. No matter how bad it is, how to take away a group of people!

He can't get in, and once he opens the big array, when he goes down, he can kill it immediately. How much can be saved at that time is how much to save.

However, this is a pessimistic idea, but he hopes that he will not be able to find it.

At the same time, on the ancestral ancestors, a bunch of elders jumped up. After knowing this news, one by one was paralyzed.

"The genius who has the unique star law, actually hides in the Thunder Shadow Palace?"

"This is strange, how can it be in the Thunder Shadow Palace? Where did it come from, or from which corner?"

"Do you say that it is from the lower bound?"

"How is it possible! The group of garbage in the lower bounds can have such a strong star law?"

They don't believe that the unique stars that suddenly popped up will come from the lower bounds, and they refuse to believe. The talents of the stars in the lower bounds have always been a common waste, the highest is only the second level, and the level of the third level is even rare.

Let them believe that they will come from the lower bounds, and they will not believe it. They will only believe that they are coming from other forces.

As for the killing of the Lord of the Thunder, they have no idea at all, they are all focused on how to attract Yi Tianyun!

"Then we will send people to recruit in the past. I heard that the resistance is still quite strong. Is it any hatred against us?"

"No matter what kind of hatred, provoke him, all of them pull out to apologize, or lose your life! This is the unique star law! The sacred ancestral home of the singularity, there is a six-level star law is arrogant, pressure We can't breathe here."

"It's true that the unique star law is even more against the sky, but it is the existence of the legend! No matter what the cost must be brought over!"

A famous elder has decided to pull over, at all costs, even if the disciples who provoke him, will pull the past to plead guilty, to die!

This is the talent is not as good, it is like an ant, want to kill and kill.

"You are enough, this one can't stay!"

At this time, an elder came out, and the rest of the elders saw and respectfully shouted: "I have seen the elders of the demon."

They are very awe-inspiring to the elders of the demon, and as a great elder, their strength is definitely not weak, reaching the peak of the master of the star, and half-footed into the level of the star. It can be said that he belongs to the strongest level except for the celestial star.

If he is not strong, he will not become a great elder.

The demon elders nodded and were very satisfied with their attitude.

"Demon Yuan elders, why is this? He has the existence of a unique star law, in the future is definitely a big enchanting ah ..." Immediately there are elders to come out to ask, such a enchanting genius, how to say how to stay.

"This son can't stay, it's a curse to stay. It's not a spy of other forces!" The demon lord sneered: "I believe that the lord there, as well as the men who sent the past, must have been swayed. But they are all eliminated. Either it is with our celestial ancestral land, it is difficult to solve the hatred, or the spies of other forces!"

The elders of the demon are very reasonable. After listening to them, they nodded.

"This is the celestial star, do you know?" One of the elders couldn't help but ask.

The elder elders looked cold and stared at the elder. They saw the other side step back and sweated on their foreheads.

"The celestial star is an adult, temporarily in a retreat, but I believe he will make this decision as well." The demon big elders waved and said: "All responsibility, I am responsible! Now send people to the past Kill him, don't need to catch it!"

Many elders looked at each other and even nodded. "This sub-cultivation should be in the middle of the star division, or the later level. It can kill Jin Yanlong, which means that there must be a middle and late level of the star division. Then send the star master level to suppress. Do you want to send two law enforcement patrols?"

These elders are naturally masters of the stars. It is only the law enforcement patrol that has been patrolling law enforcement agencies in various regions. It has been trained to have the pre-star level and can handle many emergencies.

In their view, this repair should be no problem for Yi Tianyun. Especially if you send two, how is it enough.

The elders of the demon swayed their heads and screamed: "When you have a unique star law, why are you sending me all the law enforcement patrols!"

“All law enforcement patrols?” The elders stunned, and one of them told me: “This way, it’s five, it will make the rest of our ancestral land lack management...”

"If you think too much, go in person!" The elders of the demon gaze looked at them fiercely.

The elders shook their heads and solicited them and wanted to go in person, but when they went to kill, they were not willing. So enchanting genius, how good it is to be their disciple, if it is killed, it would be a pity.

In this scenario, they still don't want to see it as well.

The finalization of the five law enforcement patrols was finalized and the meeting ended.

After the elders left, the elders of the demon were sitting on the chairs, and their eyes were cold: "I don't know where they came from, but they are destroyed. If they are alive, they will only compete with me for the position!"

He is selfish, he wants to inherit the position of the celestial star, manage this area!

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