Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1875: Dengfeng figure


The harsh sounds are constantly being uploaded from the hard ore. A famous star is holding a special **** and is constantly digging the ore. Their cultivation is very against the sky, but that is relative to the lower bound.

Everyone present is the leader of the lower bound, but now he is still here to mine. Mining seems to be a very simple job, as long as it can be done by people. However, the ore here is completely different, and it is extremely hard. Even if the star master comes over hard, it is impossible to break the ore easily.

As for the Star Master, it can be broken, and it takes a lot of effort to break open. Therefore, these apostles, with special gimmicks, dig these ores out of them a little bit.

Some of them are very hard to dig out a piece of ore like a fingernail. If you are lucky, you can dig out a rock that is as big as a fist.

It takes a few months for each mining to be able to dig up one or two pieces, which proves how difficult it is to dig.

These ores, called chaotic stones, have a fusion of various energies. It can be used to refine weapons, and it can also be used for cultivation. It is basically equal to the hard currency of the ancestral land, equal to the corresponding currency.

Because this kind of work takes a lot of time, it is not cost-effective for Master Star to come to mine, so it is especially necessary to dig the level of the stars. Less than this repair, it is difficult to dig, repair is too high, and not cost-effective.

In particular, they are also a group of slaves, basically paying for it, but returning is to exchange for their own freedom! Originally they were free, they were caught as slaves, and they were angry when they were angry.

Why did they be engraved with the slave brand, they have no choice, and the heart is very angry, but there is no chance of rebellion.

Only one sentence is needed here, they have to obey orders, and even if they commit suicide, they can't hesitate. This is the effect of the slave imprint, which makes people unable to resist.

To get them back to freedom, either kill the caster or dismiss the slave mark.

The total caster is the celestial star, all the slave imprints are arranged by him, so he can command all slaves. However, under the authority of the slave imprint, it will be distributed to the corresponding manager.

Among the managers with different responsibilities, they have the corresponding command power.

For example, the captain in the Thunder Shadow Palace can command them, and the same is true of the lord. It’s just that when they are overtaken by the Lord, they are not what they can order, and the authority is the star master level before they can order.

Only the captain level, or the law enforcer, can command. If you don't just have a practitioner, you can order it, or you can order it.

"How long will it be until this day?"

"Oh, God knows. Digging a fist-sized ore to get a little military power, you have to get a hundred thousand points of military power, in order to be able to exchange for freedom. It is a nightmare, you can only mine every day, it is difficult to have a day to come. ""

"I don't know how long it will be able to accumulate 100,000 points of military work. Is it estimated to be hundreds of thousands of years?"

Some of the stars were mining underneath and complained. They only dared to whisper and did not dare to say it out loud.


A long whip pulled over here, and one of the stars was pumped out, and the body was almost cut off. The star who was shot was kneeling on the ground, but the body slowly healed, and it would reason to heal quickly. Now it is recovering very slowly, which proves that he is in a dangerous situation, that is, the energy deficit.

"What are you going to do below, work honestly! A group of people who haven’t even awakened their stars, and discuss what is going on? Let’s honestly accumulate military power, let’s exchange for freedom!” Full of disgust and disdain, he looked down on these stars.

The start was also very hot, almost killed the star.

"Yes, I am sorry, I am trying to mine." After a while, the flying star was slowly crawling up, and the body had healed back and was able to get up.

"Not enough, self-scratch a thousand!" The guard ordered.


After the astrologist stood up, the body was not controlled by himself. He continually greeted his face and took it with one palm and one palm. Each palm was heavy. He didn't want to do this, but his body was not controlled, and he kept giving himself a slap.

This is the effect of the slave imprint, and there is no disobedience at all.

When I smoke a thousand, my head must be shot. As a strong apprentice, how can it be weak? Therefore, after the filming, people are fainting, and naturally will not continue to pump down.

It’s just that a thousand slaps must be completed, and fainting will not happen, but after waking up, it will continue to be added until a thousand slaps are completed.

The slave seal is so embarrassing that there is basically no way to defy it.

On the other side, a strongman in the late stage of the astrology silently digs around, using every effort to mine. I don’t know much about the **** that was cut by him.

"Dengfeng, don't you take a break? Although it is strict, you can still take a break, and looking at so many miners, you have to work harder than most. Even if you want to get free, you can also Don't you have to be so embarrassed? You continue to do this, afraid that the body can't stand it?" The star next to him persuaded.

The person he persuaded, his body was burly, his body was full of scarred muscles, and his face was not handsome, but he was just resolute.

"Thank you for your concern, I can't stop, I don't want to stop..." The singer named Dengfeng continued to work hard to mine.

“Hey, is it for your hometown?” The star next to the star shook his head and sighed: “Why don’t we want to be hometown for ourselves? But for your own freedom, it’s hard to fall. You are good, how can you not wake up the stars and the law? What?"

"No, they simply don't give me the awakening of the stars. Everything is my temper." Dengfeng shook his head, but he did not show his regret and continued to work hard to mine: "I will try to mine, In exchange for freedom, then exchange ownership of your hometown!"

"Whether it is 100,000 years or a million years, I will achieve it!"

Dengfeng continued to work hard to mine, did not stop, even if his hands had already been bloody, still do not stop. As long as it is not the limit of the limit, it will not stop!

The stars next to them sighed deeply. They were so strong, but they were accompanying them to mine. They could only say that the celestial ancestors were wrong!

At the same time, Yi Tianyun's figure appeared on the periphery of the mine!

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