Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1888: Butchery

The celestial ancestral land moved quite quickly, and soon it was killed in the Star City. Because it takes a little time to summon, it will drag on for a little longer, but how long, in a short half-month, you can rush to the more remote Star City, which is ideal.

In fact, the speed can be a little faster. This speed is theoretically too slow. If it is an emergency, it will only arrive in the Star City in half a month. It only shows that the situation is very bad.

For half a month, don't say that it is to shovel the Star City, and you can step a few times! This is not an exaggeration. There are only a few stars who can shovel several times in half a month without any resistance.

Nowadays, I feel that it is ideal. It is more ideal than usual. This is the result of being too arrogant and arrogant, and there has never been such a thing, and naturally it is particularly slow in coping mechanisms.

After all, they think that there will be no problems inside, even if the foreign enemy strikes, they will immediately know the situation, and it will be quick and fast. However, there is not much preparation inside, and the result is an internal collapse!

"Come on!" Elder Hongde took a group of strong people on a starship and landed outside the city of Xingxing.

Behind Elder Hongde and the elder Zhu Long, there is a group of slaughtering gods, which looks like a murder and a murderous murder. The elites of the elites who belonged to the celestial ancestors of the squadrons were all composed of the masters of the stars, and each was covered by black robes.

In addition to the three words of the "killing the gods" that are firmly behind them, they can't see anything else. They can only feel the horror and horror.

Everything is enemies with the ancestral ancestral land, and it is all killed!

"It’s finally arrived. If the kid hasn’t escaped, he will die!” said the elder Zhu Long sneerly: “With so many slaves, when we make a command, we will be drowned in it. He will find So many slaves that I brought out, but in the end it hurts myself!"

Elder Zhu Long is in his mind, and he dreams of that kind of picture, and he feels very refreshed. They are not worried about the lives and deaths of these slaves. They die and die. Who let them choose a piece of betrayal?

For the end of these traitors, they will not kill, but let the slaves to counterattack, let Yi Tianyun taste this taste.

"Yes, a group of rice barrels, white to raise them for so many years, in the end to betray us!" Dehong elders coldly said: "After solving the kid, these traitors let them work for us in the dead!"

They naturally won't kill, killing is meaningless, it is directly that this group of slaves worked hard for them and directly died! This way, not only can you kill chickens and monkeys, but you can also do things for yourself. Why not?

"Tell it well, just do it!" Zhu Long elders smiled and immediately came down from the starship and flew directly into the Star City. They didn't sneak in, they swayed in, and they were not afraid to suffer any plot.

In their opinion, what kind of storm can these garbage pick up? Only Yi Tianyun needs to be vigilant, and the rest do not matter at all.

When they thought that there was no problem, suddenly several lights shone from below, all condensed at one point! After being condensed together, the strongest power is erupted, which is comparable to the powerful blow of the Star Master.

The sudden attack made the two elders unprepared. When they resisted, it was already a little late and was directly bombed. The squadrons behind them, including the gods, did not respond, and they were hit by this light.

"Hit, we hit!"

The large number of occupants lying in the ambush are very surprised. After they practice for a while, they can reach all the power to gather together! Hundreds of thousands of stars, gathered together to attack, can imagine how powerful the power.

They are all top-notch people from the lower bounds. How to say that in the control of power, they will not be weaker than the local practitioners. Under the confluence, the power is amazing, and they are hit in one fell swoop.

It shouldn't have been so easy, the other person's negligence, let them hit it.

"A group of garbage, not only betray us, but also dare to attack us!" The two figures rushed out of the light column, and there was a huge virtual shadow behind it, which is a big star.

They all sacrificed their own stars, and the elders of Dehong's elders are a golden snake. The other Zhu Long elders are a dragon. The two stars are four levels, or quite high.

Although they sacrificed the stars, they also appeared to be particularly embarrassed. Sudden attacks made them unprepared and almost seriously injured. If it is not a bit of ability, plus the body armor blessing, you can still top it.

It’s just that those who are behind the killing of the gods are not so lucky. The situation was particularly embarrassing, and some were directly injured by a single shot, falling from the air to the ground, difficult to move.

Most of them don't have too many problems, just a slight injury. However, they all showed their own stars, and like these elders, they all sacrificed their own stars, but the grades were relatively low. They were only two levels, and the highest was only the third-level stars.

These slaughtering gods were not only injured, but even their true faces were revealed. A closer look reveals that they are engraved with a lot of star patterns, which seem to be a blessing of slave stamps!

The difference is that both the soul and the body are engraved. Under the double suppression, it is even more difficult to break free. Basically, it is impossible to break free unless someone helps.

Seeing this scene, those apostles were shocked. The squad of the gods who were famous for their ancestors was actually composed of lower-level practitioners! This makes local practitioners look at it.

For a long time, the killing of the gods was like killing God, and they were not afraid of life and death. They are also proud of it, and now suddenly found that these slaughtering gods are the composition of the lower-level practitioners, let them look dumbfounded.

"The killing of the gods is actually made up of lower-level practitioners. How can this be..."

"It's incredible, not to say that the lower-level practitioners are very bad..."

Their three views were somewhat subverted, and they did not expect that this would be the case.

The focus is on these slaughtering gods, flying in silence, they can express their inner real thoughts, that is, the silent tears of their eyes, only this tear is not controlled by the slave imprint.

The rest were controlled by the slave seal and could not move.

This will all know why the killing of the gods are wearing black robes, in order to let the world know that the killing of the gods is made up of lower-level practitioners!

"It's a bit of a meaning. The killing of the gods is made up of lower-level practitioners..." Yi Tianyun's figure appeared on the side, feeling a smile on his chin.

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