Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1874: aims

When the law enforcement of the violent violent reunion came back, he immediately chose to escape. He did not hesitate at all, and ran away. The speed rises linearly to reach the highest speed he can explode!

"Perverted! Absolutely perverted! How can this be the level of feeling awakening stars, the roots are the awakening for a long time! The repair is even more of the master level, how can this play?" The law enforcement roared, the news is real It is not credible.

The awakening of the stars is generally at the level of the astrologer. It must be the lower the better. If it is at the Star Division level, it will still be acceptable. But now Yi Tianyun is a master of the stars, and the power of the explosion makes him feel the gap is amazing, not at all on one level.

In this case, he felt that Jin Yanlong lied, how could it be that the star teacher later repaired it? But when there will be a star law, he also feels it, definitely it is Yi Tianyun!

Nowadays, it is very ridiculous. Even if the level of the Star Division is awakened, how long has it been, and the degree of fit is so high? Before the key is not the late star teacher, how can I be promoted to the star master at once, so that he is even more puzzled!

A series of incomprehensible, let him concentrate on running away, did not dare to have a little thought. Turning around and killing Yi Tianyun or something, I thought about it before, but now I want to run away!

Although he said that his hands were contaminated with a lot of blood, he didn't want to die in the hands of others. He still had nothing to do. The main thing is that it is hard to climb to this position, so it is so dead, then nothing is gone.

Can be faster than him, but it is a ghostly figure, just flashed in front of him, swiping a giant palm and taking pictures. There is no change in all endings.

"Do not!!"

The violent law enforcement was shot by a palm, the same as other companions, and was shot again. Only in this giant palm, with a flame that can burn everything, the law of violent violence is shrouded in it.

With the screams, the violent law enforcement continued to bounce off the ground and wanted to re-aggregate back to its original state. However, the burning of the flame made him unable to cohesively and gradually melted.

"I surrender, I surrender! I am willing to believe in you as the master, I am willing to serve you, please do not kill me..." The law enforcement of the violent violent bouncing, wanting to destroy the flames on the body, but this does not make sense.

Just bounced, and was shot by Yi Tianyun into a meat mud, while the flame continued to eat, and I wanted to burn him thoroughly.

"It's a bit interesting. Your star law can make your life harder... mud body is strange." Yi Tianyun felt very interesting about this violent law enforcement.

The star law of the law enforcement of the violent law is the mud meteor, which can be turned into a mud body and flow freely. In this case, it was squashed by normal attacks. Although it was hurt, most of them were ok.

This is like a muddy, flattened, and at most it is flat, slightly pinched, and can be restored to its original state. It can be said that life is quite hard - the premise is that there is no such thing as a flame, and pure physical attacks will have no effect.

Yi Tianyun is a physical attack, and has always been dominated by flat shots. Most of them are flat, and there will be no bones, and the soul can be flattened. The difference in law enforcement between the two, the soul can become fluid, the greatest protection.

Now, with more flames burning, the clay figurines will be burnt!

"Ah, don't kill me, I don't want to die, I will always work for you..." The law enforcement screamed and was still struggling.

"Do you serve me? Waiting for you to betray me next time?" Yi Tianyun sneered: "An unloyal dog, I don't need it, give me to die!"

Behind the five-color emperor dragon law roared, burning the flames of the sky, swallowed up to the law enforcement side. In the blink of an eye, the violent law enforcement was engulfed by the flames, and with the screams, the more burning, the more prosperous.

Soon the screams, accompanied by the extinction of the flame, followed completely disappeared.

"Oh, success in killing the violent law enforcement, gaining 1.28 million star energy values ​​and getting a mudslide!"

The old look, get amazing star energy, and also get the corresponding stars. Only in addition to this, the rest of the things are still more difficult to explode. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, they all have corresponding storage rings. There are many treasures in the storage ring, enough for him to use.

"All the kills are finished..." Yi Tianyun sighed with relief, and after repairing himself to the level of the Master of Stars, facing the same level of existence, it was easy to kill.

However, the face he is facing now is only the mid-level of the master of the star, but the mid-level of the master of the star, he was sneaked and killed, and even his own real strength did not play out, it died.

If you face the late Star Masters, I am afraid that it will be more difficult. The starry phase of the five-color emperor dragon is not invincible. If there is too much leapfrog, it is still very difficult to deal with.

At this time, other apostles who were staying in the Lei Ying Palace looked at Yi Tianyun with a look of horror. They were worried that they would be killed by Yi Tianyun, and they all hid in the corner.

Yi Tianyun took a casual look and turned away from here. He did not have too much communication with them. However, before leaving, throwing out a jade slip, there is a corresponding information, that is, about the situation of the celestial ancestral land, how they act, then how to act.

He is not a bad person, it is impossible to arrange all for them, and the fewer people know his situation is better. Especially now, they all mistakenly believe that Yi Tianyun is an external force, or from which corner, from the lower bound.

Of course, he is not hiding, but killing the mine area!

Before he had no strength, he was weaker, and naturally he was hiding in the vicinity of the Thunder Shadow Palace. It’s different now, and it’s upgraded to the Star Master level, and they still don’t know that he is coming from the lower bound.

In this way, he has another plan - to level the ancestral ancestral land!

If you dare to enslave his existence, you must be stepped on, and one will not stay! Only by stepping on the celestial ancestral lands can you completely solve the problems here and suppress the anger of his heart.

So one area he locked in, the mine area, where there are countless stars in the lower bound. Once the riots are up, it is enough to make the entire celestial ancestral homes turn upside down!

Or, his purpose is to kill the past and destroy the evils of the celestial ancestors one by one! In the end, I completely won the ancestral ancestral land.

"Tianji Xingjun, let me take a look, how strong you are!" Yi Tianyun's speed is mentioned, instantly disappeared into the void, leaving the scope of the Thunder Shadow Palace.

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