Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 1889: acting

The situation of the slaughter of the gods allowed a group of local practitioners to accept, and even those slave activists could not accept it.

I thought it would be a happy event for them to kill the sacred gods of the ancestral ancestral lands. Can you hurt the death of the gods, can you be upset? This is the strongest team of the ancestral ancestors, the weakest of them are the masters of the Stars.

Just the number of elders of Dehong, they have eight people, representing the eight stars master! Who knows to solve the face, the truth is the practitioner from the lower bound. Maybe not from the same world, but they all have the same hatred!

This basically defines them as friends, and having the same enemy is naturally a friend.

It’s my own person who is hurting now. How can I accept it?

What local practitioners can't accept, they always think that the killing of the gods is their elite disciples. It is now found that this is not the case, but the practitioners who come from the lower bounds, that is, the practitioners they have always looked down upon.

Always regard them as the main force team, as a big hero, and how complicated it is now.

"Damn, it was discovered!" Elder Hongde, who was furious, did not expect that the killing of the gods would be exposed.

It has always been well hidden, that is, I don’t want them to know that this group of slaughtering gods will be composed of lower-level practitioners. For them, the practitioners who came from the lower bounds were loyal and not afraid of death.

Even if it is dead, it is dead, and it doesn't matter. After all, the players who killed the gods were slowly accumulating. They just saw some of the lower-level practitioners. After breaking through, they immediately locked up the various slave seals and completely used them for their own purposes.

So how can they waste their cheap fighting power? In particular, these lower-level practitioners do not deliberately give more resources to them. They all slowly accumulate and then break through.

The hardships don't have to be said, but when they think they will come out, the ending is cruel. Still degraded to be the most tragic slave, but also used as a dead man.

The demon elders who originally proposed this situation were highly praised, and they all felt that the proposal was very good. This kind of reserve army can save them a lot of resources and a group of death squads.

As for their own genius, they must be well preserved and smashed with more resources.

As a dead man, tears are the best proof. They are crying and can't control themselves. They can't help themselves when they do everything. They don't know how many companions they have killed, but they can't resist.

If they can, they all want to choose to commit suicide, but they can't even commit suicide. Until they die, they are all to become slaves to them.

For a time, the following stars do not know whether to attack, or not to attack as well.

Among them, Deng Feng, as the captain, turned to Yi Tianyun on the side and wanted to see what Yi Tianyun said.

Yi Tianyun shook his head and said that everything was going according to plan. Today's situation is somewhat unexpected. The squadron of the famous ancestral lands is a lower-level practitioner.

This is really disgusting. Just letting this thing go out will really ruin those slave activists. As a breakthrough to the Master of Stars, it is reasonable to say that the status is amazing.

It is not even a dog here, and continues to be controlled. Say good freedom? Everything is nothing.

"It’s really disgusting, and I’m still saying that I will give freedom. Breaking through as a master of the stars, even the military power can’t be reached?” Yi Tianyun stood at the highest point and sneered: “From the very beginning, you have no plans for your ancestral ancestral land. Let go of these stars! Want to use it completely until you die, and you won’t let go!"

They are stunned, but the Elders of Hongde are not stunned, they only violently run away.

"I command you, kill him for me!" Elder Dehong reached out to Yi Tianyun and ordered the stars to attack Yi Tianyun.


A group of stars were red-eyed and rushed over to Yi Tianyun. Like the command of Elder Hongde, they wanted to kill Yi Tianyun. The apostle who was standing not far behind Yi Tianyun, the backhand was to raise his arms and kill him here.

The dense stars, from the original want to attack the state of Hongde elders, changed to attack Yi Tianyun! Hundreds of thousands of astrologists continue to surge in, and the intensive number is enough to engulf Yi Tianyun.

"Despicable!" Yi Tianyun shouted: "If you have the ability, just play with me, don't use this disgusting order!"

"Have a fight with you?" Elder Dehong sneered: "That can, you should play with this group of traitors and say, after you have survived, play with us again! Let you taste this. I feel that when I want to go to hell, I can see how stupid I am!"

Yi Tianyun clenched his teeth, constantly avoiding the attacks of the stars, and continued to fly to the elders of Dehong. I just flew over, and it was surrounded by a bunch of stars. It was dense.

However, he still can't attack, but chooses to dodge left and right, can't escape the opponent's attack.

"Ha ha ha, are you still not willing to attack? Are these **** your relatives, so you are not willing to attack?" When they saw this situation, Elder Zhu Long finally showed a few smiles. "If that is the case, then you will slowly Enjoy it and see how long you can persist without killing them."

They are most willing to see this scene, that is, to see Yi Tianyun's desperate expression. They don't know why Yi Tianyun saved these slaves and didn't need to know.

They only need to see that Yi Tianyun is murdered enough, or see Yi Tianyun continually killing slaves, and they are also satisfied. Anyway, as long as the Yi Tianyun plan is destroyed and Yi Tianyun is suffering, they feel very happy.

In the celestial ancestral turf for so long, let Yi Tianyun suffer for a while, then kill it, this is the most appropriate method.

When they thought that Yi Tianyun was struggling between life and death, Yi Tianyun rushed over here, with a group of stars coming over here.

"Oh, still want to rush to kill us?" Dehong elder smiled: "It's a bit of a skill, hiding for so long is fine, but soon you can't hide!"

More and more slaves came to this side, and Yi Tianyun gave the package a confession. He continued to do so, and even the hiding place was gone.

But when they are relatively close, suddenly these stars, violently centered on Yi Tianyun, aiming at the elder elders to launch the strongest attack! Almost simultaneously launched attacks, including Yi Tianyun, all aimed at the embarrassment of Dehong elders!

Everything is too sudden, a hundred times more than before! So that they have no chance to resist, especially in the case of a relatively close distance, a bombardment.


The two people were bombed and disappeared without a hit!

"Idiot." Yi Tianyun looked at the two people who were swallowed up by the explosion, showing a smile, dealing with these fools, this way is the best.

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