Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1870: dissatisfied

The devil's elders are so selfish, and they are everywhere in this great ancestral land. The ordinary lower-ranking person will not say it. If the upper-ranking person, such as the demon elder, this is very vigilant.

Those who have a unique star law will often become the star master, that is, the master of the celestial ancestral land, and generally become the star master.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no threat, the demon big elders will certainly inherit smoothly. It is a great threat to him to have more enchanting geniuses.

With such a big threat, he must have wanted to get rid of it immediately. According to this talent, Yi Tianyun can inherit 100% of the star! Even if it is not as good as him now, but after hundreds of thousands of years?

The enchanting talent, that can be leaps and bounds, especially in combination with huge resources, it is normal to exceed him.

In particular, Tianji Xingjun will not be so abruptly abdicated. When he abdicates, Yi Tianyun will surely surpass him. Even if he does not exceed him, he can successfully become an heir. After all, with this talent, the future achievements will be even greater.

When the Star Jun will choose, it is no longer necessary to say more.

"No matter what the purpose, this child must be wiped out..." The demon lord sent five law enforcement patrols in one breath, which is already quite a big deal.

He hopes to completely eliminate Yi Tianyun, so he sent so many law enforcement patrols and did not want to have any loopholes. The five masters of the star were dispatched, and the minimum repairs were all in the early stage of the master of the star. The strongest ones were mastered by the master of the star.

This is definitely a lineup without any flaws. Even if the opponent is a master of the stars, it can suppress a wave!

When I was planning to send people to destroy Yi Tianyun in the past, Yi Tianyun knew nothing about it, so he waited on the side.

Time did not let him wait too long, and soon there was a starship flying over, but this time it was two ships that arrived almost simultaneously. It just flew from different directions, and the purpose was to fall outside the Thunder Shadow Palace.

Soon some people came out of the starship, the imposing manners of the imperial, a self-contained murderous momentum, spread around. Especially in the depths of their eyes, they all flashed a scarlet gaze, and their expressions did not show a little smile.

They are all law enforcement patrols, that is, law enforcement patrols of the ancestral ancestors. For example, if there are contradictions in many stars, or at the level of the star division, as long as there are contradictions, they will all be killed!

Especially those who come from the lower bounds, they do not know how much to defy the command. Although there are slave seals, there are also some unruly rules, that is, in the absence of orders, they are chaotic.

For example, killing other apostles, or secretly hiding all kinds of ore, or rushing to kill other local practitioners. After all, without a command, the slave imprint is basically ineffective.

In this case, some of the stars are crazy, and it is not impossible to kill some local practitioners before they die. Then there is secretly hiding all kinds of treasures, which will also be triggered to kill.

In short, the illegal stars will be killed and merciless. The astrologers from the lower bounds have set very many rules. Violating any one is basically a death penalty!

They act as law enforcers to punish those who violate the rules. They don't know how much they are in the palm of their hand, and how many stars from the lower bound are like killing chickens and dogs.

"Ghosts law enforcement, are you here too?" one of them said with a blank expression.

"Yes, Tuowu law enforcement, I have just arrived, I heard that all the law enforcement patrols have been called, is to destroy a unique star law, the master is still in the middle and late stage? Is this too exaggerated, even if it is too Is the unique star law, do not need such a big hand?" Ghost law enforcement shook his head, eyes locked in front of the Lei Ying Palace, in case there is any leak.

"Yes, I can't just send me alone. I can still kill a enchanting star with a unique star. I am very happy." Tu Yue law enforcement Yin Yin smiled: "The unique star law, but unfortunately strong stars The law, the repair is too weak, and it can't be played out. It is still very fulfilling to tear a enchanting little."

Ghosts law enforcement deeply agrees, nodding at the side: "It is indeed more exaggerated, especially to wait for everyone to be able to start. Do they regard this kid as a behemoth? Is it right there, what can be picked up? storm?"

The law enforcement of Tuyu is shaking his head: "I really don't know what to think about above. I can gather all the people to act. The rest of the three law enforcement are so far away. I don't know how long it will take. When they come here, I am afraid that everyone is here. Run it?"

"If we want to act now, it will be a waste of time to continue waiting like this." Ghosts have insufficient patience in law enforcement. In his opinion, the two star masters can kill a star in the middle and late stages. .

Repairing as big as the gap, he can hang him in turn.

"Okay, just do it!" Tu Yue law enforcement smiled: "When they come, they find that we have solved it. What kind of expression will it be? These credits are definitely ours!"

Said, they both acted right away. First, I entered the Lei Ying Palace and just came in. I immediately saw a group of confused stars meditating here and saw that when they came in, they all stood up.

When Tu Yue law enforcement reached out to the void, he grabbed one of the stars and screamed coldly: "What about people? Who is the practitioner with a unique star law?"

"What, what is the unique star practitioner, I, I don't know at all..."

The famous star does not know what is going on, what is the unique star law, and where do they know. Every one of them did not wake up to the stars, and naturally nothing was clear.


This person was pinched into a blood mist, and immediately grabbed one of them again. Cold voice: "Do you know?"

"Big, adults, we really don't know..."


Another star was killed, it was like killing a chicken and slaughtering a dog, completely ignoring their lives. Even if they don't know, they must be killed. Even if there is no relationship, they must be killed.

"It seems that they really don't know anything. The kid hasn't been here for a long time?" Tu Yue law enforcement frowned, asking so many questions in a row, but one did not know.

"It may not be here. It seems that we ran a smack..." Ghost Law enforcement shook his head and felt very disappointed. I thought I could tear up Yi Tianyun a little bit. I didn't expect to see half of it.

"What about the garbage?" Tu Yue law enforcement turned to look at the group of shivering stars, showing a anger in his eyes.

"Are you killing it, just be vented?" The ghosts screamed and looked at the stars, just wanting to kill them.

I can't find Yi Tianyun, they don't want to leave like this, they want to kill them and vent their dissatisfaction!

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